Name: glpk-hs Version: 0.0.1 Author: Louis Wasserman License: GPL License-file: LICENSE Maintainer: Louis Wasserman Stability: experimental Synopsis: Comprehensive GLPK linear programming bindings Description: Friendly interface to GLPK's linear programming and mixed integer programming features. To design a linear programming problem, use "Data.LinearProgram.LPMonad" to construct the constraints and specifications. Linear functions are essentially specified as @Data.Map@s from variables to their coefficients, and functions for manipulating them are available in "Data.LinFunc". Then "Data.LinearProgram.GLPK" provides facilities for using the GLPK solver system on your problem, with a sizable number of options available. Category: Math cabal-version: >= 1.2 build-type: Simple extra-source-files: examples/example1.hs Build-Depends: base >= 3 && < 5, array, containers, mtl, time Exposed-modules: Data.LinFunc, Data.LinearProgram, Data.LinearProgram.GLPK, Data.LinearProgram.LPMonad Other-modules: Data.LinearProgram.GLPK.Internal, Data.LinearProgram.Spec, Data.LinearProgram.Types, Data.LinFunc.Class c-sources: glpk/glpk.c extra-libraries: glpk