-- | The API for dealing with labels on Github issues, as described on
-- <http://developer.github.com/v3/issues/labels/>.
module Github.Issues.Labels (
,module Github.Data
) where

import Github.Data
import Github.Private

-- | All the labels available to use on any issue in the repo.
-- > labelsOnRepo "thoughtbot" "paperclip"
labelsOnRepo :: String -> String -> IO (Either Error [IssueLabel])
labelsOnRepo user reqRepoName = githubGet ["repos", user, reqRepoName, "labels"]

-- | The labels on an issue in a repo.
-- > labelsOnIssue "thoughtbot" "paperclip" 585
labelsOnIssue :: String -> String -> Int ->  IO (Either Error [IssueLabel])
labelsOnIssue user reqRepoName reqIssueId =
  githubGet ["repos", user, reqRepoName, "issues", show reqIssueId, "labels"]

-- | All the labels on a repo's milestone, given the milestone ID.
-- > labelsOnMilestone "thoughtbot" "paperclip" 2
labelsOnMilestone :: String -> String -> Int ->  IO (Either Error [IssueLabel])
labelsOnMilestone user reqRepoName milestoneId =
  githubGet ["repos", user, reqRepoName, "milestones", show milestoneId, "labels"]

-- | A label, by name.
-- > Github.label "thoughtbot" "paperclip" "bug"
label :: String -> String -> String -> IO (Either Error IssueLabel)
label user reqRepoName reqLabelName =
  githubGet ["repos", user, reqRepoName, "labels", reqLabelName]