module Graphics.Gloss.Data.ViewPort
	( ViewPort(..)
	, viewPortInit
	, applyViewPortToPicture
	, invertViewPort )
import Graphics.Gloss.Data.Vector
import Graphics.Gloss.Geometry.Angle
import Graphics.Gloss.Data.Picture (Picture(..))
import Graphics.Gloss.Data.Point

-- | The 'ViewPort' represents the global transformation applied to the displayed picture.
--      When the user pans, zooms, or rotates the display then this changes the 'ViewPort'.
data ViewPort
	= ViewPort { 
	-- | Global translation.
	  viewPortTranslate	:: !(Float, Float)

	-- | Global rotation (in degrees).
	, viewPortRotate	:: !Float		

	-- | Global scaling (of both x and y coordinates).
	, viewPortScale		:: !Float		
-- | The initial state of the viewport.
viewPortInit :: ViewPort
	= ViewPort
	{ viewPortTranslate	= (0, 0) 
	, viewPortRotate	= 0
	, viewPortScale		= 1 

-- | Translates, rotates, and scales an image according to the 'ViewPort'.
applyViewPortToPicture :: ViewPort  -> Picture -> Picture
	ViewPort	{ viewPortScale		= scale
                        , viewPortTranslate	= (transX, transY)
			, viewPortRotate	= rotate }
	= Scale scale scale . Rotate rotate . Translate transX transY

-- | Takes a point using screen coordinates, and uses the `ViewPort` to convert
--   it to Picture coordinates. This is the inverse of `applyViewPortToPicture` 
--   for points.
invertViewPort :: ViewPort -> Point -> Point
	ViewPort	{ viewPortScale		= scale
			, viewPortTranslate	= trans
			, viewPortRotate	= rotate }
	= rotateV (degToRad rotate) (mulSV (1 / scale) pos) - trans