{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Grakn.Client
  ( Graph(Graph, keyspace, url)
  , Concept(Concept, cid, cname, ctype, value)
  , GraknError
  , Result(MatchResult, InsertResult, AskResult, CountResult,
  , defaultUrl
  , defaultKeyspace
  , execute
  ) where

import           Control.Applicative      (empty)
import           Data.Aeson               (FromJSON, ToJSON, encode, parseJSON,
                                           (.:), (.:?))
import qualified Data.Aeson               as Aeson
import           Data.Foldable            (asum)
import           Data.Map                 (Map)
import           Data.Proxy               (Proxy (Proxy))
import           Data.Text                (Text)
import           Grakn.Property           (Name, Value, Var)
import           Grakn.Query              (IsQuery (queryString))
import           Network.HTTP.Client      (defaultManagerSettings, newManager)
import           Network.HTTP.Media       ((//))
import           Servant.API
import           Servant.API.ContentTypes (eitherDecodeLenient)
import           Servant.Client

data Graph = Graph
  { url      :: BaseUrl
  , keyspace :: String

newtype GraknError =
  GraknError String
  deriving (Eq, Show)

-- |A result of a match query, binding variables to concepts
data Result
  = MatchResult [Map Var Concept]
  | InsertResult [Text]
  | AskResult Bool
  | CountResult Integer
  | DeleteResult
  deriving (Show, Eq)

-- |A concept in the graph
data Concept = Concept
  { cid   :: Text
  , cname :: Maybe Name
  , ctype :: Maybe Name
  , value :: Maybe Value
  } deriving (Show, Eq)

-- |The default Grakn URL, accessing localhost
defaultUrl :: BaseUrl
defaultUrl = BaseUrl Http "localhost" 4567 ""

-- |The default Grakn keyspace
defaultKeyspace :: String
defaultKeyspace = "grakn"

execute :: IsQuery q => Graph -> q -> IO (Either ServantError Result)
execute (Graph u ks) query = do
  manager <- newManager defaultManagerSettings
  let env = ClientEnv manager u
  runClientM (graqlGet (queryString query) ks) env

type Keyspace = QueryParam "keyspace" String

type Infer = QueryParam "infer" Bool

type Materialise = QueryParam "materialise" Bool

type Body = ReqBody '[ PlainText] String

type GraknParams
   = Keyspace :> Infer :> Materialise :> Body :> Post '[ GraqlJSON] Result

-- |A type describing the REST API we use to execute queries
type GraknAPI = "graph" :> "graql" :> "execute" :> GraknParams

graknAPI :: Proxy GraknAPI
graknAPI = Proxy

graqlGet :: String -> String -> ClientM Result
graqlGet query ks = client graknAPI (Just ks) (Just False) (Just False) query

instance FromJSON Concept where
  parseJSON (Aeson.Object obj) =
    Concept <$> (obj .: "id") <*> (obj .:? "name") <*> (obj .:? "isa") <*>
    (obj .:? "value")
  parseJSON _ = empty

instance FromJSON Result where
  parseJSON val =
      [ MatchResult <$> parseJSON val
      , InsertResult <$> parseJSON val
      , AskResult <$> parseJSON val
      , CountResult <$> parseJSON val
      , pure DeleteResult

data GraqlJSON

instance Accept GraqlJSON where
  contentType _ = "application" // "graql+json"

instance ToJSON a => MimeRender GraqlJSON a where
  mimeRender _ = encode

instance FromJSON a => MimeUnrender GraqlJSON a where
  mimeUnrender _ = eitherDecodeLenient