# v1.1.3 * Add support for GHC 9.4 + 9.6 * Drop support for GHC < 9 * Set the `X-GitHub-Api-Version` header instead of setting the API version in the `Accept` header ([#33](https://github.com/brandonchinn178/github-rest/issues/33)) # v1.1.2 * Add support for `jwt-0.11.0` # v1.1.1 * Add support for `aeson-` # v1.1.0 * Rename `GitHubState` to `GitHubSettings` * Remove `queryGitHubPage'` -- implement `queryGitHubPage` in `MonadGitHubREST` instead. * Expose `queryGitHubPageIO` if users want to manually implement `MonadGitHubREST` * Add `DecodeError` error # v1.0.3 * Fix goldens after GitHub changed documentation URL # v1.0.2 * Remove `MonadFail` constraint on `MonadGitHubREST` * Support `unliftio-core-` # v1.0.1 Bundle test files in release tarball # v1.0.0 Initial release: * Implement `queryGitHub` and `GHEndpoint` * Implement `GitHubT` and `MonadGitHubREST`