gnome-keyring-0.3.1: Bindings for libgnome-keyring

MaintainerJohn Millikin <>
Portabilitynon-portable (FFI)
Safe HaskellNone




The GNOME Keyring is a service for securely storing per-user secret information, such as passwords and encryption keys. This library is a binding to the libgnome-keyring C library.

Documentation for the original library is available at


Service status

available :: IO Bool Source

Check whether the client can communicate with the GNOME Keyring service.


A keyring contains multiple items. Each item has a secret, attributes and access information associated with it.

An item is identified by an ItemID unique to the keyring in which it exists. An item's name is for displaying to the user. Each item has a single secret, which is Unicode text. This secret is stored in non-pageable memory in the server, and encrypted on disk. All of this information is exposed via Item values.

Note that the underlying C library stores secrets in non-pageable memory, but the Haskell bindings currently do not.

Attributes allow various other pieces of information to be associated with an item. These can also be used to search for relevant items.

Each item has an access control list, which specifies which applications may read, write or delete an item. The read access applies only to reading the secret. All applications can read other parts of the item. ACLs are accessed and changed through Access values.

createItem Source


:: Keyring 
-> ItemType 
-> String

Display name

-> [Attribute] 
-> String

The secret

-> Bool

Update an existing item, if one exists.

-> Operation ItemID 

Create a new item in a keyring.

The user may have been prompted to unlock necessary keyrings. If defaultKeyring is specified as the keyring and no default keyring exists, the user will be prompted to create a new keyring.

If an existing item should be updated, the user may be prompted for access to the existing item.

Whether a new item is created or not, the ID of the item will be returned.

deleteItem :: Keyring -> ItemID -> Operation () Source

Delete an item in a keyring.

The user may be prompted if the calling application doesn't have necessary access to delete the item.

listItemIDs :: Keyring -> Operation [ItemID] Source

Get a list of all the IDs for items in the keyring. All items which are not flagged as ItemApplicationSecret are included in the list. This includes items that the calling application may not (yet) have access to.

Item info

data Item Source


getItem Source


:: Keyring 
-> Bool

Whether to read the secret.

-> ItemID 
-> Operation Item 

Get information about an item and its secret.

The user may be prompted if the calling application doesn't have necessary access to read the item with its secret.

setItem :: Keyring -> ItemID -> Item -> Operation () Source

Set information on an item, like its display name, secret, etc.

Only the fields in the Item which are not Nothing or non-zero will be set on the item.

itemType :: Item -> ItemType Source

Get or set the item's type.

itemSecret :: Item -> Maybe String Source

Get or set the item's secret.

itemDisplayName :: Item -> Maybe String Source

Get or set the item's display name.

itemModified :: Item -> UTCTime Source

Get when the item was last modified.

itemCreated :: Item -> UTCTime Source

Get when the item was created.

Item attributes

data Attribute Source

Attributes allow various other pieces of information to be associated with an item. These can also be used to search for relevant items. Use getItemAttributes or setItemAttributes to manipulate attributes in the keyring.

Each attribute is either Unicode text, or an unsigned 32-bit integer.

getItemAttributes :: Keyring -> ItemID -> Operation [Attribute] Source

Get all the attributes for an item.

setItemAttributes :: Keyring -> ItemID -> [Attribute] -> Operation () Source

Set all the attributes for an item. These will replace any existing attributes.

Access control

data Access Source

Each item has an access control list, which specifies which applications may read, write or delete an item. The read access applies only to reading the secret. All applications can read other parts of the item. ACLs are accessed and changed with getItemAccess and setItemAccess.


getItemAccess :: Keyring -> ItemID -> Operation [Access] Source

Get the access control list for an item.

setItemAccess :: Keyring -> ItemID -> [Access] -> Operation () Source

Set the full access control list on an item. This replaces any previous ACL set on the item.

grantItemAccess Source


:: Keyring 
-> String

Display name

-> String

Application executable path

-> ItemID 
-> [AccessType] 
-> Operation () 

Will grant the application access rights to the item, provided callee has write access to said item.

This is similar to performing getItemAccess and setItemAccess with appropriate parameters.

Searching for items

foundItemKeyring :: FoundItem -> Keyring Source

Get which keyring the item was found in.

foundItemID :: FoundItem -> ItemID Source

Get the found item's ID.

foundItemAttributes :: FoundItem -> [Attribute] Source

Get the found item's attributes.

foundItemSecret :: FoundItem -> String Source

Get the found item's secret.

findItems :: ItemType -> [Attribute] -> Operation [FoundItem] Source

Searches through all keyrings for items that match the attributes. The matches are for exact equality.

The user may be prompted to unlock necessary keyrings, and will be prompted for access to the items if needed.

Returns an empty list if no items were found.


data Keyring Source

GNOME Keyring manages multiple keyrings. Each keyring can store one or more items, containing secrets.

Each keyring can be in a locked or unlocked state. A password must be specified, either by the user or the calling application, to unlock the keyring.


Basic operations

getDefaultKeyring :: Operation (Maybe String) Source

Get the name of the default keyring. If no keyring is the default, returns Nothing.

setDefaultKeyring :: String -> Operation () Source

Change the default keyring.

listKeyringNames :: Operation [String] Source

Get a list of keyring names. If no keyrings exist, an empty list will be returned.

createKeyring Source


:: String

Keyring name

-> Maybe String

Keyring password, or Nothing to prompt the user.

-> Operation () 

Create a new keyring with the specified name. In most cases, Nothing will be passed as the password, which will prompt the user to enter a password of their choice.

deleteKeyring :: String -> Operation () Source

Delete a keyring. Once a keyring is deleted, there is no mechanism for recovery of its contents.

changeKeyringPassword Source


:: String

Keyring name

-> Maybe String

Old password, or Nothing to prompt the user.

-> Maybe String

New password, or Nothing to prompt the user.

-> Operation () 

Change the password for a keyring. In most cases, Nothing would be specified for both the original and new passwords to allow the user to type both.

Locking and unlocking keyrings

lockKeyring :: Keyring -> Operation () Source

Lock a keyring, so that its contents may not be accessed without first supplying a password.

Most keyring operations involving items require that the keyring first be unlocked. One exception is findItems and related computations.

unlockKeyring :: Keyring -> Maybe String -> Operation () Source

Unlock a keyring, so that its contents may be accessed. In most cases, Nothing will be specified as the password, which will prompt the user to enter the correct password.

Most keyring operations involving items require that the keyring first be unlocked. One exception is findItems and related computations.

lockAll :: Operation () Source

Lock all the keyrings, so that their contents may not be accessed without first unlocking them with a password.

Keyring information

keyringLockOnIdle :: KeyringInfo -> Bool Source

Get or set whether the keyring should be locked when idle.

keyringLockTimeout :: KeyringInfo -> Word32 Source

Get or set the keyring lock timeout.

keyringModified :: KeyringInfo -> UTCTime Source

Get when the keyring was last modified.

keyringCreated :: KeyringInfo -> UTCTime Source

Get when the keyring was created.

keyringIsLocked :: KeyringInfo -> Bool Source

Get whether the keyring is locked.

getKeyringInfo :: Keyring -> Operation KeyringInfo Source

Get information about the keyring.

setKeyringInfo :: Keyring -> KeyringInfo -> Operation () Source

Set flags and info for the keyring. The only fields in the KeyringInfo which may be modified are keyringLockOnIdle and keyringLockTimeout.

Network passwords

data NetworkPassword Source

Networks passwords are a simple way of saving passwords associated with a certain user, server, protocol, and other fields.

networkPasswordKeyring :: NetworkPassword -> Keyring Source

Get which keyring the password is stored in.

networkPasswordSecret :: NetworkPassword -> String Source

Get the network password's secret value.

networkPasswordItemID :: NetworkPassword -> ItemID Source

Get the ID of the network password's keyring item.

networkPasswordNetwork :: NetworkPassword -> Network Source

Get the network location metadata associated with the network password.

data Network Source

A set of predicates to store with a NetworkPassword, used to find the password later.


network :: Network Source

A Network with no set fields.

networkProtocol :: Network -> Maybe String Source

Get or set the network protocol.

networkServer :: Network -> Maybe String Source

Get or set the network server name.

networkObject :: Network -> Maybe String Source

Get or set the network object.

networkAuthType :: Network -> Maybe String Source

Get or set the type of authentication.

networkPort :: Network -> Word32 Source

Get or set the network port. A port of 0 is considered blank.

networkUser :: Network -> Maybe String Source

Get or set the network user name.

networkDomain :: Network -> Maybe String Source

Get or set the network domain name.

findNetworkPassword :: Network -> Operation [NetworkPassword] Source

Find a previously stored NetworkPassword. Searches all keyrings.

The user may be prompted to unlock necessary keyrings, and will be prompted for access to the items if needed.

Network passwords are items with the ItemType ItemNetworkPassword.

Returns an empty list if no items were found.

setNetworkPassword :: Keyring -> Network -> String -> Operation ItemID Source

Store a network password.

If an item already exists for with this network info (ie: user, server, etc.) then it will be updated.

Whether a new item is created or not, the item's ID will be returned.

Network passwords are items with the ItemType ItemNetworkPassword.


data Operation a Source

A keyring operation can be run synchronously or asynchronously. Asynchronous execution requires a running GLib event loop.

sync :: Operation a -> IO (Either KeyringError a) Source

Runs an operation synchronously, and returns either the result or an error.

Running an operation synchronously does not require a GLib event loop to be active.

sync_ :: Operation a -> IO a Source

Runs an operation synchronously. If it succeeded, returns the result. Otherwise, throws a KeyringError.

Running an operation synchronously does not require a GLib event loop to be active.

async :: Operation a -> (KeyringError -> IO ()) -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO CancellationKey Source

Runs an operation asynchronously, calling one of the given callbacks on success or failure.

The returned CancellationKey can be used to cancel a pending operation.

Running an operation asynchronously requires a running GLib event loop.

cancel :: CancellationKey -> IO () Source

Cancel a running asynchronous operation. The error callback will be called with a KeyringError stating that the operation was canceled.