github-0.21: Access to the GitHub API, v3.

MaintainerOleg Grenrus <>
Safe HaskellNone



The Github issue comments API from



comment :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id Comment -> IO (Either Error IssueComment) Source #

A specific comment, by ID.

comment "thoughtbot" "paperclip" 1468184

comments :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> IssueNumber -> IO (Either Error (Vector IssueComment)) Source #

All comments on an issue, by the issue's number.

comments "thoughtbot" "paperclip" 635

comments' :: Maybe Auth -> Name Owner -> Name Repo -> IssueNumber -> IO (Either Error (Vector IssueComment)) Source #

All comments on an issue, by the issue's number, using authentication.

comments' (User (user, password)) "thoughtbot" "paperclip" 635

createComment :: Auth -> Name Owner -> Name Repo -> IssueNumber -> Text -> IO (Either Error Comment) Source #

Create a new comment.

createComment (User (user, password)) user repo issue
 "some words"

deleteComment :: Auth -> Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id Comment -> IO (Either Error ()) Source #

Delete a comment.

deleteComment (User (user, password)) user repo commentid

editComment :: Auth -> Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id Comment -> Text -> IO (Either Error Comment) Source #

Edit a comment.

editComment (User (user, password)) user repo commentid
 "new words"