This special remote stores file contents using [Tahoe-LAFS]( There are a number of commercial providers, or you can build your own tahoe storage grid. Since Tahoe-LAFS encrypts all data stored in it, git-annex does not do any additional encryption of its own. Note that data stored in a tahoe remote cannot be dropped from it, as Tahoe-LAFS does not support removing data once it is stored in the Tahoe grid. This, along with Tahoe's ability to recover data when some nodes fail, makes a tahoe special remote an excellent choice for storing backups. Typically you will have an account on a Tahoe-LAFS storage grid, which is represented by an "introducer furl". You need to supply this to git-annex in the `TAHOE_FURL` environment variable when initializing the remote. git-annex will then generate a tahoe configuration directory for the remote under `~/.tahoe/git-annex/`, and automatically start the tahoe daemon as needed. ## configuration These parameters can be passed to `git annex initremote` to configure the tahoe remote. * `shared-convergence-secret` - Optional. Can be useful to set to allow tahoe to deduplicate information. By default, a new shared-convergence-secret is created for each tahoe remote. * `embedcreds` - Optional. Set to "yes" embed the tahoe credentials (specifically the introducer-furl and shared-convergence-secret) inside the git repository, which allows other clones to also use them in order to access the tahoe grid. Think carefully about who can access your git repository, and whether you want to give them access to your tahoe system before using embedcreds! Setup example: # TAHOE_FURL=... git annex initremote tahoe type=tahoe embedcreds=yes ## old version of tahoe special remote An older implementation of tahoe for git-annex used the hook special remote. It is not compatible with this newer implementation. See [[tahoe-lafs|forum/tips:_special__95__remotes__47__hook_with_tahoe-lafs]].