{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Google.Cloud.Compute.Metadata where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Except

import Data.Char
import Data.ByteString (ByteString, split)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (unpack)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Encoding
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Time
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Scientific
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HMS

import Google.Cloud.Internal.Types
import Google.Cloud.Internal.HTTP

import Prelude

metadataServer :: String
metadataServer = "http://metadata.google.internal"

projectMetadataPath :: String
projectMetadataPath = "/computeMetadata/v1/project"

instanceMetadataPath :: String
instanceMetadataPath = "/computeMetadata/v1/instance"

-- | Convenience function to read a metadata value from the server. When
-- talking to the metadata server one has to supply a @Metadata-Flavor@ header,
-- otherwise the server refuses to communicate.
readKey :: String -> Cloud ByteString
readKey key = get (metadataServer ++ key) [("Metadata-Flavor","Google")]

-- | Like 'getJSON' but for reading from the metadata server.
readJSON :: (FromJSON a) => String -> Cloud a
readJSON key = getJSON (metadataServer ++ key) [("Metadata-Flavor","Google")]

-- | The 'ProjectId' is a string which the user can freely chose when creating
-- a new project in the Google cloud. It is globally unique.
newtype ProjectId = ProjectId { unProjectId :: Text }

projectId :: Cloud ProjectId
projectId = ProjectId . decodeUtf8
    <$> readKey (projectMetadataPath ++ "/project-id")

-- | The 'NumericProjectId' can also be used to refer to a project on Google
-- cloud. It is globally unique.
newtype NumericProjectId = NumericProjectId { unNumericProjectId :: Integer }

numericProjectId :: Cloud NumericProjectId
numericProjectId = readKey (projectMetadataPath ++ "/numeric-project-id") >>=
    (cloudIO . return . NumericProjectId . read . unpack)

-- | A project or instance metadata attribute is a key-value pair.
type Attribute = (ByteString, ByteString)

projectAttributes :: Cloud [Attribute]
projectAttributes = do
    let baseKey = projectMetadataPath ++ "/attributes/"
    keys <- split (fromIntegral $ ord '\n') <$> readKey baseKey
    forM keys $ \key -> ((,) key) <$> readKey (baseKey <> unpack key)

-- | The ID of an instance. This is a unique, numerical ID that is generated
-- by Google Compute Engine. This is useful for identifying instances if you do
-- not want to use instance names.
newtype InstanceId = InstanceId { unInstanceId :: Integer }

instanceId :: Cloud InstanceId
instanceId = readKey (instanceMetadataPath ++ "/id") >>=
    (cloudIO . return . InstanceId . read . unpack)

-- | The fully-qualified machine type name of the instance's host machine.
newtype MachineType = MachineType { unMachineType :: Text }

machineType :: Cloud MachineType
machineType = MachineType . decodeUtf8
    <$> readKey (instanceMetadataPath ++ "/machine-type")

-- | The internal hostname of the instance.
internalHostname :: Cloud String
internalHostname = unpack <$> readKey (instanceMetadataPath ++ "/hostname")

-- | The instance's zone.
newtype Zone = Zone { unZone :: Text }

zone :: Cloud Zone
zone = Zone . decodeUtf8 <$> readKey (instanceMetadataPath ++ "/zone")

-- | Fetch an access token for the given service account.
serviceAccountToken :: String -> Cloud Token
serviceAccountToken acc = do
    res <- readJSON (instanceMetadataPath ++ "/service-account/" ++ acc ++ "/token")
    case res of
        (Object o) -> case (HMS.lookup "access_token" o, HMS.lookup "expires_in" o) of
            (Just (String value), Just (Number expiresIn)) -> do
                case toBoundedInteger expiresIn :: Maybe Int of
                    Nothing -> throwError $ UnknownError "fetchToken: Bad expiration time"
                    Just i -> do
                        now <- cloudIO $ getCurrentTime
                        return $ Token (addUTCTime (fromIntegral i) now) value
            _ -> throwError $ UnknownError "fetchToken: Could not decode response"
        _ -> throwError $ UnknownError "fetchToken: Bad resposnse"