[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawkAUMhKOSkh9JaBA6xst3XxQIIsDEq5Zd4" nickname="Ovidiu" subject="making some progress" date="2014-05-17T19:08:16Z" content=""" Figured out how to solve that: which python /opt/local/bin/python shiny-2:git-annex ovi$ sudo ln -s `which python` /usr/bin/python2 The URL opened in my browser, I allowed access, waited for the redirect, copied the URL, hit the next problem: OAUTH='https://login.live.com/oauth20_desktop.srf?code=hidden_on_purpose' git annex initremote skydrive type=external externaltype=skydrive encryption=shared folder=git-annex initremote skydrive (encryption setup) (shared cipher) 21:06:27 [skydriveannex-0.2.1] : 'Starting' 21:06:27 [skydriveannex-0.2.1] login : 'EXCEPTION api.auth_get_token:ImportError('No module named requests',)' git-annex: You need to set OAUTH environment variables and folder and encryption parameters when running initremote. """]]