[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://id.koumbit.net/anarcat" subject="comment 5" date="2015-05-19T12:18:05Z" content=""" Well, no, i don't think they changed, unless i missed something: there shouldn't be a `.git` repository there. There are [various instructions](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10637378/how-do-i-convert-a-bare-git-repository-into-a-normal-one-in-place) on how to do this online. They do seem to agree with the first comment above. Personnally, I would just `git clone` to a different repo and `git annex forget` the old one. Unless you have a very complex repository with a lot of files, this is simple enough... You could even use `git annex reinit` to recycle the previous uuid if that's a concern. So in short: git clone repo.git repo cd repo git annex info --fast # find the UUID of repo.git git annex move --from $UUID git annex reinit $UUID Then `repo.git` can be removed if you are certain everything is correct in `repo`. Note that you may want to have backups of everything before you do anything, as usual. """]]