{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}

-- |
-- Module:      Data.RTCM3.SBP.Observations
-- Copyright:   Copyright (C) 2016 Swift Navigation, Inc.
-- License:     LGPL-3
-- Maintainer:  Swift Navigation <dev@swiftnav.com>
-- Stability:   experimental
-- Portability: portable
-- RTCMv3 to SBP Observation Conversions.

module Data.RTCM3.SBP.Observations
  ( converter
  ) where

import BasicPrelude         hiding (null)
import Control.Lens
import Data.Bits
import Data.Conduit
import Data.Int
import Data.IORef
import Data.List.Extra      hiding (null)
import Data.RTCM3
import Data.RTCM3.SBP.Time
import Data.RTCM3.SBP.Types
import Data.Vector          hiding (concatMap, length)
import Data.Word
import SwiftNav.SBP

-- | Monadic IORef modify.
modifyIORefM :: MonadIO m => IORef a -> (a -> m (a, b)) -> m b
modifyIORefM ref f = do
  x      <- liftIO $ readIORef ref
  (y, z) <- f x
  liftIO $ writeIORef ref y
  pure z

-- | Update and convert stored and incoming GPS times.
toGpsTimeNano :: MonadStore e m => Word16 -> (GpsTimeNano -> GpsTimeNano) -> m (GpsTimeNano, GpsTimeNano)
toGpsTimeNano station rollover = do
  timeMap <- view storeGpsTimeMap
  modifyIORefM timeMap $ \timeMap' -> do
    time <- view storeCurrentGpsTime
    t    <- maybe (liftIO time) pure (timeMap' ^. at station)
    let t' = rollover t
    pure (timeMap' & at station ?~ t', (t, t'))

-- | Default observation doppler.
obsDoppler :: Doppler
obsDoppler = Doppler 0 0

-- | Default observation flags.
obsFlags :: Word8
obsFlags = 7

-- | Calculate pseudorange.
pseudorange :: Double -> Word32 -> Word8 -> Double
pseudorange u p amb = 0.02 * fromIntegral p + u * fromIntegral amb

-- | Calculate pseudorange difference.
pseudorangeDifference :: Int16 -> Double
pseudorangeDifference d = 0.02 * fromIntegral d

-- | GPS pseudorange unit.
gpsPseudorange :: Double
gpsPseudorange = 299792.458

-- | GLONASS pseudorange unit.
glonassPseudorange :: Double
glonassPseudorange = 599584.916

-- | Convert to SBP pseudorange.
toP :: Double -> Word32
toP p = round $ 50 * p

-- | Calculate carrier-phase.
carrierPhase :: Double -> Double -> Int32 -> Double
carrierPhase u p d = (p + 0.0005 * fromIntegral d) / (299792458.0 / u)

-- | GPS L1 carrier-phase unit.
gpsL1CarrierPhase :: Double
gpsL1CarrierPhase = 1.57542e9

-- | GPS L2 carrier-phase unit.
gpsL2CarrierPhase :: Double
gpsL2CarrierPhase = 1.22760e9

-- | GLONASS L1 carrier-phase unit.
glonassL1CarrierPhase :: Word8 -> Double
glonassL1CarrierPhase fcn = 1.602e9 + (fromIntegral fcn - 7) * 0.5625e6

-- | GLONASS L2 carrier-phase unit.
glonassL2CarrierPhase :: Word8 -> Double
glonassL2CarrierPhase fcn = 1.246e9 + (fromIntegral fcn - 7) * 0.4375e6

-- | Convert to SBP carrier-phase measurement.
toL :: Double -> CarrierPhase
toL l = if f /= 256 then CarrierPhase i (fromIntegral f) else CarrierPhase (i + 1) 0
    i = floor l
    f = (round $ (l - fromIntegral i) * 256) :: Word16

-- | Convert from RTCMv3 lock indicator.
lock :: Word8 -> Word32
lock t
  |   t <  24 = 1000 * fromIntegral t
  |   t <  48 = 1000 * fromIntegral t *  2 -   24
  |   t <  72 = 1000 * fromIntegral t *  4 -  120
  |   t <  96 = 1000 * fromIntegral t *  8 -  408
  |   t < 120 = 1000 * fromIntegral t * 16 - 1176
  |   t < 127 = 1000 * fromIntegral t * 32 - 3096
  | otherwise = 1000 * 937

-- | Convert to SBP lock time.
toLock :: Word32 -> Word8
toLock t
  | t <     32 = 0
  | t <     64 = 1
  | t <    128 = 2
  | t <    256 = 3
  | t <    512 = 4
  | t <   1024 = 5
  | t <   2048 = 6
  | t <   4096 = 7
  | t <   8192 = 8
  | t <  16384 = 9
  | t <  32768 = 10
  | t <  65536 = 11
  | t < 131072 = 12
  | t < 262144 = 13
  | t < 524288 = 14
  |  otherwise = 15

-- | Map GPS L1 signal.
gpsL1Signal :: Word8 -> Bool -> GnssSignal16
gpsL1Signal sat code
  | code      = GnssSignal16 sat 5
  | otherwise = GnssSignal16 sat 0

-- | Map GPS L2 signal.
gpsL2Signal :: Word8 -> Word8 -> GnssSignal16
gpsL2Signal sat code
  | code == 0 = GnssSignal16 sat 1
  | otherwise = GnssSignal16 sat 6

-- | Map GLONASS L1 signal.
glonassL1Signal :: Word8 -> Bool -> Maybe GnssSignal16
glonassL1Signal sat code
  | code      = Just $ GnssSignal16 sat 3
  | otherwise = Just $ GnssSignal16 sat 3

-- | Map GLONASS L2 signal.
glonassL2Signal :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Maybe GnssSignal16
glonassL2Signal sat code
  | code == 0 = Just $ GnssSignal16 sat 4
  | otherwise = Just $ GnssSignal16 sat 4

-- | Max GPS satellite number.
gpsMaxSat :: Word8
gpsMaxSat = 32

-- | Max GLONASS satellite number.
glonassMaxSat :: Word8
glonassMaxSat = 24

-- | Produce SBP packed observation from GPS L1 observation.
toGpsL1PackedObsContents :: Word8 -> GpsL1Observation -> GpsL1ExtObservation -> Maybe PackedObsContent
toGpsL1PackedObsContents sat l1o l1eo
  | no        = Nothing
  | otherwise = Just PackedObsContent
      { _packedObsContent_P     = toP p1
      , _packedObsContent_L     = toL l1
      , _packedObsContent_D     = obsDoppler
      , _packedObsContent_cn0   = l1eo ^. gpsL1ExtObservation_cnr
      , _packedObsContent_lock  = toLock $ lock (l1o ^. gpsL1Observation_lockTime)
      , _packedObsContent_sid   = gpsL1Signal sat (l1o ^. gpsL1Observation_code)
      , _packedObsContent_flags = obsFlags
    no = sat > gpsMaxSat || l1o ^. gpsL1Observation_pseudorange == 524288 || l1o ^. gpsL1Observation_carrierMinusCode == -524288
    p1 = pseudorange gpsPseudorange (l1o ^. gpsL1Observation_pseudorange) (l1eo ^. gpsL1ExtObservation_ambiguity)
    l1 = carrierPhase gpsL1CarrierPhase p1 (l1o ^. gpsL1Observation_carrierMinusCode)

-- | Produce SBP packed observation from GPS L1 + L2 observation.
toGpsL2PackedObsContents :: Word8 -> GpsL1Observation -> GpsL1ExtObservation -> GpsL2Observation -> GpsL2ExtObservation -> Maybe PackedObsContent
toGpsL2PackedObsContents sat l1o l1eo l2o l2eo
  | no        = Nothing
  | otherwise = Just PackedObsContent
      { _packedObsContent_P     = toP p2
      , _packedObsContent_L     = toL l2
      , _packedObsContent_D     = obsDoppler
      , _packedObsContent_cn0   = l2eo ^. gpsL2ExtObservation_cnr
      , _packedObsContent_lock  = toLock $ lock (l2o ^. gpsL2Observation_lockTime)
      , _packedObsContent_sid   = gpsL2Signal sat (l2o ^. gpsL2Observation_code)
      , _packedObsContent_flags = obsFlags
    no = sat > gpsMaxSat || l2o ^. gpsL2Observation_pseudorangeDifference == -8192 || l2o ^. gpsL2Observation_carrierMinusCode == -524288
    p1 = pseudorange gpsPseudorange (l1o ^. gpsL1Observation_pseudorange) (l1eo ^. gpsL1ExtObservation_ambiguity)
    p2 = p1 + pseudorangeDifference (l2o ^. gpsL2Observation_pseudorangeDifference)
    l2 = carrierPhase gpsL2CarrierPhase p1 (l2o ^. gpsL2Observation_carrierMinusCode)

-- | Produce SBP packed observation from GLONASS L1 observation.
toGlonassL1PackedObsContents :: Word8 -> GlonassL1Observation -> GlonassL1ExtObservation -> Maybe PackedObsContent
toGlonassL1PackedObsContents sat l1o l1eo
  | no        = Nothing
  | otherwise = do
      sid <- glonassL1Signal sat (l1o ^. glonassL1Observation_code)
      Just PackedObsContent
        { _packedObsContent_P     = toP p1
        , _packedObsContent_L     = toL l1
        , _packedObsContent_D     = obsDoppler
        , _packedObsContent_cn0   = l1eo ^. glonassL1ExtObservation_cnr
        , _packedObsContent_lock  = toLock $ lock (l1o ^. glonassL1Observation_lockTime)
        , _packedObsContent_sid   = sid
        , _packedObsContent_flags = obsFlags
    no = sat > glonassMaxSat || l1o ^. glonassL1Observation_carrierMinusCode == -524288
    p1 = pseudorange glonassPseudorange (l1o ^. glonassL1Observation_pseudorange) (l1eo ^. glonassL1ExtObservation_ambiguity)
    l1 = carrierPhase (glonassL1CarrierPhase (l1o ^. glonassL1Observation_frequency)) p1 (l1o ^. glonassL1Observation_carrierMinusCode)

-- | Produce SBP packed observation from GLONASS L1 + L2 observation.
toGlonassL2PackedObsContents :: Word8 -> GlonassL1Observation -> GlonassL1ExtObservation -> GlonassL2Observation -> GlonassL2ExtObservation -> Maybe PackedObsContent
toGlonassL2PackedObsContents sat l1o l1eo l2o l2eo
  | no        = Nothing
  | otherwise = do
      sid <- glonassL2Signal sat (l2o ^. glonassL2Observation_code)
      Just PackedObsContent
        { _packedObsContent_P     = toP p2
        , _packedObsContent_L     = toL l2
        , _packedObsContent_D     = obsDoppler
        , _packedObsContent_cn0   = l2eo ^. glonassL2ExtObservation_cnr
        , _packedObsContent_lock  = toLock $ lock (l2o ^. glonassL2Observation_lockTime)
        , _packedObsContent_sid   = sid
        , _packedObsContent_flags = obsFlags
    no = sat > glonassMaxSat || l2o ^. glonassL2Observation_pseudorangeDifference == -8192 || l2o ^. glonassL2Observation_carrierMinusCode == -524288
    p1 = pseudorange glonassPseudorange (l1o ^. glonassL1Observation_pseudorange) (l1eo ^. glonassL1ExtObservation_ambiguity)
    p2 = p1 + pseudorangeDifference (l2o ^. glonassL2Observation_pseudorangeDifference)
    l2 = carrierPhase (glonassL2CarrierPhase (l1o ^. glonassL1Observation_frequency)) p1 (l2o ^. glonassL2Observation_carrierMinusCode)

-- | FromObservation produces L1 and L2 SBP packed observation(s).
class FromObservation a where
  l1PackedObsContents :: a -> Maybe PackedObsContent
  l2PackedObsContents :: a -> Maybe PackedObsContent

instance FromObservation Observation1002 where
  l1PackedObsContents o = toGpsL1PackedObsContents (o ^. observation1002_sat) (o ^. observation1002_l1) (o ^. observation1002_l1e)
  l2PackedObsContents _o = Nothing

instance FromObservation Observation1004 where
  l1PackedObsContents o = toGpsL1PackedObsContents (o ^. observation1004_sat) (o ^. observation1004_l1) (o ^. observation1004_l1e)
  l2PackedObsContents o = toGpsL2PackedObsContents (o ^. observation1004_sat) (o ^. observation1004_l1) (o ^. observation1004_l1e) (o ^. observation1004_l2) (o ^. observation1004_l2e)

instance FromObservation Observation1010 where
  l1PackedObsContents o = toGlonassL1PackedObsContents (o ^. observation1010_sat) (o ^. observation1010_l1) (o ^. observation1010_l1e)
  l2PackedObsContents _o = Nothing

instance FromObservation Observation1012 where
  l1PackedObsContents o = toGlonassL1PackedObsContents (o ^. observation1012_sat) (o ^. observation1012_l1) (o ^. observation1012_l1e)
  l2PackedObsContents o = toGlonassL2PackedObsContents (o ^. observation1012_sat) (o ^. observation1012_l1) (o ^. observation1012_l1e) (o ^. observation1012_l2) (o ^. observation1012_l2e)

-- | Convert RTCMv3 observation to SBP packed observation(s).
toPackedObsContent :: FromObservation a => [a] -> [PackedObsContent]
toPackedObsContent = concatMap $ (<>) <$> maybeToList . l1PackedObsContents <*> maybeToList . l2PackedObsContents

-- | Derive sender from station.
toSender :: Word16 -> Word16
toSender station = station .|. 61440

-- | FromObservations produces GPS time, SBP packed observations, and sender from RTCMv3 observation messages.
class FromObservations a where
  gpsTimeNano       :: MonadStore e m => a -> m (GpsTimeNano, GpsTimeNano)
  packedObsContents :: a -> [PackedObsContent]
  sender            :: a -> Word16
  synchronous       :: a -> Bool

instance FromObservations Msg1002 where
  gpsTimeNano m     = toGpsTimeNano (m ^. msg1002_header . gpsObservationHeader_station) $ rolloverTowGpsTime (m ^. msg1002_header . gpsObservationHeader_tow)
  packedObsContents = toPackedObsContent . view msg1002_observations
  sender            = toSender . view (msg1002_header . gpsObservationHeader_station)
  synchronous       = view (msg1002_header . gpsObservationHeader_synchronous)

instance FromObservations Msg1004 where
  gpsTimeNano m     = toGpsTimeNano (m ^. msg1004_header . gpsObservationHeader_station) $ rolloverTowGpsTime (m ^. msg1004_header . gpsObservationHeader_tow)
  packedObsContents = toPackedObsContent . view msg1004_observations
  sender            = toSender . view (msg1004_header . gpsObservationHeader_station)
  synchronous       = view (msg1004_header . gpsObservationHeader_synchronous)

instance FromObservations Msg1010 where
  gpsTimeNano m     = toGpsTimeNano (m ^. msg1010_header . glonassObservationHeader_station) $ rolloverEpochGpsTime (m ^. msg1010_header . glonassObservationHeader_epoch)
  packedObsContents = toPackedObsContent . view msg1010_observations
  sender            = toSender . view (msg1010_header . glonassObservationHeader_station)
  synchronous       = view (msg1010_header . glonassObservationHeader_synchronous)

instance FromObservations Msg1012 where
  gpsTimeNano m     = toGpsTimeNano (m ^. msg1012_header . glonassObservationHeader_station) $ rolloverEpochGpsTime (m ^. msg1012_header . glonassObservationHeader_epoch)
  packedObsContents = toPackedObsContent . view msg1012_observations
  sender            = toSender . view (msg1012_header . glonassObservationHeader_station)
  synchronous       = view (msg1012_header . glonassObservationHeader_synchronous)

-- | Convert RTCMv3 observation(s) to SBP observations in chunks.
toMsgObs :: Applicative f => GpsTimeNano -> [PackedObsContent] -> Word16 -> f [SBPMsg]
toMsgObs t obs s = do
  let chunks = chunksOf maxObs obs
  ifor chunks $ \i obs' -> do
    let n = length chunks `shiftL` 4 .|. i
        m = MsgObs (ObservationHeader t (fromIntegral n)) obs'
    pure $ SBPMsgObs m $ toSBP m s
    maxObs  = (maxSize - hdrSize) `div` obsSize
    maxSize = 255
    hdrSize = 11
    obsSize = 17

-- | Convert RTCMv3 observation message to SBP observations message(s).
converter :: (MonadStore e m, FromObservations a) => a -> Conduit i m [SBPMsg]
converter m = do
  (t, t') <- gpsTimeNano m
  observations <- view storeObservations
  obs          <- liftIO $ readIORef observations
  when (t' /= t) $
    unless (null obs) $ do
      liftIO $ writeIORef observations mempty
      ms <- toMsgObs t (toList obs) $ sender m
      yield ms
  let obs' = fromList $ packedObsContents m
  if synchronous m then liftIO $ modifyIORef' observations (obs' <>) else do
    obs'' <- liftIO $ readIORef observations
    unless (null obs'') $
      liftIO $ writeIORef observations mempty
    let obs''' = obs' <> obs''
    unless (null obs''') $ do
      ms <- toMsgObs t' (toList obs''') $ sender m
      yield ms