{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}

module GLL.Types.Derivations where

import qualified    Data.Map as M
import qualified    Data.IntMap as IM
import qualified    Data.Set as S 
import qualified    Data.IntSet as IS 
import              Data.List (elemIndices, findIndices)
import GLL.Types.Grammar

-- make sure that tokens are equal independent of their character level value
type SlotL t    = (Slot t, Int)                   -- slot with left extent
type PrL t      = (Prod t, Int)                     -- Production rule with left extent
type NtL        = (Nt, Int)                     -- Nonterminal with left extent


-- | 
-- An 'SPPF' contains symbol nodes, intermediate nodes, packed nodes and edges between them.
-- See Scott and Johnstone (2013) for an explanation of the 'SPPF'.
type SPPF t     =   (SymbMap t, ImdMap t, PackMap t, EdgeMap t)

-- | 
-- Stores packed nodes using nested "Data.IntMap"s, nesting is as follows:
-- * left extent
-- * right extent
-- * dot position (from left to right)
-- * mapping from productions to set of pivots
type PackMap t  =   IM.IntMap (IM.IntMap (IM.IntMap (M.Map (Prod t) IS.IntSet)))

-- | 
-- Stores symbol nodes using nested "Data.IntMap"s, nesting is as follows:
-- * left extent
-- * right extent
-- * set of symbols
type SymbMap t  =   IM.IntMap (IM.IntMap (S.Set (Symbol t)))

-- | 
-- Stores intermediate nodes using nested "Data.IntMap"s, nesting is as follows:
-- * left extent
-- * right extent
-- * set of slots 
type ImdMap t   =   IM.IntMap (IM.IntMap (S.Set (Slot t)))

-- | 
-- Stores edges, potentially costly.
type EdgeMap t  =   M.Map (SPPFNode t) (S.Set (SPPFNode t))

-- | 
-- An "SPPFNode" is either a symbol node, an intermediate node, a packed node or a dummy.
data SPPFNode t =   SNode (Symbol t, Int, Int) 
                |   INode (Slot t, Int, Int)
                |   PNode (Slot t, Int, Int, Int)
                |   Dummy
    deriving (Ord, Eq)

type SNode t    = (Symbol t, Int, Int)
type PNode t    = (Prod t, [Int])
type SEdge t    = M.Map (SNode t)(S.Set (PNode t))
type PEdge t    = M.Map (PNode t) (S.Set (SNode t))

emptySPPF :: (Ord t) => SPPF t
emptySPPF = (IM.empty, IM.empty, IM.empty, M.empty)

pNodeLookup :: (Ord t) => SPPF t -> ((Prod t, Int), Int, Int) -> Maybe [Int]
pNodeLookup (_,_,pMap,_) ((alt,j),l,r) = maybe Nothing inner $ IM.lookup l pMap
    where   inner   = maybe Nothing inner2 . IM.lookup r
            inner2  = maybe Nothing inner3 . IM.lookup j
            inner3  = maybe Nothing (Just . IS.toList) . M.lookup alt

pMapInsert :: (Ord t) => SPPFNode t -> SPPFNode t -> SPPF t -> SPPF t
pMapInsert f t (sMap,iMap,pMap,eMap) =  
    let pMap' = case f of 
                    PNode ((Slot x alpha beta), l, k, r) ->   
                        add (Prod x (alpha++beta)) (length alpha) l r k
                    _   -> pMap
    in (sMap,iMap,pMap',eMap)
 where add alt j l r k = IM.alter addInnerL l pMap
        where addInnerL mm = case mm of 
                             Nothing -> Just singleRJAK
                             Just m ->  Just $ IM.alter addInnerR r m
              addInnerR mm = case mm of
                             Nothing -> Just singleJAK
                             Just m  -> Just $ IM.alter addInnerJ j m
              addInnerJ mm = case mm of
                             Nothing -> Just singleAK
                             Just m  -> Just $ M.insertWith IS.union alt singleK m
              singleRJAK= IM.fromList [(r, singleJAK)]
              singleJAK = IM.fromList [(j, singleAK)]
              singleAK  = M.fromList [(alt, singleK)]
              singleK   = IS.singleton k

sNodeLookup :: (Ord t) => SPPF t -> (Symbol t, Int, Int) -> Bool 
sNodeLookup (sm,_,_,_) (s,l,r) = maybe False inner $ IM.lookup l sm
    where   inner   = maybe False (S.member s) . IM.lookup r

sNodeInsert :: (Ord t) => SPPFNode t -> SPPFNode t -> SPPF t -> SPPF t
sNodeInsert f t (sMap,iMap,pMap,eMap) = 
    let sMap' = case f of
                SNode (s, l, r) -> newt (add s l r sMap)
                _               -> newt sMap
    in (sMap',iMap,pMap,eMap)
 where newt sMap = case t of 
                   (SNode (s, l, r)) -> add s l r sMap
                   _                 -> sMap
       add s l r sMap = IM.alter addInnerL l sMap
        where addInnerL mm = case mm of 
                             Nothing -> Just singleRS
                             Just m  -> Just $ IM.insertWith (S.union) r singleS m
              singleRS     = IM.fromList [(r, singleS)]
              singleS      = S.singleton s
sNodeRemove :: (Ord t) => SPPF t -> (Symbol t, Int, Int) -> SPPF t
sNodeRemove (sm,iMap,pMap,eMap) (s,l,r) = 
    (IM.adjust inner l sm, iMap,pMap,eMap)
    where   inner   = IM.adjust ((s `S.delete`)) r

iNodeLookup :: (Ord t) => SPPF t -> (Slot t, Int, Int) -> Bool 
iNodeLookup (_,iMap,_,_) (s,l,r) = maybe False inner $ IM.lookup l iMap
    where   inner   = maybe False (S.member s) . IM.lookup r

iNodeInsert :: (Ord t) => SPPFNode t -> SPPFNode t -> SPPF t -> SPPF t
iNodeInsert f t (sMap,iMap,pMap,eMap) = 
    let iMap' = case f of
                INode (s, l, r) -> newt (add s l r iMap)
                _               -> newt iMap
    in (sMap,iMap',pMap,eMap)
 where newt iMap = case t of 
                   (INode (s, l, r)) -> add s l r iMap
                   _                 -> iMap
       add s l r iMap = IM.alter addInnerL l iMap
        where addInnerL mm = case mm of 
                             Nothing -> Just singleRS
                             Just m  -> Just $ IM.insertWith (S.union) r singleS m
              singleRS     = IM.fromList [(r, singleS)]
              singleS      = S.singleton s
iNodeRemove :: (Ord t) => SPPF t -> (Slot t, Int, Int) -> SPPF t
iNodeRemove (sMap,iMap,pMap,eMap) (s,l,r) = 
    (sMap,IM.adjust inner l iMap,pMap,eMap)
    where   inner   = IM.adjust ((s `S.delete`)) r

eMapInsert :: (Ord t) => SPPFNode t -> SPPFNode t -> SPPF t -> SPPF t
eMapInsert f t (sMap,iMap,pMap,eMap) =  
    (sMap,iMap,pMap,M.insertWith (S.union) f (S.singleton t) eMap)

-- helpers for Ucal
inU (slot,l,i) u = maybe False inner $ IM.lookup l u
         where inner = maybe False (S.member slot) . IM.lookup i

toU (slot,l,i) u = IM.alter inner l u
 where inner mm = case mm of
                Nothing -> Just $ singleIS
                Just m  -> Just $ IM.insertWith S.union i singleS m
       singleIS = IM.fromList [(i,singleS)]
       singleS  = S.singleton slot

showD dv = unlines [ show f ++ " --> " ++ show t | (f,ts) <- M.toList dv, t <- ts ]
showG dv = unlines [ show f ++ " --> " ++ show t | (f,ts) <- M.toList dv, t <- ts ]
showP pMap = unlines [ show ((a,j),l,r) ++ " --> " ++ show kset
                            | (l,r2j) <- IM.assocs pMap, (r,j2a) <- IM.assocs r2j
                            , (j,a2k) <- IM.assocs j2a, (a,kset) <- M.assocs a2k ]
showS sMap = unlines [ show (l,r) ++ " --> " ++ show (sset)
                            | (l,r2s) <- IM.assocs sMap, (r,sset) <- IM.assocs r2s]

showSPPF :: Show t => SPPF t -> String 
showSPPF (_,_,pMap,_) = showP pMap 

type ProdMap t   = M.Map Nt [Prod t]
type PrefixMap t = M.Map (Prod t,Int) ([t], Maybe Nt)
type SelectMap t = M.Map (Nt, [Symbol t]) (S.Set t)
type FirstMap  t = M.Map Nt (S.Set t)
type FollowMap t = M.Map Nt (S.Set t)

fixedMaps :: (Eq t, Ord t, Parseable t) => Nt -> [Prod t] -> 
                (ProdMap t, PrefixMap t, FirstMap t, FollowMap t, SelectMap t) 
fixedMaps s prs = (prodMap, prefixMap, firstMap, followMap, selectMap)
    prodMap = M.fromListWith (++) [ (x,[pr]) | pr@(Prod x _) <- prs ]

    prefixMap = M.fromList 
        [ ((pr,j), (tokens,msymb)) | pr@(Prod x alpha) <- prs
                                   , (j,tokens,msymb) <- prefix x alpha ]
        prefix x alpha = map rangePrefix ranges
         where  js          = (map ((+) 1) (findIndices isNt alpha))
                ranges      = zip (0:js) (js ++ [length alpha])
                rangePrefix (a,z) | a >= z = (a,[],Nothing)
                rangePrefix (a,z) = 
                    let init = map ((\(Term t) -> t) . (alpha !!)) [a .. (z-2)]
                        last = alpha !! (z-1)
                     in case last of    
                           Nt nt     -> (a,init, Just nt)
                           Term t    -> (a,init ++ [t], Nothing)

    firstMap = M.fromList [ (x, first_x [] x) | x <- M.keys prodMap ]

    first_x ys x           = S.unions [ first_alpha (x:ys) rhs | Prod _ rhs <- prodMap M.! x ]
    selectMap = M.fromList [ ((x,alpha), select alpha x) | Prod x rhs <- prs
                           , alpha <- split rhs ]
        split rhs = foldr op [] js
         where op j acc     = drop j rhs : acc
               js           = 0 : findIndices isNt rhs

        -- TODO store intermediate results
        select alpha x      = res 
                where   firsts  = first_alpha [] alpha
                        res     | eps `S.member` firsts     = S.delete eps firsts `S.union` (followMap M.! x)
                                | otherwise                 = firsts

    -- list of symbols to get firsts from + non-terminal to ignore
    -- TODO store in map
    first_alpha ys []      = S.singleton eps 
    first_alpha ys (x:xs)  =  
        case x of
          Term tau        -> if tau == eps then first_alpha ys xs
                                           else S.singleton tau
          Nt x            ->  
            let fs | x `elem` ys       = S.empty 
                   | otherwise        = first_x (x:ys) x
              in  if x `S.member` nullableSet
                        then S.delete eps fs `S.union` first_alpha (x:ys) xs
                        else fs

    followMap = M.fromList [ (x, follow [] x) | x <- M.keys prodMap ] 
    follow ys x = S.unions (map fw (maybe [] id $ M.lookup x localMap))
                            `S.union` (if x == s then S.singleton eos else S.empty)
             where fw (y,ss) = 
                        let ts  = S.delete eps (first_alpha [] ss)
                            fs  = follow (x:ys) y 
                         in if nullable_alpha [] ss && not (x `elem` (y:ys))
                               then ts `S.union` fs 
                               else ts

    localMap = M.fromListWith (++)
                [ (x,[(y,tail)]) | x <- M.keys prodMap, (Prod y rhs) <- prs
                                 , tail <- tails x rhs ]
        tails x symbs = [ drop (index + 1) symbs | index <- indices ]
         where indices = elemIndices (Nt x) symbs
    nullableSet :: S.Set Nt
    nullableSet  = S.fromList $ [ x | x <- M.keys prodMap, nullable_x [] x ]

    -- a nonterminal is nullable if any of its alternatives is empty 
    nullable_x :: [Nt] -> Nt -> Bool
    nullable_x ys x      = or [ nullable_alpha (x:ys) rhs 
                              | (Prod _ rhs) <- prodMap M.! x ] 

    -- TODO store in map
    nullable_alpha :: [Nt] -> [Symbol t] -> Bool
    nullable_alpha ys [] = True
    nullable_alpha ys (s:ss) =     
        case s of
            Nt nt      -> if nt `elem` ys 
                            then False --nullable only if some other alternative is nullable
                            else nullable_x ys nt && nullable_alpha (nt:ys) ss
            otherwise  -> False

instance Show Symbol where
    show (Nt nt) = "Nt " ++ show nt
    show (Term t) = "Term " ++ show t
    show (Error t1 t2) = "Error " ++ show t1 ++ " " ++ show t2

instance Eq Symbol where
    (Nt nt) == (Nt nt') = nt == nt'
    (Term t) == (Term t') = t == t'
    (Error t1 t2) == (Error t1' t2') = (t1,t2) == (t1',t2')

instance Ord Symbol where
    (Nt nt) `compare` (Nt nt') = nt `compare` nt
    (Nt _)  `compare`  _       = LT
    _  `compare`  (Nt _)       = GT
    (Term t) `compare` (Term t') = t `compare` t'
    (Term _) `compare` _         = LT
    _        `compare` (Term _)   = GT
    (Error t1 t2) `compare` (Error t1' t2') = (t1,t2) `compare` (t1',t2')