{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, ScopedTypeVariables, ForeignFunctionInterface #-} module Data.LinearProgram.GLPK.Internal (writeProblem, solveSimplex, mipSolve, getObjVal, getRowPrim, getColPrim, mipObjVal, mipRowVal, mipColVal, getBadRay) where {-(writeProblem, addCols, addRows, createIndex, findCol, findRow, getColPrim, getRowPrim, getObjVal, mipColVal, mipRowVal, mipObjVal, mipSolve, setColBounds, setColKind, setColName, setMatRow, setObjCoef, setObjectiveDirection, setRowBounds, setRowName, solveSimplex) where-} import Control.Monad import Foreign.Ptr import Foreign.C import Foreign.Marshal.Array import Data.Bits import Data.Map hiding (map) -- import Data.Bounds import Data.LinearProgram.Common import Data.LinearProgram.GLPK.Types -- foreign import ccall "c_glp_set_obj_name" glpSetObjName :: Ptr GlpProb -> CString -> IO () -- foreign import ccall unsafe "c_glp_set_obj_dir" glpSetObjDir :: Ptr GlpProb -> CInt -> IO () foreign import ccall unsafe "c_glp_minimize" glpMinimize :: Ptr GlpProb -> IO () foreign import ccall unsafe "c_glp_maximize" glpMaximize :: Ptr GlpProb -> IO () foreign import ccall unsafe "c_glp_add_rows" glpAddRows :: Ptr GlpProb -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "c_glp_add_cols" glpAddCols :: Ptr GlpProb -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "c_glp_set_row_bnds" glpSetRowBnds :: Ptr GlpProb -> CInt -> CInt -> CDouble -> CDouble -> IO () foreign import ccall unsafe "c_glp_set_col_bnds" glpSetColBnds :: Ptr GlpProb -> CInt -> CInt -> CDouble -> CDouble -> IO () foreign import ccall unsafe "c_glp_set_obj_coef" glpSetObjCoef :: Ptr GlpProb -> CInt -> CDouble -> IO () foreign import ccall unsafe "c_glp_set_mat_row" glpSetMatRow :: Ptr GlpProb -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CDouble -> IO () -- foreign import ccall unsafe "c_glp_create_index" glpCreateIndex :: Ptr GlpProb -> IO () -- foreign import ccall unsafe "c_glp_find_row" glpFindRow :: Ptr GlpProb -> CString -> IO CInt -- foreign import ccall unsafe "c_glp_find_col" glpFindCol :: Ptr GlpProb -> CString -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "c_glp_solve_simplex" glpSolveSimplex :: Ptr GlpProb -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "c_glp_get_obj_val" glpGetObjVal :: Ptr GlpProb -> IO CDouble foreign import ccall unsafe "c_glp_get_row_prim" glpGetRowPrim :: Ptr GlpProb -> CInt -> IO CDouble foreign import ccall unsafe "c_glp_get_col_prim" glpGetColPrim :: Ptr GlpProb -> CInt -> IO CDouble foreign import ccall unsafe "c_glp_set_col_kind" glpSetColKind :: Ptr GlpProb -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () foreign import ccall unsafe "c_glp_mip_solve" glpMipSolve :: Ptr GlpProb -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CDouble -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "c_glp_mip_obj_val" glpMIPObjVal :: Ptr GlpProb -> IO CDouble foreign import ccall unsafe "c_glp_mip_row_val" glpMIPRowVal :: Ptr GlpProb -> CInt -> IO CDouble foreign import ccall unsafe "c_glp_mip_col_val" glpMIPColVal :: Ptr GlpProb -> CInt -> IO CDouble foreign import ccall unsafe "c_glp_set_row_name" glpSetRowName :: Ptr GlpProb -> CInt -> CString -> IO () foreign import ccall unsafe "c_glp_get_bad_ray" glpGetBadRay :: Ptr GlpProb -> IO CInt setObjectiveDirection :: Direction -> GLPK () setObjectiveDirection dir = GLP $ case dir of Min -> glpMinimize Max -> glpMaximize getBadRay :: GLPK (Maybe Int) getBadRay = liftM (\ x -> guard (x /= 0) >> return (fromIntegral x)) $ GLP glpGetBadRay addRows :: Int -> GLPK Int addRows n = GLP $ liftM fromIntegral . flip glpAddRows (fromIntegral n) addCols :: Int -> GLPK Int addCols n = GLP $ liftM fromIntegral . flip glpAddCols (fromIntegral n) setRowBounds :: Real a => Int -> Bounds a -> GLPK () setRowBounds i bds = GLP $ \ lp -> onBounds (glpSetRowBnds lp (fromIntegral i)) bds setColBounds :: Real a => Int -> Bounds a -> GLPK () setColBounds i bds = GLP $ \ lp -> onBounds (glpSetColBnds lp (fromIntegral i)) bds onBounds :: Real a => (CInt -> CDouble -> CDouble -> x) -> Bounds a -> x onBounds f bds = case bds of Free -> f 1 0 0 LBound a -> f 2 (realToFrac a) 0 UBound a -> f 3 0 (realToFrac a) Bound a b -> f 4 (realToFrac a) (realToFrac b) Equ a -> f 5 (realToFrac a) 0 {-# SPECIALIZE setObjCoef :: Int -> Double -> GLPK (), Int -> Int -> GLPK () #-} setObjCoef :: Real a => Int -> a -> GLPK () setObjCoef i v = GLP $ \ lp -> glpSetObjCoef lp (fromIntegral i) (realToFrac v) {-# SPECIALIZE setMatRow :: Int -> [(Int, Double)] -> GLPK (), Int -> [(Int, Int)] -> GLPK () #-} setMatRow :: Real a => Int -> [(Int, a)] -> GLPK () setMatRow i row = GLP $ \ lp -> allocaArray (len+1) $ \ (ixs :: Ptr CInt) -> allocaArray (len+1) $ \ (coeffs :: Ptr CDouble) -> do pokeArray ixs (0:map (fromIntegral . fst) row) pokeArray coeffs (0:map (realToFrac . snd) row) glpSetMatRow lp (fromIntegral i) (fromIntegral len) ixs coeffs where len = length row -- createIndex :: GLPK () -- createIndex = GLP glpCreateIndex -- findRow :: String -> GLPK Int -- findRow nam = GLP $ liftM fromIntegral . withCString nam . glpFindRow -- findCol :: String -> GLPK Int -- findCol nam = GLP $ liftM fromIntegral . withCString nam . glpFindCol solveSimplex :: MsgLev -> Int -> Bool -> GLPK ReturnCode solveSimplex msglev tmLim presolve = GLP $ \ lp -> liftM (toEnum . fromIntegral) $ glpSolveSimplex lp (getMsgLev msglev) tmLim' (if presolve then 1 else 0) where tmLim' = fromIntegral (tmLim * 1000) getMsgLev :: MsgLev -> CInt getMsgLev = fromIntegral . fromEnum getObjVal :: GLPK Double getObjVal = liftM realToFrac $ GLP glpGetObjVal getRowPrim :: Int -> GLPK Double getRowPrim i = liftM realToFrac $ GLP (`glpGetRowPrim` fromIntegral i) getColPrim :: Int -> GLPK Double getColPrim i = liftM realToFrac $ GLP (`glpGetColPrim` fromIntegral i) setColKind :: Int -> VarKind -> GLPK () setColKind i kind = GLP $ \ lp -> glpSetColKind lp (fromIntegral i) (fromIntegral $ 1 + fromEnum kind) mipSolve :: MsgLev -> BranchingTechnique -> BacktrackTechnique -> Preprocessing -> Bool -> [Cuts] -> Double -> Int -> Bool -> GLPK ReturnCode mipSolve msglev brt btt pp fp cuts mipgap tmlim presol = liftM (toEnum . fromIntegral) $ GLP $ \ lp -> glpMipSolve lp msglev' brt' btt' pp' fp' tmlim' cuts' mipgap' presol' where !msglev' = getMsgLev msglev !brt' = 1 + fromIntegral (fromEnum brt) !btt' = 1 + fromIntegral (fromEnum btt) !pp' = fromIntegral (fromEnum pp) !fp' = fromIntegral (fromEnum fp) !cuts' = (if GMI `elem` cuts then 1 else 0) .|. (if MIR `elem` cuts then 2 else 0) .|. (if Cov `elem` cuts then 4 else 0) .|. (if Clq `elem` cuts then 8 else 0) !mipgap' = realToFrac mipgap !tmlim' = fromIntegral (1000 * tmlim) !presol' = fromIntegral (fromEnum presol) mipObjVal :: GLPK Double mipObjVal = liftM realToFrac $ GLP glpMIPObjVal mipRowVal :: Int -> GLPK Double mipRowVal i = liftM realToFrac $ GLP (`glpMIPRowVal` fromIntegral i) mipColVal :: Int -> GLPK Double mipColVal i = liftM realToFrac $ GLP (`glpMIPColVal` fromIntegral i) setRowName :: Int -> String -> GLPK () setRowName i nam = GLP $ withCString nam . flip glpSetRowName (fromIntegral i) {-# SPECIALIZE writeProblem :: Ord v => LP v Double -> GLPK (Map v Int), Ord v => LP v Int -> GLPK (Map v Int) #-} writeProblem :: (Ord v, Real c) => LP v c -> GLPK (Map v Int) writeProblem LP{..} = do setObjectiveDirection direction i0 <- addCols nVars let allVars' = fmap (i0 +) allVars sequence_ [setObjCoef i v | (i, v) <- elems $ intersectionWith (,) allVars' objective] j0 <- addRows (length constraints) sequence_ [do maybe (return ()) (setRowName j) lab setMatRow j [(i, v) | (i, v) <- elems (intersectionWith (,) allVars' f)] setRowBounds j bnds | (j, Constr lab f bnds) <- zip [j0..] constraints] -- createIndex sequence_ [setColBounds i bnds | (i, bnds) <- elems $ intersectionWith (,) allVars' varBounds] sequence_ [setColBounds i Free | i <- elems $ difference allVars' varBounds] sequence_ [setColKind i knd | (i, knd) <- elems $ intersectionWith (,) allVars' varTypes] return allVars' where allVars0 = fmap (const ()) objective `union` unions [fmap (const ()) f | Constr _ f _ <- constraints] `union` fmap (const ()) varBounds `union` fmap (const ()) varTypes (nVars, allVars) = mapAccum (\ n _ -> (n+1, n)) (0 :: Int) allVars0