{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-duplicate-exports #-} -- | -- Module : Network.Google.Slides -- Copyright : (c) 2015-2016 Brendan Hay -- License : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay -- Stability : auto-generated -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- -- Reads and writes Google Slides presentations. -- -- /See:/ module Network.Google.Slides ( -- * Service Configuration slidesService -- * OAuth Scopes , spreadsheetsReadOnlyScope , presentationsScope , driveReadOnlyScope , driveScope , driveFileScope , spreadsheetsScope , presentationsReadOnlyScope -- * API Declaration , SlidesAPI -- * Resources -- ** slides.presentations.batchUpdate , module Network.Google.Resource.Slides.Presentations.BatchUpdate -- ** slides.presentations.create , module Network.Google.Resource.Slides.Presentations.Create -- ** slides.presentations.get , module Network.Google.Resource.Slides.Presentations.Get -- ** slides.presentations.pages.get , module Network.Google.Resource.Slides.Presentations.Pages.Get -- ** slides.presentations.pages.getThumbnail , module Network.Google.Resource.Slides.Presentations.Pages.GetThumbnail -- * Types -- ** ParagraphMarker , ParagraphMarker , paragraphMarker , pmStyle , pmBullet -- ** DeleteTableRowRequest , DeleteTableRowRequest , deleteTableRowRequest , dtrrCellLocation , dtrrTableObjectId -- ** Thumbnail , Thumbnail , thumbnail , tHeight , tWidth , tContentURL -- ** TableBOrderCell , TableBOrderCell , tableBOrderCell , tbocLocation , tbocTableBOrderProperties -- ** ParagraphStyleDirection , ParagraphStyleDirection (..) -- ** PageElementProperties , PageElementProperties , pageElementProperties , pepTransform , pepSize , pepPageObjectId -- ** TextStyleBaselineOffSet , TextStyleBaselineOffSet (..) -- ** ReplaceAllShapesWithImageResponse , ReplaceAllShapesWithImageResponse , replaceAllShapesWithImageResponse , raswirOccurrencesChanged -- ** TableCellPropertiesContentAlignment , TableCellPropertiesContentAlignment (..) -- ** RangeType , RangeType (..) -- ** OutlineFill , OutlineFill , outlineFill , ofSolidFill -- ** Image , Image , image , iImageProperties , iContentURL , iSourceURL -- ** UpdateLinePropertiesRequest , UpdateLinePropertiesRequest , updateLinePropertiesRequest , ulprLineProperties , ulprObjectId , ulprFields -- ** CropProperties , CropProperties , cropProperties , cpBottomOffSet , cpTopOffSet , cpAngle , cpRightOffSet , cpLeftOffSet -- ** LineProperties , LineProperties , lineProperties , lpWeight , lpLink , lpStartConnection , lpDashStyle , lpStartArrow , lpLineFill , lpEndConnection , lpEndArrow -- ** Group , Group , group' , gChildren -- ** UpdatePageElementsZOrderRequestOperation , UpdatePageElementsZOrderRequestOperation (..) -- ** ReplaceImageRequest , ReplaceImageRequest , replaceImageRequest , rirImageReplaceMethod , rirImageObjectId , rirURL -- ** BatchUpdatePresentationRequest , BatchUpdatePresentationRequest , batchUpdatePresentationRequest , buprRequests , buprWriteControl -- ** UpdatePageElementsZOrderRequest , UpdatePageElementsZOrderRequest , updatePageElementsZOrderRequest , upezorOperation , upezorPageElementObjectIds -- ** CreateShapeRequest , CreateShapeRequest , createShapeRequest , csrShapeType , csrObjectId , csrElementProperties -- ** PageBackgRoundFillPropertyState , PageBackgRoundFillPropertyState (..) -- ** AutoText , AutoText , autoText , atStyle , atContent , atType -- ** ReplaceAllShapesWithSheetsChartRequest , ReplaceAllShapesWithSheetsChartRequest , replaceAllShapesWithSheetsChartRequest , raswscrPageObjectIds , raswscrSpreadsheetId , raswscrLinkingMode , raswscrContainsText , raswscrChartId -- ** List , List , list , lListId , lNestingLevel -- ** NotesProperties , NotesProperties , notesProperties , npSpeakerNotesObjectId -- ** GroupObjectsResponse , GroupObjectsResponse , groupObjectsResponse , gorObjectId -- ** RgbColor , RgbColor , rgbColor , rcRed , rcGreen , rcBlue -- ** UpdatePagePropertiesRequest , UpdatePagePropertiesRequest , updatePagePropertiesRequest , upprObjectId , upprPageProperties , upprFields -- ** CreateSheetsChartRequest , CreateSheetsChartRequest , createSheetsChartRequest , cscrObjectId , cscrSpreadsheetId , cscrLinkingMode , cscrElementProperties , cscrChartId -- ** TableRowProperties , TableRowProperties , tableRowProperties , trpMinRowHeight -- ** UpdateTableRowPropertiesRequest , UpdateTableRowPropertiesRequest , updateTableRowPropertiesRequest , utrprTableRowProperties , utrprRowIndices , utrprObjectId , utrprFields -- ** RecolorName , RecolorName (..) -- ** CreateParagraphBulletsRequestBulletPreset , CreateParagraphBulletsRequestBulletPreset (..) -- ** CreateShapeRequestShapeType , CreateShapeRequestShapeType (..) -- ** LayoutReferencePredefinedLayout , LayoutReferencePredefinedLayout (..) -- ** MasterProperties , MasterProperties , masterProperties , mpDisplayName -- ** DeleteTextRequest , DeleteTextRequest , deleteTextRequest , dtrTextRange , dtrObjectId , dtrCellLocation -- ** InsertTableColumnsRequest , InsertTableColumnsRequest , insertTableColumnsRequest , itcrInsertRight , itcrNumber , itcrCellLocation , itcrTableObjectId -- ** TextContentLists , TextContentLists , textContentLists , tclAddtional -- ** Size , Size , size , sHeight , sWidth -- ** StretchedPictureFill , StretchedPictureFill , stretchedPictureFill , spfSize , spfContentURL -- ** CreateLineRequestLineCategory , CreateLineRequestLineCategory (..) -- ** TableBOrderFill , TableBOrderFill , tableBOrderFill , tbofSolidFill -- ** SheetsChart , SheetsChart , sheetsChart , scSpreadsheetId , scContentURL , scSheetsChartProperties , scChartId -- ** CreateShapeResponse , CreateShapeResponse , createShapeResponse , cObjectId -- ** DeleteTableColumnRequest , DeleteTableColumnRequest , deleteTableColumnRequest , dtcrCellLocation , dtcrTableObjectId -- ** TableBOrderRow , TableBOrderRow , tableBOrderRow , tborTableBOrderCells -- ** ShapeShapeType , ShapeShapeType (..) -- ** ShapePropertiesContentAlignment , ShapePropertiesContentAlignment (..) -- ** OutlinePropertyState , OutlinePropertyState (..) -- ** LineConnection , LineConnection , lineConnection , lcConnectedObjectId , lcConnectionSiteIndex -- ** Link , Link , link , lURL , lPageObjectId , lRelativeLink , lSlideIndex -- ** GroupObjectsRequest , GroupObjectsRequest , groupObjectsRequest , gorGroupObjectId , gorChildrenObjectIds -- ** LineLineCategory , LineLineCategory (..) -- ** Dimension , Dimension , dimension , dMagnitude , dUnit -- ** BatchUpdatePresentationResponse , BatchUpdatePresentationResponse , batchUpdatePresentationResponse , bPresentationId , bReplies , bWriteControl -- ** DuplicateObjectRequestObjectIds , DuplicateObjectRequestObjectIds , duplicateObjectRequestObjectIds , doroiAddtional -- ** ReplaceAllShapesWithSheetsChartResponse , ReplaceAllShapesWithSheetsChartResponse , replaceAllShapesWithSheetsChartResponse , raswscrOccurrencesChanged -- ** CreateTableRequest , CreateTableRequest , createTableRequest , ctrObjectId , ctrRows , ctrElementProperties , ctrColumns -- ** TableBOrderProperties , TableBOrderProperties , tableBOrderProperties , tbopTableBOrderFill , tbopWeight , tbopDashStyle -- ** Response , Response , response , rReplaceAllShapesWithImage , rCreateLine , rReplaceAllText , rReplaceAllShapesWithSheetsChart , rCreateShape , rGroupObjects , rCreateSheetsChart , rDuplicateObject , rCreateTable , rCreateVideo , rCreateImage , rCreateSlide -- ** OptionalColor , OptionalColor , optionalColor , ocOpaqueColor -- ** DuplicateObjectRequest , DuplicateObjectRequest , duplicateObjectRequest , dorObjectId , dorObjectIds -- ** PlaceholderType , PlaceholderType (..) -- ** UnGroupObjectsRequest , UnGroupObjectsRequest , unGroupObjectsRequest , ugorObjectIds -- ** Page , Page , page , pNotesProperties , pMasterProperties , pObjectId , pPageElements , pSlideProperties , pPageProperties , pLayoutProperties , pPageType , pRevisionId -- ** ReplaceAllTextResponse , ReplaceAllTextResponse , replaceAllTextResponse , ratrOccurrencesChanged -- ** ReplaceAllShapesWithImageRequestReplaceMethod , ReplaceAllShapesWithImageRequestReplaceMethod (..) -- ** Bullet , Bullet , bullet , bGlyph , bListId , bNestingLevel , bBulletStyle -- ** CreateSheetsChartRequestLinkingMode , CreateSheetsChartRequestLinkingMode (..) -- ** UpdateImagePropertiesRequest , UpdateImagePropertiesRequest , updateImagePropertiesRequest , uiprObjectId , uiprImageProperties , uiprFields -- ** SlideProperties , SlideProperties , slideProperties , spLayoutObjectId , spMasterObjectId , spNotesPage -- ** Presentation , Presentation , presentation , preSlides , preNotesMaster , preMasters , preLocale , prePresentationId , preTitle , preRevisionId , prePageSize , preLayouts -- ** ThemeColorPair , ThemeColorPair , themeColorPair , tcpColor , tcpType -- ** ShapeBackgRoundFillPropertyState , ShapeBackgRoundFillPropertyState (..) -- ** OpaqueColorThemeColor , OpaqueColorThemeColor (..) -- ** Shadow , Shadow , shadow , sTransform , sColor , sBlurRadius , sRotateWithShape , sAlpha , sAlignment , sPropertyState , sType -- ** LinePropertiesDashStyle , LinePropertiesDashStyle (..) -- ** ImageProperties , ImageProperties , imageProperties , ipCropProperties , ipLink , ipTransparency , ipShadow , ipContrast , ipRecolor , ipOutline , ipBrightness -- ** ParagraphStyleAlignment , ParagraphStyleAlignment (..) -- ** Line , Line , line , lLineProperties , lLineCategory , lLineType -- ** CreateVideoResponse , CreateVideoResponse , createVideoResponse , cvrObjectId -- ** UpdateTableBOrderPropertiesRequestBOrderPosition , UpdateTableBOrderPropertiesRequestBOrderPosition (..) -- ** LayoutReference , LayoutReference , layoutReference , lrPredefinedLayout , lrLayoutId -- ** LineFill , LineFill , lineFill , lfSolidFill -- ** UpdatePageElementTransformRequest , UpdatePageElementTransformRequest , updatePageElementTransformRequest , upetrTransform , upetrObjectId , upetrApplyMode -- ** ShadowAlignment , ShadowAlignment (..) -- ** InsertTableRowsRequest , InsertTableRowsRequest , insertTableRowsRequest , itrrInsertBelow , itrrNumber , itrrCellLocation , itrrTableObjectId -- ** ReplaceAllShapesWithSheetsChartRequestLinkingMode , ReplaceAllShapesWithSheetsChartRequestLinkingMode (..) -- ** UnmergeTableCellsRequest , UnmergeTableCellsRequest , unmergeTableCellsRequest , utcrObjectId , utcrTableRange -- ** LinePropertiesEndArrow , LinePropertiesEndArrow (..) -- ** Video , Video , video , vURL , vSource , vId , vVideoProperties -- ** TableCellBackgRoundFillPropertyState , TableCellBackgRoundFillPropertyState (..) -- ** CreateVideoRequestSource , CreateVideoRequestSource (..) -- ** UpdateTableColumnPropertiesRequest , UpdateTableColumnPropertiesRequest , updateTableColumnPropertiesRequest , utcprObjectId , utcprTableColumnProperties , utcprFields , utcprColumnIndices -- ** TableCellProperties , TableCellProperties , tableCellProperties , tcpTableCellBackgRoundFill , tcpContentAlignment -- ** CreateLineResponse , CreateLineResponse , createLineResponse , clrObjectId -- ** WordArt , WordArt , wordArt , waRenderedText -- ** TableCellBackgRoundFill , TableCellBackgRoundFill , tableCellBackgRoundFill , tcbrfSolidFill , tcbrfPropertyState -- ** LinkRelativeLink , LinkRelativeLink (..) -- ** VideoSource , VideoSource (..) -- ** TextRun , TextRun , textRun , trStyle , trContent -- ** RefreshSheetsChartRequest , RefreshSheetsChartRequest , refreshSheetsChartRequest , rscrObjectId -- ** TableRow , TableRow , tableRow , trTableRowProperties , trTableCells , trRowHeight -- ** WeightedFontFamily , WeightedFontFamily , weightedFontFamily , wffFontFamily , wffWeight -- ** CreateVideoRequest , CreateVideoRequest , createVideoRequest , creObjectId , creElementProperties , creSource , creId -- ** TextContent , TextContent , textContent , tcTextElements , tcLists -- ** Shape , Shape , shape , sShapeType , sText , sPlaceholder , sShapeProperties -- ** AffineTransform , AffineTransform , affineTransform , atTranslateX , atShearY , atTranslateY , atShearX , atScaleX , atUnit , atScaleY -- ** CreateSheetsChartResponse , CreateSheetsChartResponse , createSheetsChartResponse , cscrsObjectId -- ** Range , Range , range , rEndIndex , rType , rStartIndex -- ** CreateImageRequest , CreateImageRequest , createImageRequest , cirObjectId , cirURL , cirElementProperties -- ** MergeTableCellsRequest , MergeTableCellsRequest , mergeTableCellsRequest , mtcrObjectId , mtcrTableRange -- ** Xgafv , Xgafv (..) -- ** AutoTextType , AutoTextType (..) -- ** WriteControl , WriteControl , writeControl , wcRequiredRevisionId -- ** TextStyle , TextStyle , textStyle , tsFontFamily , tsLink , tsBackgRoundColor , tsBaselineOffSet , tsForegRoundColor , tsFontSize , tsSmallCaps , tsUnderline , tsWeightedFontFamily , tsItalic , tsBold , tsStrikethrough -- ** SolidFill , SolidFill , solidFill , sfColor , sfAlpha -- ** UpdateTextStyleRequest , UpdateTextStyleRequest , updateTextStyleRequest , utsrStyle , utsrTextRange , utsrObjectId , utsrCellLocation , utsrFields -- ** Recolor , Recolor , recolor , rName , rRecolorStops -- ** PageProperties , PageProperties , pageProperties , ppPageBackgRoundFill , ppColorScheme -- ** PageBackgRoundFill , PageBackgRoundFill , pageBackgRoundFill , pbrfStretchedPictureFill , pbrfSolidFill , pbrfPropertyState -- ** NestingLevel , NestingLevel , nestingLevel , nlBulletStyle -- ** OpaqueColor , OpaqueColor , opaqueColor , ocThemeColor , ocRgbColor -- ** TableBOrderPropertiesDashStyle , TableBOrderPropertiesDashStyle (..) -- ** CreateSlideRequest , CreateSlideRequest , createSlideRequest , csrsObjectId , csrsSlideLayoutReference , csrsInsertionIndex , csrsPlaceholderIdMAppings -- ** TableCellLocation , TableCellLocation , tableCellLocation , tclColumnIndex , tclRowIndex -- ** UpdateSlidesPositionRequest , UpdateSlidesPositionRequest , updateSlidesPositionRequest , usprSlideObjectIds , usprInsertionIndex -- ** ReplaceAllShapesWithImageRequest , ReplaceAllShapesWithImageRequest , replaceAllShapesWithImageRequest , raswirImageReplaceMethod , raswirPageObjectIds , raswirContainsText , raswirImageURL , raswirReplaceMethod -- ** PageElement , PageElement , pageElement , peTransform , peImage , peSize , peSheetsChart , peObjectId , peLine , peElementGroup , peVideo , peWordArt , peShape , peTitle , peTable , peDescription -- ** ColorStop , ColorStop , colorStop , csColor , csAlpha , csPosition -- ** DeleteObjectRequest , DeleteObjectRequest , deleteObjectRequest , dObjectId -- ** CreateSlideResponse , CreateSlideResponse , createSlideResponse , ccObjectId -- ** ColorScheme , ColorScheme , colorScheme , csColors -- ** TableCell , TableCell , tableCell , tcColumnSpan , tcLocation , tcText , tcRowSpan , tcTableCellProperties -- ** ListNestingLevel , ListNestingLevel , listNestingLevel , lnlAddtional -- ** Outline , Outline , outline , oOutlineFill , oWeight , oDashStyle , oPropertyState -- ** UpdateVideoPropertiesRequest , UpdateVideoPropertiesRequest , updateVideoPropertiesRequest , uvprObjectId , uvprVideoProperties , uvprFields -- ** UpdateLineCategoryRequestLineCategory , UpdateLineCategoryRequestLineCategory (..) -- ** VideoProperties , VideoProperties , videoProperties , vpStart , vpAutoPlay , vpMute , vpEnd , vpOutline -- ** LayoutPlaceholderIdMApping , LayoutPlaceholderIdMApping , layoutPlaceholderIdMApping , lpimaObjectId , lpimaLayoutPlaceholderObjectId , lpimaLayoutPlaceholder -- ** LineLineType , LineLineType (..) -- ** PagePageType , PagePageType (..) -- ** CreateImageResponse , CreateImageResponse , createImageResponse , ciriObjectId -- ** TextElement , TextElement , textElement , teParagraphMarker , teAutoText , teEndIndex , teTextRun , teStartIndex -- ** ParagraphStyleSpacingMode , ParagraphStyleSpacingMode (..) -- ** DeleteParagraphBulletsRequest , DeleteParagraphBulletsRequest , deleteParagraphBulletsRequest , dpbrTextRange , dpbrObjectId , dpbrCellLocation -- ** InsertTextRequest , InsertTextRequest , insertTextRequest , itrText , itrObjectId , itrInsertionIndex , itrCellLocation -- ** UpdateTableBOrderPropertiesRequest , UpdateTableBOrderPropertiesRequest , updateTableBOrderPropertiesRequest , utboprBOrderPosition , utboprObjectId , utboprTableBOrderProperties , utboprTableRange , utboprFields -- ** CreateLineRequest , CreateLineRequest , createLineRequest , clrlCategory , clrlObjectId , clrlLineCategory , clrlElementProperties -- ** Placeholder , Placeholder , placeholder , pParentObjectId , pType , pIndex -- ** LayoutProperties , LayoutProperties , layoutProperties , lpMasterObjectId , lpName , lpDisplayName -- ** CreateLineRequestCategory , CreateLineRequestCategory (..) -- ** UpdateShapePropertiesRequest , UpdateShapePropertiesRequest , updateShapePropertiesRequest , usprObjectId , usprShapeProperties , usprFields -- ** Table , Table , table , tTableRows , tVerticalBOrderRows , tRows , tColumns , tHorizontalBOrderRows , tTableColumns -- ** ThemeColorPairType , ThemeColorPairType (..) -- ** LinePropertiesStartArrow , LinePropertiesStartArrow (..) -- ** UpdateLineCategoryRequest , UpdateLineCategoryRequest , updateLineCategoryRequest , ulcrObjectId , ulcrLineCategory -- ** ShapeProperties , ShapeProperties , shapeProperties , spLink , spShadow , spOutline , spContentAlignment , spShapeBackgRoundFill -- ** ShadowPropertyState , ShadowPropertyState (..) -- ** ShadowType , ShadowType (..) -- ** ShapeBackgRoundFill , ShapeBackgRoundFill , shapeBackgRoundFill , sbrfSolidFill , sbrfPropertyState -- ** UpdatePageElementTransformRequestApplyMode , UpdatePageElementTransformRequestApplyMode (..) -- ** CreateParagraphBulletsRequest , CreateParagraphBulletsRequest , createParagraphBulletsRequest , cpbrTextRange , cpbrObjectId , cpbrBulletPreset , cpbrCellLocation -- ** DimensionUnit , DimensionUnit (..) -- ** ReplaceImageRequestImageReplaceMethod , ReplaceImageRequestImageReplaceMethod (..) -- ** OutlineDashStyle , OutlineDashStyle (..) -- ** AffineTransformUnit , AffineTransformUnit (..) -- ** UpdatePageElementAltTextRequest , UpdatePageElementAltTextRequest , updatePageElementAltTextRequest , upeatrObjectId , upeatrTitle , upeatrDescription -- ** UpdateTableCellPropertiesRequest , UpdateTableCellPropertiesRequest , updateTableCellPropertiesRequest , uObjectId , uTableCellProperties , uTableRange , uFields -- ** ReplaceAllShapesWithImageRequestImageReplaceMethod , ReplaceAllShapesWithImageRequestImageReplaceMethod (..) -- ** SheetsChartProperties , SheetsChartProperties , sheetsChartProperties , scpChartImageProperties -- ** ParagraphStyle , ParagraphStyle , paragraphStyle , psLineSpacing , psDirection , psIndentFirstLine , psIndentEnd , psIndentStart , psAlignment , psSpaceBelow , psSpacingMode , psSpaceAbove -- ** CreateTableResponse , CreateTableResponse , createTableResponse , ctrtObjectId -- ** RerouteLineRequest , RerouteLineRequest , rerouteLineRequest , rlrObjectId -- ** TableColumnProperties , TableColumnProperties , tableColumnProperties , tcpColumnWidth -- ** DuplicateObjectResponse , DuplicateObjectResponse , duplicateObjectResponse , dupObjectId -- ** UpdateParagraphStyleRequest , UpdateParagraphStyleRequest , updateParagraphStyleRequest , upsrStyle , upsrTextRange , upsrObjectId , upsrCellLocation , upsrFields -- ** ReplaceAllTextRequest , ReplaceAllTextRequest , replaceAllTextRequest , ratrPageObjectIds , ratrContainsText , ratrReplaceText -- ** TableRange , TableRange , tableRange , trColumnSpan , trLocation , trRowSpan -- ** Request' , Request' , request' , reqReplaceAllShapesWithImage , reqDeleteObject , reqUpdateSlidesPosition , reqUpdateShapeProperties , reqCreateParagraphBullets , reqUpdateLineCategory , reqCreateLine , reqInsertText , reqUpdateTableBOrderProperties , reqDeleteParagraphBullets , reqDeleteTableRow , reqUpdateTableCellProperties , reqReplaceAllText , reqUpdatePageElementAltText , reqUpdateParagraphStyle , reqRerouteLine , reqReplaceImage , reqReplaceAllShapesWithSheetsChart , reqCreateShape , reqUpdatePageElementsZOrder , reqUpdatePageProperties , reqUpdateLineProperties , reqDeleteTableColumn , reqGroupObjects , reqDeleteText , reqUpdateTableRowProperties , reqCreateSheetsChart , reqInsertTableColumns , reqUpdateImageProperties , reqUnGroupObjects , reqDuplicateObject , reqCreateTable , reqCreateVideo , reqRefreshSheetsChart , reqUpdateTableColumnProperties , reqUnmergeTableCells , reqUpdatePageElementTransform , reqInsertTableRows , reqCreateImage , reqMergeTableCells , reqCreateSlide , reqUpdateTextStyle , reqUpdateVideoProperties -- ** SubstringMatchCriteria , SubstringMatchCriteria , substringMatchCriteria , smcMatchCase , smcText ) where import Network.Google.Prelude import Network.Google.Resource.Slides.Presentations.BatchUpdate import Network.Google.Resource.Slides.Presentations.Create import Network.Google.Resource.Slides.Presentations.Get import Network.Google.Resource.Slides.Presentations.Pages.Get import Network.Google.Resource.Slides.Presentations.Pages.GetThumbnail import Network.Google.Slides.Types {- $resources TODO -} -- | Represents the entirety of the methods and resources available for the Google Slides API service. type SlidesAPI = PresentationsPagesGetResource :<|> PresentationsPagesGetThumbnailResource :<|> PresentationsGetResource :<|> PresentationsCreateResource :<|> PresentationsBatchUpdateResource