= Operator Commands :toc: == /oper Authenticate as a server operator. == /kill Kill a client connection to the server. == /kline Ban a client from the server. == /unkline Unban a client from the server. == /undline Unban a client from the server. == /unxline Unban a gecos from the server. == /unresv Unban a channel or nickname from the server. == /testline Check matching I/K/D lines for a `[[nick!]user@]host`. == /testkline Check matching K/D lines for a `[user@]host`. == /testgecos Check matching X lines for a `gecos`. == /testmask Test how many local and global clients match a mask. == /masktrace Outputs a list of local users matching the given masks. == /chantrace Outputs a list of channel members in etrace format. == /trace Outputs a list users on a server. == /etrace Outputs a list users on a server. == /map Display network map. == /sconnect Connect two servers together. == /squit Split a server away from your side of the network. == /modload Load an IRCd module. == /modunload Unload an IRCd module. == /modlist List loaded IRCd modules. == /modrestart Reload all IRCd modules. == /modreload Reload an IRCd module. == /grant Manually assign a privset to a user. == /privs Check operator privileges of the target.