{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-do-bind #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-wrong-do-bind #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}

module Git.Smoke where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Exception
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Control
import           Data.List (sort)
import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.Tagged
import qualified Data.Text as T (Text, pack)
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T (decodeUtf8)
import           Data.Time
import           Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import           Data.Typeable
import           Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS (FilePath, fromText, toText,
import           Git
import           Prelude hiding (FilePath, putStr)
import           Test.HUnit
import           Test.Hspec (Spec, Example, describe, it)
import           Test.Hspec.Expectations
import           Test.Hspec.HUnit ()

sampleCommit :: Repository m => TreeRef m -> Signature -> m (Commit m)
sampleCommit tr sig =
    createCommit [] tr sig sig "Sample log message.\n" Nothing

smokeTestSpec :: (Repository (t IO), MonadGit (t IO), MonadTrans t,
                  Repository (t2 (t IO)), MonadGit (t2 (t IO)), MonadTrans t2,
                  MonadBaseControl IO (t IO))
              => RepositoryFactory t IO c
              -> RepositoryFactory t2 (t IO) c2
              -> Spec
smokeTestSpec pr _pr2 = describe "Smoke tests" $ do
  it "create a single blob" $ withNewRepository pr "singleBlob.git" $ do
      createBlobUtf8 "Hello, world!\n"

      x <- catBlob "af5626b4a114abcb82d63db7c8082c3c4756e51b"
      liftIO $ x @?= "Hello, world!\n"

      -- jww (2013-02-01): Restore when S3 support prefix lookups
      -- x <- catBlob "af5626b"
      -- liftIO $ x @?= "Hello, world!\n"

  it "create a single tree" $ withNewRepository pr "singleTree.git" $ do
      hello <- createBlobUtf8 "Hello, world!\n"
      tr <- createTree $ putBlob "hello/world.txt" hello
      let x = renderObjOid (treeRefOid tr)
      liftIO $ x @?= "c0c848a2737a6a8533a18e6bd4d04266225e0271"

      toid <- Git.parseOid "c0c848a2737a6a8533a18e6bd4d04266225e0271"
      tr <- lookupTree (Tagged toid)
      let x = renderObjOid $ treeOid tr
      liftIO $ x @?= "c0c848a2737a6a8533a18e6bd4d04266225e0271"

  it "create two trees" $ withNewRepository pr "twoTrees.git" $ do
      hello <- createBlobUtf8 "Hello, world!\n"
      tr <- createTree $ putBlob "hello/world.txt" hello
      let x = renderObjOid (treeRefOid tr)
      liftIO $ x @?= "c0c848a2737a6a8533a18e6bd4d04266225e0271"

      goodbye <- createBlobUtf8 "Goodbye, world!\n"
      tr <- mutateTreeRef tr $ putBlob "goodbye/files/world.txt" goodbye
      let x = renderObjOid (treeRefOid tr)
      liftIO $ x @?= "98c3f387f63c08e1ea1019121d623366ff04de7a"

  it "delete an item from a tree" $ withNewRepository pr "deleteTree.git" $ do
      hello <- createBlobUtf8 "Hello, world!\n"
      tr <- createTree $ putBlob "hello/world.txt" hello
      let x = renderObjOid (treeRefOid tr)
      liftIO $ x @?= "c0c848a2737a6a8533a18e6bd4d04266225e0271"

      tr <- mutateTreeRef tr $
          putBlob "goodbye/files/world.txt"
              =<< lift (createBlobUtf8 "Goodbye, world!\n")
      let x = renderObjOid (treeRefOid tr)
      liftIO $ x @?= "98c3f387f63c08e1ea1019121d623366ff04de7a"

      -- Confirm that deleting world.txt also deletes the now-empty
      -- subtree goodbye/files, which also deletes the then-empty subtree
      -- goodbye, returning us back the original tree.
      tr <- mutateTreeRef tr $ dropEntry "goodbye/files/world.txt"
      let x = renderObjOid (treeRefOid tr)
      liftIO $ x @?= "c0c848a2737a6a8533a18e6bd4d04266225e0271"

  it "create a single commit" $ withNewRepository pr "createCommit.git" $ do
      hello <- createBlobUtf8 "Hello, world!\n"
      tr <- createTree $ putBlob "hello/world.txt" hello

      goodbye <- createBlobUtf8 "Goodbye, world!\n"
      tr <- mutateTreeRef tr $ putBlob "goodbye/files/world.txt" goodbye
      let x = renderObjOid (treeRefOid tr)
      liftIO $ x @?= "98c3f387f63c08e1ea1019121d623366ff04de7a"

      -- The Oid has been cleared in tr, so this tests that it gets
      -- written as needed.
      let sig  = Signature {
              signatureName  = "John Wiegley"
            , signatureEmail = "johnw@fpcomplete.com"
            , signatureWhen  = fakeTime 1348980883 }

      c <- sampleCommit tr sig
      let x = renderObjOid (commitOid c)
      liftIO $ x @?= "4e0529eb30f53e65c1e13836e73023c9d23c25ae"

      coid <- Git.parseOid "4e0529eb30f53e65c1e13836e73023c9d23c25ae"
      c <- lookupCommit (Tagged coid)
      let x = renderObjOid (commitOid c)
      liftIO $ x @?= "4e0529eb30f53e65c1e13836e73023c9d23c25ae"

  it "modify a commit" $ withNewRepository pr "modifyCommit.git" $ do
      hello <- createBlobUtf8 "Hello, world!\n"
      tr <- createTree $ putBlob "hello/world.txt" hello
      let x = renderObjOid (treeRefOid tr)
      liftIO $ x @?= "c0c848a2737a6a8533a18e6bd4d04266225e0271"

      let sig  = Signature {
              signatureName  = "John Wiegley"
            , signatureEmail = "johnw@fpcomplete.com"
            , signatureWhen  = fakeTime 1348980883 }

      c <- sampleCommit tr sig
      let x = renderObjOid (commitOid c)
      liftIO $ x @?= "d592871f56aa949d726fcc211370d1af305e9597"

      goodbye <- createBlobUtf8 "Goodbye, world!\n"
      tr' <- mutateTreeRef (Git.commitTree c) $
                 putBlob "hello/goodbye.txt" goodbye

      let x = renderObjOid (treeRefOid tr')
      liftIO $ x @?= "19974fde643bddd26c46052f7a8bdf87f7772c1e"

      let sig  = Signature {
              signatureName  = "John Wiegley"
            , signatureEmail = "johnw@fpcomplete.com"
            , signatureWhen  = fakeTime 1348980883 }

      c <- createCommit [commitRef c] tr' sig sig
               "Sample log message 2.\n" (Just "refs/heads/master")
      let x = renderObjOid (commitOid c)
      liftIO $ x @?= "61a2c6425d2e60a480d272aa921d4f4ffe5dd20f"

  it "create two commits" $ withNewRepository pr "createTwoCommits.git" $ do
      hello <- createBlobUtf8 "Hello, world!\n"
      tr <- createTree $ putBlob "hello/world.txt" hello

      goodbye <- createBlobUtf8 "Goodbye, world!\n"
      tr <- mutateTreeRef tr $ putBlob "goodbye/files/world.txt" goodbye
      let x = renderObjOid (treeRefOid tr)
      liftIO $ x @?= "98c3f387f63c08e1ea1019121d623366ff04de7a"

      -- The Oid has been cleared in tr, so this tests that it gets written as
      -- needed.
      let sig = Signature {
              signatureName  = "John Wiegley"
            , signatureEmail = "johnw@fpcomplete.com"
            , signatureWhen  = fakeTime 1348980883 }
      c <- sampleCommit tr sig
      let x = renderObjOid (commitOid c)
      liftIO $ x @?= "4e0529eb30f53e65c1e13836e73023c9d23c25ae"

      goodbye2 <- createBlobUtf8 "Goodbye, world again!\n"
      tr <- mutateTreeRef tr $ putBlob "goodbye/files/world.txt" goodbye2
      let x = renderObjOid (treeRefOid tr)
      liftIO $ x @?= "f2b42168651a45a4b7ce98464f09c7ec7c06d706"

      let sig = Signature {
              signatureName  = "John Wiegley"
            , signatureEmail = "johnw@fpcomplete.com"
            , signatureWhen  = fakeTime 1348981883 }
      c2 <- createCommit [commitRef c] tr sig sig
                "Second sample log message.\n" Nothing
      let x = renderObjOid (commitOid c2)
      liftIO $ x @?= "967b647bd11990d1bb15ff5209ad44a002779454"

      updateReference_ "refs/heads/master" (RefObj (commitRef c2))
      hasSymRefs <- hasSymbolicReferences <$> facts
      when hasSymRefs $
          updateReference_ "HEAD" (RefSymbolic "refs/heads/master")

      Just c3 <- resolveReference "refs/heads/master"
      c3 <- resolveCommitRef c3
      let x = renderObjOid (commitOid c3)
      liftIO $ x @?= "967b647bd11990d1bb15ff5209ad44a002779454"

      refs <- allReferenceNames
      liftIO $ show refs @?= "[\"refs/heads/master\"]"

      -- jww (2013-01-27): Restore
      -- ehist <- commitHistoryFirstParent c2
      -- Prelude.putStrLn $ "ehist: " ++ show ehist

      -- ehist2 <- commitEntryHistory c2 "goodbye/files/world.txt"
      -- Prelude.putStrLn $ "ehist2: " ++ show ehist2

      -- oid <- parseOid ("2506e7fc" :: Text)
      -- c4 <- lookupCommit (fromJust oid)
      -- c5 <- maybe (return Nothing) (lookupCommit) oid
      -- c6 <- lookupCommit (fromJust oid)
      -- ehist4 <- commitEntryHistory (fromJust c4) "goodbye/files/world.txt"
      -- Prelude.putStrLn $ "ehist4: " ++ show (Prelude.head ehist4)

      return ()

  it "another small test" $ withNewRepository pr "smallTest1.git" $ do
      let masterRef = "refs/heads/master"
          sig = Signature { signatureName   = "First Name"
                          , signatureEmail = "user1@email.org"
                          , signatureWhen  = fakeTime 1348981883 }
      blob <- createBlobUtf8 "# Auto-createdsitory for tutorial contents\n"
      tree <- createTree $ putBlob "README.md" blob
      commit <- createCommit [] tree sig sig "Initial commit" Nothing

      blob <- createBlobUtf8 "This is some content."
      tree <- mutateTreeRef tree $ putBlob "foo.txt" blob
      createCommit [commitRef commit] tree sig sig
          "This is another log message." (Just masterRef)

      liftIO $ True @?= True

  it "traversal test" $ withNewRepository pr "traversalTest.git" $ do
      let masterRef = "refs/heads/master"
          sig = Signature
              { signatureName  = "First Name"
              , signatureEmail = "user1@email.org"
              , signatureWhen  = fakeTime 1348981883 }
      tree <- createTree $ do
          putBlob "One"            =<< lift (createBlobUtf8 "One\n")
          putBlob "Two"            =<< lift (createBlobUtf8 "Two\n")
          putBlob "Files/Three"    =<< lift (createBlobUtf8 "Three\n")
          putBlob "More/Four"      =<< lift (createBlobUtf8 "Four\n")
          putBlob "Five/More/Four" =<< lift (createBlobUtf8 "Five\n")
      createCommit [] tree sig sig "Initial commit" (Just masterRef)

      tree' <- resolveTreeRef tree
      paths <- traverseEntries (const . return) tree'
      liftIO $ sort paths @?= [ "Files"
                              , "Five"
                              , "More"
                              , "One"
                              , "Two"
                              , "Files/Three"
                              , "Five/More"
                              , "Five/More/Four"
                              , "More/Four"
  treeit "adds a file" pr
      [ Bl "one"
      ] $ do
          putBlob "one" =<< lift (createBlobUtf8 "one\n")

  treeit "adds two files" pr
      [ Bl "one"
      , Bl "two"
      ] $ do
          putBlob "one" =<< lift (createBlobUtf8 "one\n")
          putBlob "two" =<< lift (createBlobUtf8 "two\n")

  treeit "adds three files" pr
      [ Bl "one"
      , Bl "three"
      , Bl "two"
      ] $ do
          putBlob "one" =<< lift (createBlobUtf8 "one\n")
          putBlob "two" =<< lift (createBlobUtf8 "two\n")
          putBlob "three" =<< lift (createBlobUtf8 "three\n")

  treeit "adds a file at a subpath" pr
      [ Tr "a"
      , Bl "a/one"
      ] $ do
          putBlob "a/one" =<< lift (createBlobUtf8 "one\n")

  treeit "adds a file at a deep subpath" pr
      [ Tr "a"
      , Tr "a/b"
      , Tr "a/b/c"
      , Tr "a/b/c/d"
      , Tr "a/b/c/d/e"
      , Bl "a/b/c/d/e/one"
      ] $ do
          putBlob "a/b/c/d/e/one" =<< lift (createBlobUtf8 "one\n")

  treeit "adds files at multiple depths" pr
      [ Tr "a"
      , Tr "a/b"
      , Bl "a/one"
      , Tr "a/b/c"
      , Bl "a/b/two"
      , Tr "a/b/c/d"
      , Bl "a/b/c/three"
      , Tr "a/b/c/d/e"
      , Bl "a/b/c/d/four"
      , Bl "a/b/c/d/e/five"
      ] $ do
          putBlob "a/one" =<< lift (createBlobUtf8 "one\n")
          putBlob "a/b/two" =<< lift (createBlobUtf8 "two\n")
          putBlob "a/b/c/three" =<< lift (createBlobUtf8 "three\n")
          putBlob "a/b/c/d/four" =<< lift (createBlobUtf8 "four\n")
          putBlob "a/b/c/d/e/five" =<< lift (createBlobUtf8 "five\n")

  treeit "adds files at mixed depths" pr
      [ Tr "a"
      , Tr "b"
      , Tr "d"
      , Tr "g"
      , Tr "k"
      , Bl "a/one"
      , Tr "b/c"
      , Bl "b/c/two"
      , Tr "d/e"
      , Tr "d/e/f"
      , Bl "d/e/f/three"
      , Tr "g/h"
      , Tr "g/h/i"
      , Tr "g/h/i/j"
      , Bl "g/h/i/j/four"
      , Tr "k/l"
      , Tr "k/l/m"
      , Tr "k/l/m/n"
      , Tr "k/l/m/n/o"
      , Bl "k/l/m/n/o/five"
      ] $ do
          putBlob "a/one" =<< lift (createBlobUtf8 "one\n")
          putBlob "b/c/two" =<< lift (createBlobUtf8 "two\n")
          putBlob "d/e/f/three" =<< lift (createBlobUtf8 "three\n")
          putBlob "g/h/i/j/four" =<< lift (createBlobUtf8 "four\n")
          putBlob "k/l/m/n/o/five" =<< lift (createBlobUtf8 "five\n")

  treeit "adds and drops a file" pr
      [] $ do
          putBlob "one" =<< lift (createBlobUtf8 "one\n")
          dropEntry "one"

  treeit "adds two files and drops one" pr
      [ Bl "one"
      ] $ do
          putBlob "one" =<< lift (createBlobUtf8 "one\n")
          putBlob "two" =<< lift (createBlobUtf8 "two\n")
          dropEntry "two"

  treeit "adds and drops files at mixed depths" pr
      [ Tr "a"
      , Tr "b"
      , Tr "g"
      , Bl "a/one"
      , Tr "b/c"
      , Bl "b/c/two"
      , Tr "g/h"
      , Tr "g/h/i"
      , Tr "g/h/i/j"
      , Bl "g/h/i/j/four"
      ] $ do
          putBlob "a/one" =<< lift (createBlobUtf8 "one\n")
          putBlob "b/c/two" =<< lift (createBlobUtf8 "two\n")
          putBlob "b/c/three" =<< lift (createBlobUtf8 "three\n")
          putBlob "d/e/f/three" =<< lift (createBlobUtf8 "three\n")
          putBlob "g/h/i/j/four" =<< lift (createBlobUtf8 "four\n")
          putBlob "k/l/m/n/o/five" =<< lift (createBlobUtf8 "five\n")
          dropEntry "b/c/three"
          dropEntry "d/e/f/three"
          dropEntry "k/l"

    fakeTime secs = utcToZonedTime utc (posixSecondsToUTCTime secs)

data Kind = Bl FilePath | Tr FilePath deriving (Eq, Show)

isBlobKind :: Kind -> Bool
isBlobKind (Bl _) = True
isBlobKind _      = False

kindPath :: Kind -> FilePath
kindPath (Bl path) = path
kindPath (Tr path) = path

data TreeitException = TreeitException T.Text deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)

instance Exception TreeitException

mkBlob :: Repository m => FilePath -> TreeT m ()
mkBlob path =
    putBlob path =<< lift (createBlobUtf8 (baseFilename path <> "\n"))

baseFilename :: FilePath -> T.Text
baseFilename = either id id . toText . filename

doTreeit :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m,
             MonadTrans t, MonadGit (t m), Repository (t m))
       => String -> RepositoryFactory t m c -> [Kind] -> TreeT (t m) a -> m ()
doTreeit label pr kinds action = withNewRepository pr fullPath $ do
    tref <- createTree $ action
    tree <- resolveTreeRef tref
    forM_ kinds $ \kind -> do
        let path = kindPath kind
        entry <- getTreeEntry tree path
        case entry of
            Just (BlobEntry boid _) -> do
                liftIO $ isBlobKind kind @?= True
                bs <- lookupBlob boid >>= blobToByteString
                liftIO $ T.decodeUtf8 bs @?= baseFilename path <> "\n"
            Just (TreeEntry _) ->
                liftIO $ isBlobKind kind @?= False
            Nothing ->
                liftIO $ throwIO (TreeitException "Expected entry not found")
            _ -> do
                liftIO $ isBlobKind kind @?= False
                liftIO $ throwIO (TreeitException "Entry is of unexpected kind")
    kinds' <- traverseEntries (const . return) tree
    liftIO $ sort kinds' @?= map kindPath kinds
    fullPath  = fromText (T.pack (normalize label)) <> ".git"
    normalize = map (\x -> if x == ' ' then '-' else x)

treeit :: (Example (m ()), MonadTrans t, MonadGit m,
           MonadGit (t m), Repository (t m))
       => String -> RepositoryFactory t m c -> [Kind] -> TreeT (t m) a -> Spec
treeit label pr kinds action = it label $ doTreeit label pr kinds action

treeitFail :: (MonadTrans t,
               MonadGit (t IO), Repository (t IO))
           => String -> RepositoryFactory t IO c -> [Kind] -> TreeT (t IO) a
           -> Spec
treeitFail label pr kinds action =
    it label $ doTreeit label pr kinds action
        `shouldThrow` (\(_ :: TreeitException) -> True)

-- Main.hs ends here