-- GENERATED by C->Haskell Compiler, version 0.16.0 Crystal Seed, 24 Jan 2009 (Haskell)
-- Edit the ORIGNAL .chs file instead!

{-# LINE 1 "./Gnome/Keyring/KeyringInfo/Internal.chs" #-}-- Copyright (C) 2009 John Millikin <jmillikin@gmail.com>
-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-- any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

{-# LINE 19 "./Gnome/Keyring/KeyringInfo/Internal.chs" #-}

module Gnome.Keyring.KeyringInfo.Internal where

-- Import unqualified for c2hs
import Foreign
import Foreign.C
import Gnome.Keyring.FFI
import Gnome.Keyring.Types

-- Our keyring info populates/is populated by the native info structure.
-- Clients can't create them directly, because GKR doesn't allow it.
data KeyringInfo = KeyringInfo
	{ keyringLockOnIdle  :: Bool
	, keyringLockTimeout :: Word32
	, keyringMTime       :: Integer -- TODO: TimeOfDay
	, keyringCTime       :: Integer -- TODO: TimeOfDay
	, keyringIsLocked    :: Bool
	, keyringInfoPtr     :: ForeignPtr ()

-- | Set whether or not to lock a keyring after a certain amount of idle
-- time.
keyringSetLockOnIdle  :: KeyringInfo -> Bool -> KeyringInfo
keyringSetLockOnIdle info x = info {keyringLockOnIdle = x}

-- | Set the idle timeout, in seconds, after which to lock the keyring.
keyringSetLockTimeout :: KeyringInfo -> Word32 -> KeyringInfo
keyringSetLockTimeout info x = info {keyringLockTimeout = x}

-- GnomeKeyringOperationGetKeyringInfoCallback
data GetKeyringInfoCallback = GetKeyringInfoCallback GetKeyringInfoCallbackPtr
instance Callback GetKeyringInfoCallback KeyringInfo where
	callbackToPtr (GetKeyringInfoCallback x) = castFunPtr x
	freeCallback  (GetKeyringInfoCallback x) = freeHaskellFunPtr x
	buildCallback onSuccess onError = do
		funptr <- wrapGetKeyringInfoCallback $ \cres ptr _ -> do
			case result cres of
				RESULT_OK -> peekKeyringInfo ptr >>= onSuccess
				x -> onError $ resultToError x
		return $ GetKeyringInfoCallback funptr

type RawGetKeyringInfoCallback = CInt -> Ptr () -> Ptr () -> IO ()
type GetKeyringInfoCallbackPtr = FunPtr ((CInt -> ((Ptr ()) -> ((Ptr ()) -> (IO ())))))
{-# LINE 65 "./Gnome/Keyring/KeyringInfo/Internal.chs" #-}
foreign import ccall "wrapper"
	wrapGetKeyringInfoCallback :: RawGetKeyringInfoCallback
	                           -> IO GetKeyringInfoCallbackPtr

copyInfo :: Ptr () -> IO (ForeignPtr ())
copyInfo = (newForeignPtr finalizeKeyringInfo =<<) . c_copy
{-# LINE 71 "./Gnome/Keyring/KeyringInfo/Internal.chs" #-}

peekKeyringInfo :: Ptr () -> IO KeyringInfo
peekKeyringInfo ptr = do
	lockOnIdle <- toBool `fmap` gnome_keyring_info_get_lock_on_idle ptr
	timeout <- fromIntegral `fmap` gnome_keyring_info_get_lock_timeout ptr
	mtime <- toInteger `fmap` gnome_keyring_info_get_mtime ptr
	ctime <- toInteger `fmap` gnome_keyring_info_get_ctime ptr
	isLocked <- toBool `fmap` gnome_keyring_info_get_is_locked ptr
	copy <- copyInfo ptr
	return $ KeyringInfo lockOnIdle timeout mtime ctime isLocked copy

stealKeyringInfoPtr :: Ptr (Ptr ()) -> IO KeyringInfo
stealKeyringInfoPtr ptr = do
	infoPtr <- newForeignPtr finalizeKeyringInfo =<< peek ptr
	withForeignPtr infoPtr peekKeyringInfo

withKeyringInfo :: KeyringInfo -> (Ptr () -> IO a) -> IO a
withKeyringInfo info io = do
	copy <- withForeignPtr (keyringInfoPtr info) copyInfo
	withForeignPtr copy $ \ptr -> do
	gnome_keyring_info_set_lock_on_idle ptr . fromBool . keyringLockOnIdle $ info
	gnome_keyring_info_set_lock_timeout ptr . fromIntegral . keyringLockTimeout $ info
	io ptr

foreign import ccall "gnome-keyring.h &gnome_keyring_info_free"
	finalizeKeyringInfo :: FunPtr (Ptr a -> IO ())

foreign import ccall unsafe "Gnome/Keyring/KeyringInfo/Internal.chs.h gnome_keyring_info_copy"
  c_copy :: ((Ptr ()) -> (IO (Ptr ())))

foreign import ccall unsafe "Gnome/Keyring/KeyringInfo/Internal.chs.h gnome_keyring_info_get_lock_on_idle"
  gnome_keyring_info_get_lock_on_idle :: ((Ptr ()) -> (IO CInt))

foreign import ccall unsafe "Gnome/Keyring/KeyringInfo/Internal.chs.h gnome_keyring_info_get_lock_timeout"
  gnome_keyring_info_get_lock_timeout :: ((Ptr ()) -> (IO CUInt))

foreign import ccall unsafe "Gnome/Keyring/KeyringInfo/Internal.chs.h gnome_keyring_info_get_mtime"
  gnome_keyring_info_get_mtime :: ((Ptr ()) -> (IO CLong))

foreign import ccall unsafe "Gnome/Keyring/KeyringInfo/Internal.chs.h gnome_keyring_info_get_ctime"
  gnome_keyring_info_get_ctime :: ((Ptr ()) -> (IO CLong))

foreign import ccall unsafe "Gnome/Keyring/KeyringInfo/Internal.chs.h gnome_keyring_info_get_is_locked"
  gnome_keyring_info_get_is_locked :: ((Ptr ()) -> (IO CInt))

foreign import ccall unsafe "Gnome/Keyring/KeyringInfo/Internal.chs.h gnome_keyring_info_set_lock_on_idle"
  gnome_keyring_info_set_lock_on_idle :: ((Ptr ()) -> (CInt -> (IO ())))

foreign import ccall unsafe "Gnome/Keyring/KeyringInfo/Internal.chs.h gnome_keyring_info_set_lock_timeout"
  gnome_keyring_info_set_lock_timeout :: ((Ptr ()) -> (CUInt -> (IO ())))