{-| Module : Omnifmt.Pipes Description : Pipeline for formatting files. Copyright : (c) Henry J. Wylde, 2015 License : BSD3 Maintainer : public@hjwylde.com Pipeline for formatting files. The functions listed here are in order of the recommended chain, but it is possible to mix and match them or add custom functions inbetween. -} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} module Omnifmt.Pipes ( -- * Status Status(..), -- * Producers omnifmt, -- * Transformers select, checkFileSupported, checkFileExists, runProgram, checkFilePretty, commit, -- * Consumers statusPrinter, ) where import Control.Monad.Except import Control.Monad.Extra import Control.Monad.Logger import Control.Monad.Reader import Data.List.Extra (lower) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Tuple.Extra (fst3) import GHC.IO.Exception (IOErrorType (..)) import Omnifmt.Config import Omnifmt.Process import Pipes import qualified Pipes.Prelude as Pipes import System.Directory.Extra import System.Exit import System.FilePath import System.IO.Error -- | A status for a file going through the omnifmt pipeline. data Status = Unknown -- ^ The file has not been processed. | Error -- ^ An error occurred somewhere. | Unsupported -- ^ The file type is unsupported (i.e., no applicable 'Program'). | NotFound -- ^ The file could not be found. | Pretty -- ^ The file is pretty. | Ugly -- ^ The file is ugly. | Prettified -- ^ The file is now pretty. deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Takes an input (ugly) file path and an empty output file path and prepends the 'Unknown' status -- to them. omnifmt :: FilePath -> FilePath -> (Status, FilePath, FilePath) omnifmt = (Unknown,,) -- | Utility method for applying a function to files that match certain statuses. -- Any files that don't match the given statuses will be passed through unmodified. select :: Monad m => [Status] -> ((Status, FilePath, FilePath) -> m (Status, FilePath, FilePath)) -> Pipe (Status, FilePath, FilePath) (Status, FilePath, FilePath) m () select states action = Pipes.mapM (\item -> if fst3 item `elem` states then action item else return item) -- | Checks all 'Unknown' files to see if they're 'supported'. checkFileSupported :: MonadReader Config m => Pipe (Status, FilePath, FilePath) (Status, FilePath, FilePath) m () checkFileSupported = select [Unknown] $ \item@(_, uglyFilePath, prettyFilePath) -> ask >>= \config -> if supported config . T.toLower . T.pack . drop 1 $ takeExtension uglyFilePath then return item else return (Unsupported, uglyFilePath, prettyFilePath) -- | Checks all 'Unknown' ugly file paths to see if they exist. checkFileExists :: MonadIO m => Pipe (Status, FilePath, FilePath) (Status, FilePath, FilePath) m () checkFileExists = select [Unknown] $ \item@(_, uglyFilePath, prettyFilePath) -> ifM (liftIO $ doesFileExist uglyFilePath) (return item) (return (NotFound, uglyFilePath, prettyFilePath)) -- | Runs the applicable 'Program''s command on all 'Unknown' files. -- This reads in the ugly file path and writes out to the pretty file path. -- -- Note that this function assumes that the file is supported, so make sure the file has been -- piped through 'checkFileSupported' first. -- -- Any errors that occur are logged using 'logDebugN'. runProgram :: (MonadIO m, MonadLogger m, MonadReader Config m) => Pipe (Status, FilePath, FilePath) (Status, FilePath, FilePath) m () runProgram = select [Unknown] $ \item@(_, uglyFilePath, prettyFilePath) -> do config <- ask let program = unsafeProgramFor config (T.pack . drop 1 $ takeExtension uglyFilePath) (exitCode, _, stderr) <- runCommand . T.unpack $ substitute (T.concat [command program, inputSuffix program, outputSuffix program]) [ (inputVariableName, T.pack uglyFilePath), (outputVariableName, T.pack prettyFilePath) ] if exitCode == ExitSuccess then return item else logDebugN (T.pack stderr) >> return (Error, uglyFilePath, prettyFilePath) where inputSuffix program | usesInputVariable (command program) = T.empty | otherwise = T.pack " < " `T.append` inputVariableName outputSuffix program | usesOutputVariable (command program) = T.empty | otherwise = T.pack " > " `T.append` outputVariableName -- | Runs a diff over the two file paths for all 'Unknown' files. -- -- This function always updates the status to either 'Ugly', 'Pretty' or 'Error'. -- -- Any errors that occur are logged using 'logDebugN'. checkFilePretty :: (MonadIO m, MonadLogger m) => Pipe (Status, FilePath, FilePath) (Status, FilePath, FilePath) m () checkFilePretty = select [Unknown] $ \(_, uglyFilePath, prettyFilePath) -> do (exitCode, _, stderr) <- runProcess "diff" [uglyFilePath, prettyFilePath] case exitCode of ExitFailure 1 -> return (Ugly, uglyFilePath, prettyFilePath) ExitSuccess -> return (Pretty, uglyFilePath, prettyFilePath) _ -> logDebugN (T.pack stderr) >> return (Error, uglyFilePath, prettyFilePath) -- | Commits the result of 'runProgram'. -- I.e., writes over all 'Ugly' files with their corresponding pretty file. -- -- This function updates the status to 'Prettified'. commit :: MonadIO m => Pipe (Status, FilePath, FilePath) (Status, FilePath, FilePath) m () commit = select [Ugly] $ \(_, uglyFilePath, prettyFilePath) -> do -- Try move the file, but if it's across a filesystem boundary then we may need to copy instead liftIO $ renameFile prettyFilePath uglyFilePath `catchIOError` \e -> if ioeGetErrorType e == UnsupportedOperation then copyFile prettyFilePath uglyFilePath >> removeFile prettyFilePath else ioError e return (Prettified, uglyFilePath, prettyFilePath) -- | Logs the status of each file. -- 'Unsupported', 'NotFound' and 'Pretty' are logged using 'logDebugN'. -- 'Ugly' and 'Prettified' are logged using 'logInfoN'. -- 'Unknown' and 'Error' are logged using 'logErrorN'. statusPrinter :: MonadLogger m => Consumer (Status, FilePath, FilePath) m () statusPrinter = Pipes.mapM_ $ \(status, uglyFilePath, _) -> logFunction status (T.pack $ uglyFilePath ++ ": " ++ showStatus status) where logFunction Unknown = logWarnN logFunction Unsupported = logDebugN logFunction NotFound = logDebugN logFunction Error = logWarnN logFunction Pretty = logDebugN logFunction Ugly = logInfoN logFunction Prettified = logInfoN showStatus NotFound = "not found" showStatus status = lower $ show status