[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawlZF5AC-FSxwkiay5ZgEYZwUzN69Wa6PTE" nickname="Sunke" subject="filename from metadata?" date="2015-04-06T18:00:25Z" content=""" Hi everbody, is it possible to use a metadata field for the filename in a metadata driven view? I am thinking of the following use case: git annex metadata --set artist=Led\ Zeppelin --set album=Led\ Zeppelin\ IV --set title=04\ Stairway\ to\ heaven some/weird/filename.mp3 git annex view --filename-from title artist=* album=* result: Led Zeppelin/Led Zeppelin IV/04 Stairway to heaven.mp3 """]]