## Saucy sudo apt-get install git-annex Warning: The version of git-annex shipped in Ubuntu Saucy had [a bug that can cause problems when creating repositories using the webapp](http://git-annex.branchable.com/bugs/Freshly_initialized_repo_has_staged_change___34__deleted:_uuid.log__34__/). ## Raring sudo apt-get install git-annex Note: This version is too old to include the [[assistant]] or its WebApp, but is otherwise usable. ## Precise sudo apt-get install git-annex Note: This version is too old to include the [[assistant]] or its WebApp, but is otherwise usable. ## Precise PPA A newer version of git-annex, including the [[assistant]] and WebApp. (Maintained by François Marier) sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fmarier/git-annex sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install git-annex If you don't have add-apt-repository installed run this command first: sudo apt-get install software-properties-common python-software-properties ## Oneiric sudo apt-get install git-annex Warning: The version of git-annex shipped in Ubuntu Oneiric had [a bug that prevents upgrades from v1 git-annex repositories](https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/git-annex/+bug/875958). If you need to upgrade such a repository, get a newer version of git-annex. ## backport If the version shipped with Ubuntu is too old, the [NeuroDebian team](http://neuro.debian.net/) provides a [standalone build package](http://neuro.debian.net/pkgs/git-annex-standalone.html) that is regularly updated and that should work across all releases of Ubuntu.