Description |
Useful functions for defining wiki handlers.
Synopsis |
Combinators for dealing with users
Run the handler after setting REMOTE_USER with the user from
the session.
Run the handler after setting REMOTE_USER from the authorization
header. Works with simple HTTP authentication or digest authentication.
Run the handler if a user satisfying the predicate is logged in.
Redirect to login if nobody logged in; raise error if someone is
logged in but doesn't satisfy the predicate.
Run the handler if a user is logged in, otherwise redirect
to login page.
Returns Just logged in user or Nothing.
Combinators to exclude certain actions
unlessNoEdit responder fallback runs responder unless the
page has been designated not editable in configuration; in that
case, runs fallback.
unlessNoDelete responder fallback runs responder unless the
page has been designated not deletable in configuration; in that
case, runs fallback.
Guards for routing
Succeeds if path is an index path: e.g. /foo/bar/.
Functions to get info from the request
Returns the current path (subtracting initial commands like /_edit).
Returns the current page name (derived from the path).
Returns the contents of the referer header.
Returns the base URL of the wiki in the happstack server.
So, if the wiki handlers are behind a dir foo, getWikiBase will
return /foo/. getWikiBase doesn't know anything about HTTP
proxies, so if you use proxies to map a gitit wiki to /foo/,
you'll still need to follow the instructions in README.
Returns path portion of URI, without initial /.
Consecutive spaces are collapsed. We don't want to distinguish
Hi There and Hi There.
Useful predicates
Combinators that change the request locally
Runs a server monad in a local context after setting
the messages request header.
Runs a server monad in a local context after setting
request header.
Returns encoded URL path for the page with the given name, relative to
the wiki base.
Returns the filestore path of the file containing the page's source.
Retrieves a mime type based on file extension.
:: [(Bool, String)] | list of conditions and error messages
| -> [String] | list of error messages
| Simple helper for validation of forms.
Returns a filestore object derived from the
repository path and filestore type specified in configuration.
Produced by Haddock version 2.7.2 |