gnomevfs-0.11.0: Binding to the GNOME Virtual File System library.

Portabilityportable (depends on GHC)







data URI Source

A URI is a semi-textual representation of a uniform resource identifier. It contains the information about a resource location encoded as canononicalized text, but also holds extra information about the context in which the URI is used.

data ToplevelURI Source

The toplevel URI element used to access resources stored on a remote server.

type TextURI = StringSource

A string that can be passed to uriFromString to create a valid URI.

data URIHideOptions Source

Flags specifying which fields of a URI should be hidden when converted to a string using uriToString.


uriFromString :: TextURI -> Maybe URISource

Create a new URI from textURI. Unsupported and unsafe methods are not allowed and will result in Nothing being returned. URL transforms are allowed.



:: URI

base - the base URI

-> String

relativeReference - a string representing a possibly relative URI reference

-> Maybe URI

a new URI referring to relativeReference, or Nothing if relativeReference is malformed.

Create a new uri from relativeReference, relative to base. The resolution algorithm in some aspects follows RFC 2396, section 5.2, but is not identical due to some extra assumptions GnomeVFS makes about URIs.

If relative_reference begins with a valid scheme identifier followed by ':', it is assumed to refer to an absolute URI, and a URI is created from it using uriFromString.

Otherwise, depending on its precise syntax, it inherits some aspects of the parent URI, but the parents' fragment and query components are ignored.

If relative_reference begins with "//", it only inherits the base scheme; if it begins with '/' (i.e., it is an absolute path reference), it inherits everything except the base path. Otherwise, it replaces the part of base after the last '/'.

Note: This function should not be used by application authors unless they expect very distinct semantics. Instead, authors should use uriAppendFileName, uriAppendPath, uriAppendString or uriResolveSymbolicLink.

uriResolveSymbolicLink :: URI -> String -> Maybe URISource

Create a new uri from symbolicLink, relative to base.

If symbolic_link begins with a '/', it replaces the path of base, otherwise it is appended after the last '/' character of base.



:: URI

uri - the base URI

-> String

uriFragment - an escaped URI fragment

-> Maybe URI

the new URI

Create a new URI obtained by appending uriFragment to uri. This will take care of adding an appropriate directory separator between the end of uri and the start of uriFragment if necessary.

This function will return Nothing if the resulting URI is not valid.



:: URI

uri - the base URI

-> FilePath

path - a non-escaped file path

-> Maybe URI

the new URI

Create a new uri obtained by appending path to uri. This will take care of adding an appropriate directory separator between the end of uri and the start of path if necessary, as well as escaping path as necessary.

This function will return Nothing if the resulting URI is not valid.

uriAppendFileName :: URI -> FilePath -> Maybe URISource

Create a new URI obtained by appending fileName to uri. This will take care of adding an appropriate directory separator between the end of uri and the start of fileName if necessary. fileName might, for instance, be the result of a call to System.Posix.Directory.readDirStream.

This function will return Nothing if the resulting URI is not valid.



:: URI

uri - a URI

-> URIHideOptions

hideOptions - the URI elements that should not be included in the resulting string

-> TextURI

the resulting string

Translate uri into a printable string. The string will not contain the URI elements specified by hideOptions.

A file: URI on Win32 might look like file:///x:/foo/bar.txt. Note that the part after file:// is not a legal file name, you need to remove the / in front of the drive letter. This function does that automatically if hideOptions specifies that the toplevel method, user name, password, host name and host port should be hidden.

On the other hand, a file: URI for a UNC path looks like file:////server/share/foo/bar.txt, and in that case the part after file:// is the correct file name.



:: URI

uri -

-> IO Bool

True if uri is local, False otherwise

Check if uri is a local URI. Note that the return value of this function entirely depends on the method associated with the URI. It is up to the method author to distinguish between remote URIs and URIs referring to entities on the local computer.

Warning, this can be slow, as it does I/O to detect things like NFS mounts.



:: URI

uri -

-> Bool

True if uri has a parent, False otherwise

Check whether uri has a parent or not.



:: URI

uri -

-> Maybe URI

the parent URI, or Nothing if uri has no parent

Retrieve uri's parent URI.



:: URI

uri -

-> ToplevelURI

the toplevel URI

Retrieve uri's toplevel URI.



:: URI

uri -

-> Maybe String

the hostname, or Nothing if uri has no hostname

Retrieve the hostname for uri.



:: URI

uri -

-> Maybe String

the scheme, or Nothing if uri has no scheme

Retrieve the scheme for uri.



:: URI

uri -

-> Word

the host port, or 0 if the default port value for the specified toplevel access method is used

Retrieve the host port for uri.



:: URI

uri -

-> Maybe String

the user name, or Nothing if uri has no user name

Retrieve the user name for uri.



:: URI

uri -

-> Maybe String

the password, or Nothing if uri has no password

Retrieve the password for uri.



:: URI

uri -

-> Maybe String

hostName - the new hostname

-> URI

the resulting URI

Create a new URI using uri, replacing the host name by hostName.



:: URI

uri -

-> Word

hostPort - the new host port

-> URI

the resulting URI

Create a new URI using uri, replacing the host port by hostPort.

If hostPort is 0, use the default port for uri's toplevel access method.



:: URI

uri -

-> Maybe String

userName - the new user name

-> URI

the resulting URI

Create a new URI using uri, replacing the user name by userName.



:: URI

uri -

-> Maybe String

password - the new password

-> URI

the resulting URI

Create a new URI using uri, replacing the password by password.



:: URI

a -

-> URI

b -

-> Bool

True if the URIs are the same, False otherwise.

Compare two URIs for equality.



:: URI

possibleParent -

-> URI

possibleChild -

-> Bool

recursive - True if parents should be checked recursively, False otherwise

-> Bool

True if possibleChild is contained in possibleParent, otherwise False

Check if possibleChild is contained in possibleParent. If recursive is False, just try the immediate parent; otherwise search up through the heirarchy.



:: URI

uri -

-> Maybe FilePath

the path name, or Nothing if uri has no path name

Retrieve the path name for uri.



:: URI

uri -

-> Maybe String

the fragment identifier, or Nothing if uri has no fragment identifier

Retrieve the fragment identifier for uri.



:: URI

uri -

-> Maybe FilePath

the directory name, or Nothing if uri has no directory name

Extract the name of the directory in which the file pointed to by uri is stored as a string. The string will end with a directory separator.



:: URI

uri -

-> String 

Retrieve base file name for uri, ignoring any trailing path separators. This matches the XPG definition of basename, but not System.FilePath.basename. This is often useful when you want the name of something that's pointed to by a URI, and don't care whether the uri has a directory or file form. If uri points to the root of a domain, returns the host name. If there's no host name, returns the path separator.

See also: uriExtractShortPathName.



:: URI

uri -

-> String 

Retrieve base file name for uri, ignoring any trailing path separators. This matches the XPG definition of basename, but not System.FilePath.basename. This is often useful when you want the name of something that's pointed to by a URI, and don't care whether the uri has a directory or file form. If uri points to the root of any domain, returns the path separator.

See also: uriExtractShortName.



:: String

uriList - a list of URIs, separated by newlines

-> [URI]

the list of URIs

Extracts a list of URIs from a standard text/uri-list, such as one would get on a drop operation.



:: String

baseURI -

-> String

relativeURI -

-> Maybe String

the resulting URI

Returns a full URI given a full base URI, and a secondary URI which may be relative.