### Please describe the problem. in direct mode files with absent content are promised to become regular files but empty... seems to be not a case for me. page describing direct mode has comments about past problems like that but they were told to be dealt with... so I decided to file a new issue ### What steps will reproduce the problem? switch to direct mode ### What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system? 5.20150519-geaf72fe ### Please provide any additional information below. [[!format sh """ # If you can, paste a complete transcript of the problem occurring here. # If the problem is with the git-annex assistant, paste in .git/annex/daemon.log $> git clone ~exppsy/pymvpa2-tutorialdata /tmp/pymvpa2-tutorialdata-clone Cloning into '/tmp/pymvpa2-tutorialdata-clone'... done. $> cd /tmp/pymvpa2-tutorialdata-clone debian/ freesurfer/ haxby2001/ hyperalignment_tutorial_data.hdf5.gz@ results/ suma_surfaces/ $> ls -l haxby2001/bold_mc.par hyperalignment_tutorial_data.hdf5.gz lrwxrwxrwx 1 yoh yoh 199 May 29 15:42 haxby2001/bold_mc.par -> ../.git/annex/objects/KM/Jq/SHA256E-s106236--64972f56116ba575996a0b2fbd26a033dd3e8369e87fda503fec5a45dcd06f57.par/SHA256E-s106236--64972f56116ba575996a0b2fbd26a033dd3e8369e87fda503fec5a45dcd06f57.par lrwxrwxrwx 1 yoh yoh 208 May 29 15:42 hyperalignment_tutorial_data.hdf5.gz -> .git/annex/objects/1g/M2/SHA256E-s15769613--d4b54133f873ff043df22c6250810c1cb9a177b5eb551ca97d98d664edf8ea3f.hdf5.gz/SHA256E-s15769613--d4b54133f873ff043df22c6250810c1cb9a177b5eb551ca97d98d664edf8ea3f.hdf5.gz $> git annex enableremote data.pymvpa.org (merging origin/git-annex into git-annex...) (recording state in git...) enableremote data.pymvpa.org ok (recording state in git...) $> git annex get hyperalignment_tutorial_data.hdf5.gz /tmp/pymvpa2-tutorialdata-clone/.git/annex/tm 100%[==================================================================================================>] 15.04M 11.2MB/s in 1.3s ok (recording state in git...) $> ls -l haxby2001/bold_mc.par hyperalignment_tutorial_data.hdf5.gz lrwxrwxrwx 1 yoh yoh 199 May 29 15:42 haxby2001/bold_mc.par -> ../.git/annex/objects/KM/Jq/SHA256E-s106236--64972f56116ba575996a0b2fbd26a033dd3e8369e87fda503fec5a45dcd06f57.par/SHA256E-s106236--64972f56116ba575996a0b2fbd26a033dd3e8369e87fda503fec5a45dcd06f57.par lrwxrwxrwx 1 yoh yoh 208 May 29 15:42 hyperalignment_tutorial_data.hdf5.gz -> .git/annex/objects/1g/M2/SHA256E-s15769613--d4b54133f873ff043df22c6250810c1cb9a177b5eb551ca97d98d664edf8ea3f.hdf5.gz/SHA256E-s15769613--d4b54133f873ff043df22c6250810c1cb9a177b5eb551ca97d98d664edf8ea3f.hdf5.gz $> git annex direct commit On branch master Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. nothing to commit, working directory clean ok direct hyperalignment_tutorial_data.hdf5.gz ok direct ok $> ls -l haxby2001/bold_mc.par hyperalignment_tutorial_data.hdf5.gz lrwxrwxrwx 1 yoh yoh 199 May 29 15:42 haxby2001/bold_mc.par -> ../.git/annex/objects/KM/Jq/SHA256E-s106236--64972f56116ba575996a0b2fbd26a033dd3e8369e87fda503fec5a45dcd06f57.par/SHA256E-s106236--64972f56116ba575996a0b2fbd26a033dd3e8369e87fda503fec5a45dcd06f57.par -rw------- 1 yoh yoh 15769613 May 8 03:42 hyperalignment_tutorial_data.hdf5.gz 2 12569.....................................:Fri 29 May 2015 03:43:08 PM EDT:. $> git annex version git-annex version: 5.20150519-geaf72fe build flags: Assistant Webapp Webapp-secure Pairing Testsuite S3 WebDAV Inotify DBus DesktopNotify XMPP DNS Feeds Quvi TDFA key/value backends: SHA256E SHA1E SHA512E SHA224E SHA384E SKEIN256E SKEIN512E MD5E SHA256 SHA1 SHA512 SHA224 SHA384 SKEIN256 SKEIN512 MD5 WORM URL remote types: git gcrypt S3 bup directory rsync web bittorrent webdav tahoe glacier ddar hook external local repository version: 5 supported repository version: 5 upgrade supported from repository versions: 0 1 2 4 # End of transcript or log. """]] > This is behaving as it's intended to. [[done]] --[[Joey]]