{-# Language OverloadedStrings, DeriveFunctor #-} {-| Module : Client.Commands.Recognizer Description : Trie for recognizing commands Copyright : (c) Dan Doel, 2016 License : ISC Maintainer : emertens@gmail.com This module implements a trie for recognizing valid commands. This allows entered strings to be classified as either a valid command (with an associated value), the prefix of a valid command, or invalid. -} module Client.Commands.Recognizer ( Recognizer , recognize , Recognition(..) , fromCommands , addCommand , keys ) where import Control.Monad import Control.Applicative hiding (empty) import Data.HashMap.Strict (lookup,insertWith,HashMap,empty,unionWith,fromList,toList) import Data.Semigroup import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as Text import Data.Maybe import Prelude hiding (all,lookup) -- | A map from 'Text' values to 'a' values that is capable of yielding more -- detailed information when looking up keys that are not actually in the map. data Recognizer a = Branch !Text !(Maybe a) !(HashMap Char (Recognizer a)) deriving (Show, Functor) instance Monoid (Recognizer a) where mempty = Branch "" Nothing empty mappend = both instance Semigroup (Recognizer a) where (<>) = both -- | Possible results of recognizing text. data Recognition a = Exact a -- ^ text matched exactly, yielding the given value | Prefix [Text] -- ^ text would be recognized if joined to the given suffixes | Invalid -- ^ text could not possibly be recognized deriving (Show, Functor) -- | Match common prefixes of two strings in a more convenient form than -- available from 'Data.Text' splitCommon :: Text -> Text -> (Text, Text, Text) splitCommon l r = fromMaybe ("", l, r) $ Text.commonPrefixes l r -- | Attempt to recognize a string, yielding a 'Recognition' result. recognize :: Text -> Recognizer a -> Recognition a recognize tx (Branch pf contained children) = case splitCommon pf tx of (_, pfsfx, txsfx) -> case Text.uncons txsfx of Nothing | Text.null pfsfx , Just a <- contained -> Exact a | otherwise -> Prefix $ keys (Branch pfsfx contained children) Just (c, txrest) | Text.null pfsfx , Just rec <- lookup c children -> recognize txrest rec _ -> Invalid -- | Create a singleton 'Recognizer' associating the given 'Text' and value. single :: Text -> a -> Recognizer a single tx v = Branch tx (Just $! v) empty -- | Union two 'Recognizers'. The stored values in the result are biased to the -- left if there is key overlap. both :: Recognizer a -> Recognizer a -> Recognizer a both l@(Branch pfl conl chil) r@(Branch pfr conr chir) | Text.null pfl && null conl && null chil = r | Text.null pfr && null conr && null chir = l | otherwise = case splitCommon pfl pfr of (common, lsfx, rsfx) -> Branch common contained children where contained = (guard (Text.null lsfx) *> conl) <|> (guard (Text.null rsfx) *> conr) children = case (Text.uncons lsfx, Text.uncons rsfx) of (Nothing, Nothing) -> unionWith both chil chir (Just (l',lest), Nothing) -> insertWith (flip both) l' (Branch lest conl chil) chir (Nothing, Just (r',rest)) -> insertWith both r' (Branch rest conr chir) chil (Just (l',lest), Just (r',rest)) -> fromList [ (l', Branch lest conl chil) , (r', Branch rest conr chir) ] -- | Union an arbitrary number of 'Recognizers' as with 'both'. all :: [Recognizer a] -> Recognizer a all [] = mempty all [r] = r all rs = all $ pair rs where pair (l:r:rest) = both l r : pair rest pair rest = rest -- | Create a 'Recognizer' from an association list. If a key appears twice, the -- earliest associated value will be used. fromCommands :: [(Text, a)] -> Recognizer a fromCommands = all . map (uncurry single) -- | Add a key-value pair to a 'Recognizer'. This will override the value -- already present if one exists. addCommand :: Text -> a -> Recognizer a -> Recognizer a addCommand tx v = both $ single tx v -- | Compute all strings that will be recognized by a 'Recognizer'. keys :: Recognizer a -> [Text] keys (Branch pf contained children) = maybeToList (pf <$ contained) ++ (mappend pf <$> childKeys children) -- | Auxiliary function for 'keys'. childKeys :: HashMap Char (Recognizer a) -> [Text] childKeys children = toList children >>= \(c,rec) -> Text.cons c <$> keys rec