{-| Module : Git.Fmt.Options Description : Optparse utilities. Copyright : (c) Henry J. Wylde, 2015 License : BSD3 Maintainer : public@hjwylde.com Optparse utilities. -} module Git.Fmt.Options ( -- * Options Options(..), Chatty(..), Mode(..), Files(..), -- * Optparse gitFmtPrefs, gitFmtInfo, gitFmt, ) where import Data.Char (isDigit) import Data.Version (showVersion) import Options.Applicative import Options.Applicative.Types (readerAsk) import Git.Fmt.Version as This -- | Options. data Options = Options { optChatty :: Chatty, optNull :: Bool, optMode :: Mode, optOperateOn :: Files, optThreads :: Maybe Int, argPaths :: [FilePath] } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Chattyness level. data Chatty = Default | Quiet | Verbose deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Run mode. data Mode = Normal | DryRun | Diff deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Operation files. data Files = Tracked | Reference String deriving (Eq, Show) -- | The default preferences. -- Limits the help output to 100 columns. gitFmtPrefs :: ParserPrefs gitFmtPrefs = prefs $ columns 100 -- | An optparse parser of a git-fmt command. gitFmtInfo :: ParserInfo Options gitFmtInfo = info (infoOptions <*> gitFmt) fullDesc where infoOptions = helper <*> version <*> numericVersion helper = abortOption ShowHelpText $ mconcat [ short 'h', hidden, help "Show this help text" ] version = infoOption ("Version " ++ showVersion This.version) $ mconcat [ long "version", short 'V', hidden, help "Show this binary's version" ] numericVersion = infoOption (showVersion This.version) $ mconcat [ long "numeric-version", hidden, help "Show this binary's version (without the prefix)" ] -- | An options parser. gitFmt :: Parser Options gitFmt = Options <$> ( flag' Quiet (mconcat [ long "quiet", short 'q', hidden, help "Be quiet" ]) <|> flag Default Verbose (mconcat [ long "verbose", short 'v', hidden, help "Be verbose" ]) ) <*> switch (mconcat [ long "null", short '0', help "Input files are delimited by a null terminator instead of white space" ]) <*> modeOption (mconcat [ long "mode", short 'm', metavar "MODE", value Normal, showDefaultWith $ const "normal", help "Specify the mode as either `normal', `dry-run' or `diff'" ]) <*> ( flag' Tracked (mconcat [ long "operate-on-tracked", help "Operate on all tracked files (i.e., `git ls-files')" ]) <|> Reference <$> strOption (mconcat [ long "operate-on", metavar "REF", value "head", showDefault, help "Operate on all files in the reference (i.e., `git diff REF --name-only')" ]) ) <*> natOption (mconcat [ long "threads", metavar "INT", value Nothing, showDefaultWith $ const "number of processors", help "Specify the number of threads to use" ]) <*> many (strArgument $ mconcat [ metavar "-- PATHS..." ]) where natOption = option $ readerAsk >>= \opt -> if all isDigit opt then return $ Just (read opt :: Int) else readerError $ "not a natural number `" ++ opt ++ "'" modeOption = option $ readerAsk >>= \opt -> case opt of "normal" -> return Normal "dry-run" -> return DryRun "diff" -> return Diff _ -> readerError $ "unrecognised mode `" ++ opt ++ "'"