[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawkPIqJZ88VZEVqLhLOd1LMdYXcy6bAW9qE" nickname="Lemao" subject="comment 8" date="2015-01-07T13:54:23Z" content=""" I use github as my central git repository and I would like to use S3 to store large files with annex. Since the s3 remote in .git/config is not stored in github, how do I make sure I reconnect to the same s3 bucket in case I delete my local clone? Reinitializing the remote will create a completely new bucket. I would also be a good idea to centralize git-annex folders inside a single bucket so I keep the global namespace under control and can narrow down the permissioning. """]]