Copyright (C) 2009 John MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

{- | Functions for embedding a gitit wiki into a Happstack application.

The following is a minimal standalone wiki program:

> import Network.Gitit
> import Happstack.Server.SimpleHTTP
> main = do
>   conf <- getDefaultConfig
>   createStaticIfMissing conf
>   createTemplateIfMissing conf
>   createRepoIfMissing conf
>   initializeGititState conf
>   simpleHTTP nullConf{port = 5001} $ wiki conf

Here is a more complex example, which serves different wikis
under different paths, and uses a custom authentication scheme:

> import Network.Gitit
> import Control.Monad
> import Text.XHtml hiding (dir)
> import Happstack.Server.SimpleHTTP
> type WikiSpec = (String, FileStoreType, PageType)
> wikis = [ ("markdownWiki", Git, Markdown)
>         , ("latexWiki", Darcs, LaTeX) ]
> -- custom authentication
> myWithUser :: Handler -> Handler
> myWithUser handler = do
>   -- replace the following with a function that retrieves
>   -- the logged in user for your happstack app:
>   user <- return "testuser"
>   localRq (setHeader "REMOTE_USER" user) handler
> myAuthHandler = msum
>   [ dir "_login"  $ seeOther "/your/login/url"  $ toResponse ()
>   , dir "_logout" $ seeOther "/your/logout/url" $ toResponse () ]
> handlerFor :: Config -> WikiSpec -> ServerPart Response
> handlerFor conf (path', fstype, pagetype) = dir path' $
>   wiki conf{ repositoryPath = path'
>            , repositoryType = fstype
>            , defaultPageType = pagetype}
> indexPage :: ServerPart Response
> indexPage = ok $ toResponse $
>   (p << "Wiki index") +++
>   ulist << map (\(path', _, _) -> li << hotlink (path' ++ "/") << path') wikis
> main = do
>   conf <- getDefaultConfig
>   let conf' = conf{authHandler = myAuthHandler, withUser = myWithUser}
>   forM wikis $ \(path', fstype, pagetype) -> do
>     let conf'' = conf'{ repositoryPath = path'
>                       , repositoryType = fstype
>                       , defaultPageType = pagetype
>                       }
>     createStaticIfMissing conf''
>     createRepoIfMissing conf''
>   createTemplateIfMissing conf'
>   initializeGititState conf'
>   simpleHTTP nullConf{port = 5001} $
>     (nullDir >> indexPage) `mplus` msum (map (handlerFor conf') wikis)


module Network.Gitit (
                     -- * Wiki handlers
                     , reloadTemplates
                     , runHandler
                     -- * Initialization
                     , module Network.Gitit.Initialize
                     -- * Configuration
                     , module Network.Gitit.Config
                     , loginUserForm
                     -- * Types
                     , module Network.Gitit.Types
                     -- * Tools for building handlers
                     , module Network.Gitit.Framework
                     , module Network.Gitit.Layout
                     , module Network.Gitit.ContentTransformer
                     , getFileStore
                     , getUser
                     , getConfig
                     , queryGititState
                     , updateGititState
import Network.Gitit.Types
import Network.Gitit.Server
import Network.Gitit.Framework
import Network.Gitit.Handlers
import Network.Gitit.Initialize
import Network.Gitit.Config
import Network.Gitit.Layout
import Network.Gitit.State
        (getFileStore, getUser, getConfig, queryGititState, updateGititState)
import Network.Gitit.ContentTransformer
import Network.Gitit.Authentication (loginUserForm)
import Paths_gitit (getDataFileName)
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Prelude hiding (readFile)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import Safe

-- | Happstack handler for a gitit wiki.
wiki :: Config -> ServerPart Response
wiki conf = do
  let static = staticDir conf
  defaultStatic <- liftIO $ getDataFileName $ "data" </> "static"
  -- if file not found in staticDir, we check also in the data/static
  -- directory, which contains defaults
  let staticHandler = withExpiresHeaders $
        fileServeStrict' [] static `mplus` fileServeStrict' [] defaultStatic
  let handlers = [debugHandler | debugMode conf] ++ (authHandler conf : wikiHandlers)
  let fs = filestoreFromConfig conf
  let ws = WikiState { wikiConfig = conf, wikiFileStore = fs }
  if compressResponses conf
     then compressedResponseFilter
     else return ""
  staticHandler `mplus` runHandler ws (withUser conf $ msum handlers)

-- | Like 'fileServeStrict', but if file is not found, fail instead of
-- returning a 404 error.
fileServeStrict' :: [FilePath] -> FilePath -> ServerPart Response
fileServeStrict' ps p = do
  rq <- askRq
  resp <- fileServeStrict ps p
  if rsCode resp == 404 || lastNote "fileServeStrict'" (rqUri rq) == '/'
     then mzero  -- pass through if not found or directory index
     else do
       -- turn off compresion filter unless it's text
       case getHeader "Content-Type" resp of
            Just ct | B.pack "text/" `B.isPrefixOf` ct -> return resp
            _ -> ignoreFilters >> return resp

wikiHandlers :: [Handler]
wikiHandlers =
  [ -- redirect /wiki -> /wiki/ when gitit is being served at /wiki
    -- so that relative wikilinks on the page will work properly:
    guardBareBase >> getWikiBase >>= \b -> movedPermanently (b ++ "/") (toResponse ())
  , dir "_user"     currentUser
  , dir "_activity" showActivity
  , dir "_go"       goToPage
  , dir "_search"   searchResults
  , dir "_upload"   $  do guard =<< return . uploadsAllowed =<< getConfig
                          msum [ methodOnly GET  >> requireUser uploadForm 
                                 , methodOnly POST >> requireUser uploadFile ]
  , dir "_random"   $ methodOnly GET  >> randomPage
  , dir "_index"    indexPage
  , dir "_feed"     feedHandler
  , dir "_category" categoryPage
  , dir "_categories" categoryListPage
  , dir "_expire"     expireCache
  , dir "_showraw"  $ msum
      [ showRawPage
      , guardPath isSourceCode >> showFileAsText ]
  , dir "_history"  $ msum
      [ showPageHistory
      , guardPath isSourceCode >> showFileHistory ]
  , dir "_edit" $ requireUser (unlessNoEdit editPage showPage)
  , dir "_diff" $ msum
      [ showPageDiff
      , guardPath isSourceCode >> showFileDiff ]
  , dir "_discuss" discussPage
  , dir "_delete" $ msum
      [ methodOnly GET  >>
          requireUser (unlessNoDelete confirmDelete showPage)
      , methodOnly POST >>
          requireUser (unlessNoDelete deletePage showPage) ]
  , dir "_preview" preview
  , guardIndex >> indexPage
  , guardCommand "export" >> exportPage
  , methodOnly POST >> guardCommand "cancel" >> showPage
  , methodOnly POST >> guardCommand "update" >>
      requireUser (unlessNoEdit updatePage showPage)
  , showPage
  , guardPath isSourceCode >> methodOnly GET >> showHighlightedSource
  , handleAny
  , notFound =<< (guardPath isPage >> createPage)

-- | Recompiles the gitit templates.
reloadTemplates :: ServerPart Response
reloadTemplates = do
  liftIO recompilePageTemplate
  ok $ toResponse "Page templates have been recompiled."

-- | Converts a gitit Handler into a standard happstack ServerPart.
runHandler :: WikiState -> Handler -> ServerPart Response
runHandler = mapServerPartT . unpackReaderT

unpackReaderT:: (Monad m)
    => c 
    -> (ReaderT c m) (Maybe ((Either b a), FilterFun b))
    -> m (Maybe ((Either b a), FilterFun b))
unpackReaderT st handler = runReaderT handler st