* Section heading ** Subsection Formatting: /italics/, *bold*, super^{script}, sub_{script}, +strikeout+. A line break\\ can be forced with two backslashes at the end of the line. #+BEGIN_QUOTE Indented quotation #+END_QUOTE Links: [[http://google.com][external]], [[][Wiki Link]], [[/img/gitit-banner.png]], [[#section-heading][to heading]]. Indented code block: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE #include #+END_EXAMPLE Or #+BEGIN_SRC haskell let a = 1:a in head a #+END_SRC - bulleted - list -------------- 1. ordered 2. list 1. sublist (indent 4 spaces) 2. another 3. item three - term :: definition - orange :: orange fruit For more: [org-mode manual](http://orgmode.org/manual/)