[[!comment format=mdwn username="rob.syme@92895c98b16fd7a88bed5f10913c522ebfd76c31" nickname="rob.syme" subject="Finding IPFS hash" date="2015-05-26T04:55:32Z" content=""" I'm using git-annex version: 5.20150522-gb199d65 The example above gives the ipfs hash for the file, but when I run whereis, the hash is not reported: $ git annex whereis test.txt whereis test.txt (2 copies) 1bd0f840-2247-4888-9237-596515788671 -- rob@rob-G60JX:/tmp/gitannextest [here] adf361b3-7b1a-43e1-8360-937f7e436e90 -- [ipfs] ok Is there a way for git-annex to report the file's ipfs hash ID? """]]