[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawnaH44G3QbxBAYyDwy0PbvL0ls60XoaR3Y" nickname="Nigel" subject="missing configuration for flickr-checkpresent-hook" date="2013-06-05T22:00:48Z" content=""" Many thanks. I used gitannex-install and was left with a slight anomaly: Installing...........done git-annex version 4.20130601 has been installed $ git-annex version git-annex version: 4.20130531-g5df09b5 But I guess this includes the new hook format. I get a bit further: $ git annex copy . --to flickr copy walkthrough.sh (checking flickr...) (user error (sh [\"-c\",\"/usr/bin/python2 /home/nrb/repos/gits/flickrannex/flickrannex.py\"] exited 1)) failed copy walkthrough.sh~ (checking flickr...) (user error (sh [\"-c\",\"/usr/bin/python2 /home/nrb/repos/gits/flickrannex/flickrannex.py\"] exited 1)) failed git-annex: copy: 2 failed """]]