-- | Data types for representing pictures.
module Graphics.Gloss.Data.Picture
	( Point
	, Vector
	, Path
	, Picture(..)

	-- * Aliases for Picture constructors
	, blank, polygon, line, circle, thickCircle, text, bitmap
	, color, translate, rotate, scale
	, pictures

	-- * Miscellaneous
	, loadBMP
 	, lineLoop
 	, circleSolid
	-- * Rectangles
	, rectanglePath, 	rectangleWire, 		rectangleSolid
	, rectangleUpperPath,	rectangleUpperWire, 	rectangleUpperSolid)
import Graphics.Gloss.Data.Color
import Graphics.Gloss.Data.Point
import Graphics.Gloss.Data.Vector
import Control.Monad
import Data.Monoid

import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B

-- | A path through the x-y plane.
type Path	= [Point]				

-- | A 2D picture
data Picture
	-- Primitives -------------------------------------

	-- | A blank picture, with nothing in it.
	= Blank

	-- | A polygon filled with a solid color.
	| Polygon 	Path
	-- | A line along an arbitrary path.
	| Line		Path

	-- | A circle with the given radius.
	| Circle	Float

	-- | A circle with the given thickness and radius. If the thickness is 0 then this is equivalent to `Circle`.
	| ThickCircle	Float		Float

	-- | Some text to draw with a vector font.
	| Text		String

	-- | A bitmap image with a width, height and a ByteString holding the 32 bit RGBA bitmap data.
	| Bitmap	Int	Int 	ByteString

	-- Color ------------------------------------------
	-- | A picture drawn with this color.
	| Color		Color  		Picture

	-- Transforms -------------------------------------
	-- | A picture translated by the given x and y coordinates.
	| Translate	Float Float	Picture

	-- | A picture rotated by the given angle (in degrees).
	| Rotate	Float		Picture

	-- | A picture scaled by the given x and y factors.
	| Scale		Float	Float	Picture

	-- More Pictures ----------------------------------
	-- | A picture consisting of several others.
	| Pictures	[Picture]
	deriving (Show, Eq)

-- Instances -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
instance Monoid Picture where
	mempty		= blank
	mappend a b	= Pictures [a, b]
	mconcat		= Pictures

-- Constructors ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
blank :: Picture
blank	= Blank

polygon :: Path -> Picture
polygon = Polygon

line :: Path -> Picture
line 	= Line

circle :: Float -> Picture
circle 	= Circle

thickCircle :: Float -> Float -> Picture
thickCircle = ThickCircle

text :: String -> Picture
text = Text

bitmap :: Int -> Int -> ByteString -> Picture
bitmap = Bitmap

color :: Color -> Picture -> Picture
color = Color

translate :: Float -> Float -> Picture -> Picture
translate = Translate

rotate :: Float -> Picture -> Picture
rotate = Rotate

scale :: Float -> Float -> Picture -> Picture
scale = Scale

pictures :: [Picture] -> Picture
pictures = Pictures

-- BMP file loader ------------------------------------------------------------
-- | An IO action that loads a BMP format file from the given path, and
--   produces a picture.
--   TODO: Use Codec.BMP library instead.
loadBMP :: FilePath -> IO Picture
loadBMP fname = do
    bs <- B.readFile fname
    when (not (isBmp bs)) $ error (fname ++ ": not a bmp file"                      )
    when (bpp  bs < 32)   $ error (fname ++ ": must be saved in 32-bit RGBA format" )
    when (comp bs /= 0)   $ error (fname ++ ": must be saved in uncompressed format")
    return (Bitmap (width bs) (height bs) (dat bs))
  where range s n bs    = B.unpack (B.take n (B.drop s bs))
        littleEndian ds = sum [ fromIntegral b * 256^k | (b,k) <- zip ds [(0 :: Int) ..] ]
        isBmp bs        = littleEndian (range  0 2 bs) == (19778 :: Int)
        pxOff bs        = littleEndian (range 10 4 bs) :: Int
        width bs        = littleEndian (range 18 4 bs) :: Int
        height bs       = littleEndian (range 22 4 bs) :: Int
        bpp bs          = littleEndian (range 28 2 bs) :: Int
        comp bs         = littleEndian (range 30 4 bs) :: Int
        dat bs          = swapRB (B.take (4 * width bs * height bs)
                                         (B.drop (pxOff bs) bs))
        swapRB bs
          | B.null bs   = B.empty
          | otherwise   = let [b,g,r,a] = B.unpack (B.take 4 bs)
                          in  B.pack [r,g,b,a] `B.append` swapRB (B.drop 4 bs)

-- Shapes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | A closed loop along this path.
lineLoop :: Path -> Picture
lineLoop []	= Line []
lineLoop (x:xs)	= Line ((x:xs) ++ [x])

-- | A path representing a rectangle centered about the origin,
--	with the given width and height.
rectanglePath :: Float -> Float -> Path
rectanglePath sizeX sizeY			
 = let	sx	= sizeX / 2
	sy	= sizeY / 2
   in	[(-sx, -sy), (-sx, sy), (sx, sy), (sx, -sy)]

-- | A wireframe rectangle centered about the origin,
--	with the given width and height.
rectangleWire :: Float -> Float -> Picture
rectangleWire sizeX sizeY
	= lineLoop $ rectanglePath sizeX sizeY

-- | A wireframe rectangle in the y > 0 half of the x-y plane,
--	with the given width and height.
rectangleUpperWire :: Float -> Float -> Picture
rectangleUpperWire sizeX sizeY
	= lineLoop $ rectangleUpperPath sizeX sizeY

-- | A path representing a rectangle in the y > 0 half of the x-y plane,
--	with the given width and height
rectangleUpperPath :: Float -> Float -> Path
rectangleUpperPath sizeX sy
 = let 	sx	= sizeX / 2
   in  	[(-sx, 0), (-sx, sy), (sx, sy), (sx, 0)]

-- | A solid rectangle centered about the origin, 
--	with the given width and height.
rectangleSolid :: Float -> Float -> Picture
rectangleSolid sizeX sizeY
	= Polygon $ rectanglePath sizeX sizeY

-- | A solid rectangle in the y > 0 half of the x-y plane,
--	with the given width and height.
rectangleUpperSolid :: Float -> Float -> Picture
rectangleUpperSolid sizeX sizeY
	= Polygon  $ rectangleUpperPath sizeX sizeY

-- | A solid circle with the given radius.
circleSolid :: Float -> Picture
circleSolid r = thickCircle (r/2) r