{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
Copyright (C) 2009 John MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>,
Anton van Straaten <anton@appsolutions.com>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

{- | Types for Gitit modules.

module Network.Gitit.Types where

import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT, runReaderT, mplus)
import Control.Monad.State (StateT, runStateT, get, modify)
import Control.Monad (liftM)
import System.Log.Logger (Priority(..))
import Text.Pandoc.Definition (Pandoc)
import Text.XHtml (Html)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.List (intersect)
import Data.Time (parseTime)
import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale)
import Data.FileStore.Types
import Network.Gitit.Server
import Text.Pandoc.CharacterReferences (decodeCharacterReferences)

data PageType = Markdown | RST | LaTeX | HTML | Textile
                deriving (Read, Show, Eq)

data FileStoreType = Git | Darcs | Mercurial deriving Show

data MathMethod = MathML | JsMathScript | WebTeX String | RawTeX
                  deriving (Read, Show, Eq)

data AuthenticationLevel = Never | ForModify | ForRead
                  deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord)

-- | Data structure for information read from config file.
data Config = Config {
  -- | Path of repository containing filestore
  repositoryPath       :: FilePath,
  -- | Type of repository
  repositoryType       :: FileStoreType,
  -- | Default page markup type for this wiki
  defaultPageType      :: PageType,
  -- | How to handle LaTeX math in pages?
  mathMethod           :: MathMethod,
  -- | Treat as literate haskell by default?
  defaultLHS           :: Bool,
  -- | Show Haskell code with bird tracks
  showLHSBirdTracks    :: Bool,
  -- | Combinator to set @REMOTE_USER@ request header
  withUser             :: Handler -> Handler,
  -- | Handler for login, logout, register, etc.
  requireAuthentication :: AuthenticationLevel,
  -- | Specifies which actions require authentication.
  authHandler          :: Handler,
  -- | Path of users database
  userFile             :: FilePath,
  -- | Seconds of inactivity before session expires
  sessionTimeout       :: Int,
  -- | Directory containing page templates
  templatesDir         :: FilePath,
  -- | Path of server log file
  logFile              :: FilePath,
  -- | Severity filter for log messages (DEBUG, INFO,
  logLevel             :: Priority,
  -- | Path of static directory
  staticDir            :: FilePath,
  -- | Names of plugin modules to load
  pluginModules        :: [String],
  -- | Show table of contents on each page?
  tableOfContents      :: Bool,
  -- | Max size of file uploads
  maxUploadSize        :: Integer,
  -- | Max size of page uploads
  maxPageSize          :: Integer,
  -- | Port number to serve content on
  portNumber           :: Int,
  -- | Print debug info to the console?
  debugMode            :: Bool,
  -- | The front page of the wiki
  frontPage            :: String,
  -- | Pages that cannot be edited via web
  noEdit               :: [String],
  -- | Pages that cannot be deleted via web
  noDelete             :: [String],
  -- | Default summary if description left blank
  defaultSummary       :: String,
  -- | @Nothing@ = anyone can register.
  -- @Just (prompt, answers)@ = a user will
  -- be given the prompt and must give
  -- one of the answers to register.
  accessQuestion       :: Maybe (String, [String]),
  -- | Use ReCAPTCHA for user registration.
  useRecaptcha         :: Bool,
  recaptchaPublicKey   :: String,
  recaptchaPrivateKey  :: String,
  -- | RPX domain and key
  rpxDomain            :: String,
  rpxKey               :: String,
  -- | Should responses be compressed?
  compressResponses    :: Bool,
  -- | Should responses be cached?
  useCache             :: Bool,
  -- | Directory to hold cached pages
  cacheDir             :: FilePath,
  -- | Map associating mime types with file extensions
  mimeMap              :: M.Map String String,
  -- | Command to send notification emails
  mailCommand          :: String,
  -- | Text of password reset email
  resetPasswordMessage :: String,
  -- | Markup syntax help for edit sidebar
  markupHelp           :: String,
  -- | Provide an atom feed?
  useFeed              :: Bool,
  -- | Base URL of wiki, for use in feed
  baseUrl              :: String,
  -- | Title of wiki, used in feed
  wikiTitle            :: String,
  -- | Number of days history to be included in feed
  feedDays             :: Integer,
  -- | Number of minutes to cache feeds before refreshing
  feedRefreshTime      :: Integer,
  -- | Allow PDF export?
  pdfExport            :: Bool,
  -- | Directory to search for pandoc customizations
  pandocUserData       :: Maybe FilePath

-- | Data for rendering a wiki page.
data Page = Page {
    pageName        :: String
  , pageFormat      :: PageType
  , pageLHS         :: Bool
  , pageTOC         :: Bool
  , pageTitle       :: String
  , pageCategories  :: [String]
  , pageText        :: String
  , pageMeta        :: [(String, String)]
} deriving (Read, Show)

type SessionKey = Integer

data SessionData = SessionData {
  sessionUser :: String
} deriving (Read,Show,Eq)

data Sessions a = Sessions {unsession::M.Map SessionKey a}
  deriving (Read,Show,Eq)

-- Password salt hashedPassword
data Password = Password { pSalt :: String, pHashed :: String }
  deriving (Read,Show,Eq)

data User = User {
  uUsername :: String,
  uPassword :: Password,
  uEmail    :: String
} deriving (Show,Read)

-- | Common state for all gitit wikis in an application.
data GititState = GititState {
  sessions       :: Sessions SessionData,
  users          :: M.Map String User,
  templatesPath  :: FilePath,
  renderPage     :: PageLayout -> Html -> Handler,
  plugins        :: [Plugin]

type ContentTransformer = StateT Context GititServerPart

data Plugin = PageTransform (Pandoc -> PluginM Pandoc)
            | PreParseTransform (String -> PluginM String)
            | PreCommitTransform (String -> PluginM String)

data PluginData = PluginData { pluginConfig    :: Config
                             , pluginUser      :: Maybe User
                             , pluginRequest   :: Request
                             , pluginFileStore :: FileStore

type PluginM = ReaderT PluginData (StateT Context IO)

runPluginM :: PluginM a -> PluginData -> Context -> IO (a, Context)
runPluginM plugin = runStateT . runReaderT plugin

data Context = Context { ctxFile            :: String
                       , ctxLayout          :: PageLayout
                       , ctxCacheable       :: Bool
                       , ctxTOC             :: Bool
                       , ctxBirdTracks      :: Bool
                       , ctxCategories      :: [String]
                       , ctxMeta            :: [(String, String)]

class (Monad m) => HasContext m where
  getContext    :: m Context
  modifyContext :: (Context -> Context) -> m ()

instance HasContext ContentTransformer where
  getContext    = get
  modifyContext = modify

instance HasContext PluginM where
  getContext    = get
  modifyContext = modify

-- | Abstract representation of page layout (tabs, scripts, etc.)
data PageLayout = PageLayout
  { pgPageName       :: String
  , pgRevision       :: Maybe String
  , pgPrintable      :: Bool
  , pgMessages       :: [String]
  , pgTitle          :: String
  , pgScripts        :: [String]
  , pgShowPageTools  :: Bool
  , pgShowSiteNav    :: Bool
  , pgMarkupHelp     :: Maybe String
  , pgTabs           :: [Tab]
  , pgSelectedTab    :: Tab
  , pgLinkToFeed     :: Bool

data Tab = ViewTab
         | EditTab
         | HistoryTab
         | DiscussTab
         | DiffTab
         deriving (Eq, Show)

data Recaptcha = Recaptcha {
    recaptchaChallengeField :: String
  , recaptchaResponseField  :: String
  } deriving (Read, Show)

instance FromData SessionKey where
     fromData = readCookieValue "sid"

data Params = Params { pUsername     :: String
                     , pPassword     :: String
                     , pPassword2    :: String
                     , pRevision     :: Maybe String
                     , pDestination  :: String
                     , pForUser      :: Maybe String
                     , pSince        :: Maybe UTCTime
                     , pRaw          :: String
                     , pLimit        :: Int
                     , pPatterns     :: [String]
                     , pGotoPage     :: String
                     , pFileToDelete :: String
                     , pEditedText   :: Maybe String
                     , pMessages     :: [String]
                     , pFrom         :: Maybe String
                     , pTo           :: Maybe String
                     , pFormat       :: String
                     , pSHA1         :: String
                     , pLogMsg       :: String
                     , pEmail        :: String
                     , pFullName     :: String
                     , pAccessCode   :: String
                     , pWikiname     :: String
                     , pPrintable    :: Bool
                     , pOverwrite    :: Bool
                     , pFilename     :: String
                     , pFilePath     :: FilePath
                     , pConfirm      :: Bool
                     , pSessionKey   :: Maybe SessionKey
                     , pRecaptcha    :: Recaptcha
                     , pResetCode    :: String
                     }  deriving Show

instance FromData Params where
     fromData = do
         let look' = liftM decodeCharacterReferences . look
         un <- look' "username"       `mplus` return ""
         pw <- look' "password"       `mplus` return ""
         p2 <- look' "password2"      `mplus` return ""
         rv <- (look' "revision" >>= \s ->
                 return (if null s then Nothing else Just s))
                 `mplus` return Nothing
         fu <- liftM Just (look' "forUser") `mplus` return Nothing
         si <- liftM (parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%d") (look' "since")
                 `mplus` return Nothing  -- YYYY-mm-dd format
         ds <- look' "destination" `mplus` return ""
         ra <- look' "raw"            `mplus` return ""
         lt <- lookRead "limit"       `mplus` return 100
         pa <- look' "patterns"       `mplus` return ""
         gt <- look' "gotopage"       `mplus` return ""
         ft <- look' "filetodelete"   `mplus` return ""
         me <- lookRead "messages"   `mplus` return []
         fm <- liftM Just (look' "from") `mplus` return Nothing
         to <- liftM Just (look' "to")   `mplus` return Nothing
         et <- liftM (Just . filter (/='\r')) (look' "editedText")
                 `mplus` return Nothing
         fo <- look' "format"         `mplus` return ""
         sh <- look' "sha1"           `mplus` return ""
         lm <- look' "logMsg"         `mplus` return ""
         em <- look' "email"          `mplus` return ""
         na <- look' "full_name_1"    `mplus` return ""
         wn <- look' "wikiname"       `mplus` return ""
         pr <- (look' "printable" >> return True) `mplus` return False
         ow <- liftM (=="yes") (look' "overwrite") `mplus` return False
         fileparams <- liftM Just (lookFile "file") `mplus` return Nothing
         let (fp, fn) = case fileparams of
                             Just (x,y,_) -> (x,y)
                             Nothing      -> ("","")
         ac <- look' "accessCode"     `mplus` return ""
         cn <- (look' "confirm" >> return True) `mplus` return False
         sk <- liftM Just (readCookieValue "sid") `mplus` return Nothing
         rc <- look' "recaptcha_challenge_field" `mplus` return ""
         rr <- look' "recaptcha_response_field" `mplus` return ""
         rk <- look' "reset_code" `mplus` return ""
         return   Params { pUsername     = un
                         , pPassword     = pw
                         , pPassword2    = p2
                         , pRevision     = rv
                         , pForUser      = fu
                         , pSince        = si
                         , pDestination  = ds
                         , pRaw          = ra
                         , pLimit        = lt
                         , pPatterns     = words pa
                         , pGotoPage     = gt
                         , pFileToDelete = ft
                         , pMessages     = me
                         , pFrom         = fm
                         , pTo           = to
                         , pEditedText   = et
                         , pFormat       = fo
                         , pSHA1         = sh
                         , pLogMsg       = lm
                         , pEmail        = em
                         , pFullName     = na
                         , pWikiname     = wn
                         , pPrintable    = pr
                         , pOverwrite    = ow
                         , pFilename     = fn
                         , pFilePath     = fp
                         , pAccessCode   = ac
                         , pConfirm      = cn
                         , pSessionKey   = sk
                         , pRecaptcha    = Recaptcha {
                              recaptchaChallengeField = rc,
                              recaptchaResponseField = rr }
                         , pResetCode    = rk

data Command = Command (Maybe String) deriving Show

instance FromData Command where
     fromData = do
       pairs <- lookPairs
       return $ case map fst pairs `intersect` commandList of
                 []          -> Command Nothing
                 (c:_)       -> Command $ Just c
               where commandList = ["update", "cancel", "export"]

-- | State for a single wiki.
data WikiState = WikiState {
                     wikiConfig    :: Config
                   , wikiFileStore :: FileStore

type GititServerPart = ServerPartT (ReaderT WikiState IO)

type Handler = GititServerPart Response