[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://joeyh.name/" ip="" subject="comment 1" date="2014-02-06T17:26:58Z" content=""" I would be quite happy if someone took care of adding git-annex to openwrt. I don't have time to personally handle packaging for different linux distributions myself. What I could do is add mips builds of git-annex to the existing standalone linux builds. These would need to be built the same way the arm builds are done, using a Debian chroot and qemu to run tools from it. This is rather a lot of work for me to set up, and I don't know if I'd have to do it for both little and big endian mips. Also, it seems that Debian does not currently have a working haskell toolchain for mips. Which may well mean that ghc is not in a working state on mips at all. """]]