{- |
Module      : Codec.Goat.Fluid
Description : Transition between compressed and raw data
Copyright   : (c) Daniel Lovasko, 2016-2017
License     : BSD3

Maintainer  : Daniel Lovasko <daniel.lovasko@gmail.com>
Stability   : stable
Portability : portable

By using the Frame abstraction, the Fluid type achieves transition
between the raw and compressed states for both TimeFrame and ValueFrame.
It is intended for internal use only.

module Codec.Goat.Fluid
( Fluid(..)
, fluidAppend
, fluidDump
, fluidFirst
, fluidHeads
, fluidNew
, fluidSelect
, fluidShift
) where

import Safe

import Codec.Goat.Frame
import Codec.Goat.Util

-- | Management of fluid transitions between compressed and uncompresed
-- state. The constructor arguments are as follows:
--   * section lengths
--   * raw section
--   * compressed section
data Fluid r c = Fluid (Int, Int) [[r]] [c]

-- | Pretty-printing of the Fluid type.
instance Show (Fluid r c) where
  show (Fluid (l1, l2) rs cs) = unwords
    [ "Fluid"
    , "l1max=" ++ show l1
    , "l2max=" ++ show l2
    , "l1cur=" ++ show (length rs)
    , "l2cur=" ++ show (length cs) ]

-- | Create a new fluid.
fluidNew :: (Int, Int) -- ^ section lengths
         -> Fluid r c  -- ^ new fluid
fluidNew ls = Fluid ls [[]] []

-- | Obtain the first element stored in the frame.
fluidFirst :: Fluid r c
           -> Maybe r
fluidFirst (Fluid _ []    _) = Nothing
fluidFirst (Fluid _ (x:_) _) = headMay x

-- | Obtain the first elements of each section blocks. Empty frames and
-- lists are represented as Nothing.
fluidHeads :: Frame r c
           => Fluid r c -- ^ fluid
           -> [Maybe r] -- ^ block heads
fluidHeads (Fluid _ rs cs) = map headMay rs ++ map frameHead cs

-- | Return raw values stored within specified block indices.
fluidSelect :: Frame r c
            => Fluid r c -- ^ fluid
            -> [Bool]    -- ^ block presence
            -> [r]       -- ^ raw values
fluidSelect (Fluid _ rs cs) presence = rvalues ++ cvalues
    (rpres, cpres) = splitAt (length rs) presence
    rvalues        = concat $ select rs rpres
    cvalues        = concatMap frameDecode (select cs cpres)

-- | Shift one uncompressed component into the compressed ones and create
-- a new empty uncompressed component.
fluidShift :: Frame r c
           => Fluid r c -- ^ old fluid
           -> Fluid r c -- ^ new fluid
fluidShift (Fluid ls@(l1, l2) rs cs)
  | (null . last) rs || (length rs < l1) = Fluid ls newRs cs
  | otherwise                            = Fluid ls newRs newCs
    newRs = []                    : bool rs (init rs) (length rs < l1)
    newCs = frameEncode (last rs) : bool cs (init cs) (length cs < l2)

-- | Add new value to the fluid. Internally this function is _prepending_
-- in front of all existing values.
fluidAppend :: Fluid r c -- ^ old fluid
            -> r         -- ^ new value
            -> Fluid r c -- ^ new fluid
fluidAppend (Fluid ls []     cs) val = Fluid ls [[val]]      cs
fluidAppend (Fluid ls (r:rs) cs) val = Fluid ls ((val:r):rs) cs

-- | Dump all stored values in the uncompressed form.
fluidDump :: Frame r c
          => Fluid r c  -- ^ fluid
          -> [r]        -- ^ uncompressed values
fluidDump (Fluid _ rs cs) = concat rs ++ concatMap frameDecode cs