### Please describe the problem. On my bare git-annex repo, `git annex fsck -q` reports: ** No known copies exist of SHA256E-s1212237--d2edd369f6a9005e23f022c7d797b166c66b90defc561329dbafab9a0fc0c7fc.jpg `git log -SSA256E...` returns nothing. `git annex repair` and `git annex forget` do not fix the problem. This means that running `fsck` from cron or a script will now always fail. There should be a way to recover from this situation. ### What steps will reproduce the problem? According to IRC this "can happen if you annexed a file and then deleted it without ever committing to git". ### What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system? 5.20140717 from Ubuntu utopic [[!tag confirmed]]