{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}


    BangPatterns, BlockArguments, DeriveFunctor,
    DerivingStrategies, GADTs, LambdaCase,
    ScopedTypeVariables, StandaloneDeriving,


module Control.Grab
  -- * Types
  -- ** The Grab type
    Grab (..)
  -- ** Aliases: Simple, Dump, Result, Extract
  , Simple, Dump, Result, Extract

  -- * Creation
  -- ** Making grabs
  , partition, (/)
  -- ** Making dumps
  , dump, discardResidue
  -- ** Making extracts
  , success, failure, warning, extract

  -- * Use
  -- ** Applying a grab to an input
  , runGrab, runDump
  -- ** Deconstructing results
  , residue, log, desideratum
  -- ** Both applying and deconstructing
  , runGrabMaybe

  ) where

import Control.Applicative (Applicative (..))
import Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor (..))
import Data.Function ((.))
import Data.Functor (Functor (..))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe (..))
import Data.Monoid (Monoid (..))
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup (..))
import Prelude ()

--- The Grab type ---

{- |

A 'Grab':

  1. Consumes some portion (none, part, or all) of its input

  2. Returns a 'Result':

      * A __@residue@__ consisting of the unconsumed input;

      * Some monoidal __@log@__ e.g. a list of error messages;

      * Some __@desideratum@__ (the object of desire) produced from
        the consumed input, or @Nothing@ if the grab failed.

Specializations of this type:

  * If the bag and residue types are the same, the grab
    is a __'Simple'__ grab and it has an 'Applicative' instance.

  * If the residue is @()@, the grab is a __'Dump'__; it
    dumps out the entire bag so there is nothing remaining.

  * If the bag is @()@, the grab is just a single fixed
    __'Result'__, which consists of the residue, log, and
    maybe the desideratum.

  * If both the bag and residue are @()@, the grab is
    just the __'Extract'__, which consists of the log and
    maybe the desideratum.


newtype Grab bag residue log desideratum =
    (bag -> (residue, log, Maybe desideratum))

--- Type aliases ---

{- |

A 'Simple' grab:

  1. Consumes some portion (none, part, or all) of its input

  2. Returns a 'Result':

      * A modified __@bag@__ representing the unconsumed
        portion of the input;

      * Some monoidal __@log@__ e.g. a list of error messages;

      * Some __@desideratum@__ (the object of desire) produced from
        the consumed input, or @Nothing@ if the grab failed.


type Simple bag log desideratum = Grab bag bag log desideratum

{- | A 'Dump':

  1. Consumes all of its input __@bag@__;

  2. Returns a 'Extract':

      * Some monoidal __@log@__ e.g. a list of error messages;

      * Some __@desideratum@__ (the object of desire) produced from
        the consumed input, or @Nothing@ if the grab failed.

type Dump bag log desideratum = Grab bag () log desideratum

{- | The result of performing a 'Grab'. Consists of:

  * A __@residue@__ consisting of the unconsumed input;

  * Some monoidal __@log@__ e.g. a list of error messages;

  * Some __@desideratum@__ (the object of desire) produced from
    the consumed input, or @Nothing@ if the grab failed.

type Result residue log desideratum = Grab () residue log desideratum

{- | What is produced by performing a 'Dump'. Consists of:

  * Some monoidal __@log@__ e.g. a list of error messages;

  * Some __@desideratum@__ (the object of desire) produced from
    the consumed input, or @Nothing@ if the grab failed.

type Extract log desideratum = Grab () () log desideratum

--- Functor ---

deriving stock instance Functor (Grab bag residue log)

--- Applicative functor ---

instance (bag ~ residue, Monoid log) =>
    Applicative (Grab bag residue log)
    pure = grabPure
    (<*>) = grabAp

grabPure :: forall bag log desideratum. Monoid log =>
    desideratum -> Grab bag bag log desideratum

grabPure x = Grab \bag -> (bag, mempty, Just x)

grabAp :: forall bag log x desideratum. Monoid log =>
    Grab bag bag log (x -> desideratum) ->
    Grab bag bag log x ->
    Grab bag bag log desideratum

grabAp (Grab pf) (Grab px) =
    Grab \bag ->
            (bag',  log1, f) = pf bag
            (bag'', log2, x) = px bag'
            (bag'', log1 <> log2, f <*> x)

--- Bifunctor ---

instance Bifunctor (Grab bag residue)
    bimap = bimapGrab

bimapGrab :: forall bag residue log log' a a'.
    (log -> log') -> (a -> a') ->
    Grab bag residue log  a ->
    Grab bag residue log' a'

bimapGrab f g (Grab x) =
    Grab \bag ->
            (bag', lg, a) = x bag
            (bag', f lg, fmap @Maybe g a)

--- Creating grabs ---

-- | The most general way to construct an 'Extract'.
extract :: forall log desideratum.
        -- ^ Log output, such as an error or warning message.
    -> Maybe desideratum
        -- ^ 'Just' some desideratum if the extract represents the
        --   outcome of a successful grab, or 'Nothing' if it
        --   represents failure.
    -> Extract log desideratum
        -- ^ An extract consisting of the given log and desideratum.

extract x y = Grab \() -> ((), x, y)

success :: forall log desideratum. Monoid log =>
        -- ^ The desired object.
    -> Extract log desideratum
        -- ^ A successful extract with an empty log.

failure :: forall log desideratum.
        -- ^ Log output such as an error message.
    -> Extract log desideratum
        -- ^ An extract with the given log and no desideratum.

warning :: forall log.
        -- ^ Log output such as a warning message.
    -> Extract log ()
        -- ^ An extract with the given log and a desideratum of @()@.

success x = extract mempty (Just x)
failure x = extract x (Nothing)
warning x = extract x (Just ())

partition :: forall bag residue log desideratum. Monoid log =>
    (bag -> (desideratum, residue))
        -- ^ Function that partitions the bag into desideratum and residue.
    -> Grab bag residue log desideratum
        -- ^ A grab that always succeeds and never logs.

partition f =
    Grab \i ->
            (s, r) = f i
            (r, mempty, Just s)

dump :: forall bag log desideratum.
    (bag -> Extract log desideratum)
        -- ^ A function which, given the entire input, produces
        --   some log output and maybe a desideratum.
    -> Dump bag log desideratum
        -- ^ A grab that consumes the entire bag, producing
        --   whatever the function extracted from its contents.

dump f =
    Grab \i ->
            p = f i
            ((), log p, desideratum p)

-- | @a / b@ is a pipeline of two grabs, using the output of /a/
-- as the input to /b/.
(/) :: forall bag residue _r log x desideratum. Semigroup log =>
    Grab bag residue log x
        -- ^ The first grab /a/, whose desideratum @x@ will be
        --   passed as input to the second grab /b/.
    -> Grab x _r log desideratum
        -- ^ The second grab /b/. The residue of this grab will be
        --   ignored, so it usually ought to be a 'Dump'.
    -> Grab bag residue log desideratum
        -- ^ A grab whose result is the residue of /a/, the combined
        --   logs of both /a/ and /b/, and the desideratum of /b/.

(/) (Grab f) (Grab g) =
    Grab \i ->
            (x, y, z) = f i
            case z of
                Nothing -> (x, y, Nothing)
                Just a ->
                        (_, y', z') = g a
                        (x, y <> y', z')

discardResidue :: forall bag residue log desideratum .
    Grab bag residue log desideratum
        -- ^ A grab which may produce some residue.
    -> Dump bag log desideratum
        -- ^ A grab that produces no residue.

discardResidue (Grab f) =
    Grab \bag ->
            (_, y, z) = f bag
            ((), y, z)

--- Using grabs ---

-- | When @residue@ is @()@, this function specializes to 'runDump'.
runGrab :: forall bag residue log desideratum.
    Grab bag residue log desideratum
        -- ^ A grab, which may consume some portion of the input.
    -> bag
        -- ^ The input.
    -> Result residue log desideratum
        -- ^ The result of performing the grab, which consists of
        --   the @residue@ representing the remaining portion of
        --   input, a @log@ for providing error output, and a
        --   @desideratum@ if the grab was successful.

runGrab (Grab f) x =
        !r = f x
        Grab \() -> r

-- | This is a specialization of the more general 'runGrab' function.
runDump :: forall bag log desideratum.
    Dump bag log desideratum
        -- ^ A dump which consumes the input.
    -> bag
        -- ^ The input.
    -> Extract log desideratum
        -- ^ The result extracted from the input, which
        --   consists of a @log@ for providing error output
        --   and a @desideratum@ if the grab was successful.

runDump = runGrab

-- | Run a grab, ignoring the residue and log, producing only
-- the desideratum.
-- > runGrabMaybe x = desideratum . runGrab x
runGrabMaybe :: forall bag residue log desideratum.
    Grab bag residue log desideratum
    -> bag
    -> Maybe desideratum

runGrabMaybe x = desideratum . runGrab x

desideratum :: forall residue log desideratum.
    Result residue log desideratum
        -- ^ Either a 'Result' or an 'Extract'.
    -> Maybe desideratum
        -- ^ The desired object, if one was successfully
        --   extracted from the bag.

log :: forall residue log desideratum.
    Result residue log desideratum
        -- ^ Either a 'Result' or an 'Extract'.
    -> log
        -- ^ Any extra information produced during the
        --   grab, such as error messages.

residue :: forall residue log desideratum.
    Result residue log desideratum
        -- ^ The result of 'run'ning a 'Grab'
    -> residue
        -- ^ The portion of the bag that was not consumed
        --   by the grab.

residue     (Grab f) = let (x, _, _) = f () in x
log         (Grab f) = let (_, x, _) = f () in x
desideratum (Grab f) = let (_, _, x) = f () in x