Build #1 for goa-3.0.1
Package | goa-3.0.1 |
Install | BuildFailed |
Docs | NotTried |
Tests | NotTried |
Time submitted | unknown |
Compiler | ghc-7.6.3 |
OS | linux |
Arch | x86_64 |
Dependencies | process-, filepath-, directory-, base- |
Flags | none |
Code Coverage
No Code Coverage was submitted for this report.
Build log
[view raw]
Resolving dependencies... Downloading goa-3.0.1... Configuring goa-3.0.1... Building goa-3.0.1... Preprocessing library goa-3.0.1... GOA.hs:2:12: Warning: -fglasgow-exts is deprecated: Use individual extensions instead [1 of 1] Compiling GOA ( GOA.hs, dist/build/GOA.o ) GOA.hs:102:14: No instance for (C.Exception a0) arising from a use of `C.catch' The type variable `a0' is ambiguous Possible fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s) Note: there are several potential instances: instance C.Exception C.NestedAtomically -- Defined in `Control.Exception.Base' instance C.Exception C.NoMethodError -- Defined in `Control.Exception.Base' instance C.Exception C.NonTermination -- Defined in `Control.Exception.Base' 7 others In the expression: C.catch (do { x <- runInteractiveProcess "./lambdabot" args Nothing Nothing; return (Just x) }) (\ e -> do { putStrLn $ "Unable to start lambdabot: " ++ show e; return Nothing }) In a stmt of a 'do' block: if not b then do { putStrLn $ "No lambdabot binary found in: " ++ home; return Nothing } else C.catch (do { x <- runInteractiveProcess "./lambdabot" args Nothing Nothing; return (Just x) }) (\ e -> do { putStrLn $ "Unable to start lambdabot: " ++ show e; return Nothing }) In the second argument of `($)', namely `do { b <- doesFileExist "./lambdabot"; home <- readIORef lambdabotHome; args' <- readIORef lambdabotFlags; let args | null args' = [] | otherwise = ...; .... }' GOA.hs:106:65: No instance for (Show a0) arising from a use of `show' The type variable `a0' is ambiguous Possible fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s) Note: there are several potential instances: instance Show Data.Char.GeneralCategory -- Defined in `Data.Char' instance Show Permissions -- Defined in `System.Directory' instance Show time- -- Defined in `time-' 51 others In the second argument of `(++)', namely `show e' In the second argument of `($)', namely `"Unable to start lambdabot: " ++ show e' In a stmt of a 'do' block: putStrLn $ "Unable to start lambdabot: " ++ show e GOA.hs:129:5: No instance for (C.Exception a1) arising from a use of `C.handle' The type variable `a1' is ambiguous Possible fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s) Note: there are several potential instances: instance C.Exception C.NestedAtomically -- Defined in `Control.Exception.Base' instance C.Exception C.NoMethodError -- Defined in `Control.Exception.Base' instance C.Exception C.NonTermination -- Defined in `Control.Exception.Base' 7 others In a stmt of a 'do' block: C.handle (\ e -> do { writeIORef state Nothing; return ["Unable to run lambdabot: " ++ show e] }) (case m of { Nothing -> do { wakeup; query command args } Just (ST i o _ _) -> do { let s = ...; hPutStrLn i s >> hFlush i; result <- clean `fmap` getOutput o []; .... } }) In the expression: do { m <- readIORef state; C.handle (\ e -> do { writeIORef state Nothing; .... }) (case m of { Nothing -> do { wakeup; .... } Just (ST i o _ _) -> do { let ...; .... } }) } In an equation for `query': query command args | null $ command ++ args = return [] | otherwise = do { m <- readIORef state; C.handle (\ e -> do { ... }) (case m of { Nothing -> do { ... } Just (ST i o _ _) -> do { ... } }) } where clean x | "lambdabot> " `isPrefixOf` x = drop 11 x | otherwise = x GOA.hs:131:58: No instance for (Show a1) arising from a use of `show' The type variable `a1' is ambiguous Possible fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s) Note: there are several potential instances: instance Show Data.Char.GeneralCategory -- Defined in `Data.Char' instance Show Permissions -- Defined in `System.Directory' instance Show time- -- Defined in `time-' 51 others In the second argument of `(++)', namely `show e' In the expression: "Unable to run lambdabot: " ++ show e In the first argument of `return', namely `["Unable to run lambdabot: " ++ show e]' Failed to install goa-3.0.1 cabal: Error: some packages failed to install: goa-3.0.1 failed during the building phase. The exception was: ExitFailure 1
Test log
No test log was submitted for this report.