{- Copyright (C) 2009 Gwern Branwen and John MacFarlane This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -} {- Functions for creating atom feeds for gitit wikis and pages. -} module Network.Gitit.Feed (FeedConfig(..), filestoreToXmlFeed) where import Text.Atom.Feed import Text.Atom.Feed.Export import Text.XML.Light import Data.FileStore.Types import Data.Maybe import Data.DateTime import System.FilePath import Control.Monad import Data.List (intercalate, sortBy) import Data.Ord (comparing) data FeedConfig = FeedConfig { fcTitle :: String , fcBaseUrl :: String , fcFeedDays :: Integer } deriving (Show, Read) filestoreToXmlFeed :: FeedConfig -> FileStore -> (Maybe FilePath) -> IO String filestoreToXmlFeed cfg f mbPath = filestoreToFeed cfg f mbPath >>= return . ppTopElement . xmlFeed filestoreToFeed :: FeedConfig -> FileStore -> (Maybe FilePath) -> IO Feed filestoreToFeed cfg a mbPath = do let path' = maybe "" id mbPath when (null $ fcBaseUrl cfg) $ error "base-url in the config file is null." rs <- changeLog cfg a mbPath {- let rsShifted = if null rs then [] else head rs : init rs -- so we can get revids for diffs -} let rsShifted = case rs of [] -> [] (x:_) -> x : init rs -- so we can get revids for diffs now <- liftM formatFeedTime getCurrentTime return $ Feed { feedId = fcBaseUrl cfg ++ "/" ++ path' , feedTitle = TextString $ fcTitle cfg , feedUpdated = now , feedAuthors = [] , feedCategories = [] , feedContributors = [] , feedGenerator = Just Generator{ genURI = Just "http://github.com/jgm/gitit" , genVersion = Nothing , genText = "gitit" } , feedIcon = Nothing , feedLinks = [] , feedLogo = Nothing , feedRights = Nothing , feedSubtitle = Nothing , feedAttrs = [] , feedOther = [] , feedEntries = reverse $ zipWith (revToEntry cfg path') rs rsShifted } -- | Get the last N days history. changeLog :: FeedConfig -> FileStore -> (Maybe FilePath) -> IO [Revision] changeLog cfg a mbPath = do let files = maybe [] (\f -> [f, f <.> "page"]) mbPath now <- getCurrentTime let startTime = addMinutes (-60 * 24 * fcFeedDays cfg) now rs <- history a files TimeRange{timeFrom = Just startTime, timeTo = Just now} return $ sortBy (comparing revDateTime) rs revToEntry :: FeedConfig -> String -> Revision -> Revision -> Entry revToEntry cfg path' Revision{ revId = rid, revDateTime = rdt, revAuthor = ra, revDescription = rd, revChanges = rv } prevRevision = baseEntry{ entrySummary = Just $ TextString rd , entryAuthors = [Person { personName = authorName ra , personURI = Nothing , personEmail = Just $ authorEmail ra , personOther = [] }] , entryLinks = [diffLink] -- Comments omitted; needs to be done by Gitit -- only Gitit knows the Url of the Talk: page. See -- http://www.rssboard.org/rss-2-0-1-rv-6#ltcommentsgtSubelementOfLtitemgt -- FIXME: True field seems to tell Guid that it's a 'long-term'/'permanent' -- GUID. This may not be correct. See -- https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Globally_Unique_Identifier -- entryId = rid, -- Source is not entirely relevant, and is only handleable by web software, -- not by a filestore-level function. See -- http://www.rssboard.org/rss-2-0-1-rv-6#ltsourcegtSubelementOfLtitemgt -- The following are omitted: -- Category is omitted, see -- http://www.rssboard.org/rss-2-0-1-rv-6#syndic8 -- Enclosure seems to be for conveying media, see -- https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/RSS_enclosure } where diffLink = Link{ linkHref = fcBaseUrl cfg ++ "/_diff/" ++ firstpath ++ "?to=" ++ rid ++ fromrev , linkRel = Nothing , linkType = Nothing , linkHrefLang = Nothing , linkTitle = Nothing , linkLength = Nothing , linkAttrs = [] , linkOther = [] } (firstpath, fromrev) = if null path' {- then case head rv of Modified f -> (dePage f, "&from=" ++ revId prevRevision) Added f -> (dePage f, "") Deleted f -> (dePage f, "&from=" ++ revId prevRevision) else (path',"") -} then case rv of [] -> error "revToEntry, null rv" (rev:_) -> case rev of Modified f -> (dePage f, "&from=" ++ revId prevRevision) Added f -> (dePage f, "") Deleted f -> (dePage f, "&from=" ++ revId prevRevision) else (path',"") baseEntry = nullEntry (fcBaseUrl cfg ++ "/" ++ path' ++ "?revision=" ++ rid) (TextString (intercalate ", " $ map showRev rv)) (formatFeedTime rdt) showRev (Modified f) = dePage f showRev (Added f) = "added " ++ dePage f showRev (Deleted f) = "deleted " ++ dePage f dePage f = if takeExtension f == ".page" then dropExtension f else f formatFeedTime :: DateTime -> String formatFeedTime = formatDateTime "%Y-%m%--%dT%TZ" -- Why the double hyphen between %m and %d? It works. -- A single hyphen seems to disappear - I don't know why!