### Please describe the problem. As per [this note](https://git-annex.branchable.com/todo/sharedRepository_mode_not_supported_by_git-annex/), `sharedRepository=world` should be supported. However, it does not seem to work with git-annex 5.20150508. When copying files to the public remote, annexed objects’ permission are subject to the remote user’s umask. If it is 077, they will not be world-readable. ### What steps will reproduce the problem? [[!format sh """ # Remotely git init --shared=world public cd public git config receive.denyCurrentBranch updateInstead git annex init """]] [[!format sh """ # Locally git init local cd local git annex init git remote add public $URL:public echo abc > file git annex add file git commit -m init git annex copy --to public file git annex sync # If remote user has umask 077, remote object winds up readable only by him """]] ### What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system? git-annex 5.20150508 Linux 4.0.4 > The problem turned out to be sharedRepository=2 which is not documented, > so git-annex didn't support it, and left the incoming file permissions > as-is. I've added support for this magic value, so it will work the same > as "world" now. [[done]] --[[Joey]]