module Grakn.Property
  ( Property(..)
  , RolePlayer
  , Var
  , Name
  , VarOrName
  , Value(..)
  , var
  , name
  , (.:)
  , rp
  ) where

import           Control.Applicative (empty)
import           Data.Aeson          (FromJSON, FromJSONKey,
                                      FromJSONKeyFunction (FromJSONKeyText),
import qualified Data.Aeson          as Aeson
import           Data.Scientific     (Scientific)
import           Data.Text           (Text, unpack)
import           Grakn.Util          (Convert (convert), commas, with)
import           Text.Regex.Posix    ((=~))

-- |A property of a concept
data Property
  = Isa VarOrName
  | NameProperty Name
  | Rel [RolePlayer]
  | Has Name
        (Either Value Var)

-- |A variable name wildcard that will represent a concept in the results
newtype Var =
  Var Text
  deriving (Eq, Ord)

-- |A name of something in the graph
newtype Name =
  Name Text
  deriving (Eq)

-- |Something that may be a variable name or a type name
data VarOrName
  = VarName Var
  | TypeName Name

-- |A value of a resource
data Value
  = ValueString Text
  | ValueNumber Scientific
  | ValueBool Bool
  deriving (Eq)

-- |A casting, relating a role type and role player
data RolePlayer =
  RolePlayer (Maybe VarOrName)

-- |Create a variable
var :: Text -> Var
var = Var

-- |Create a name of something in the graph
name :: Text -> Name
name = Name

-- |A casting in a relation between a role type and a role player
(.:) :: Convert a VarOrName => a -> Var -> RolePlayer
rt .: player = RolePlayer (Just $ convert rt) player

-- |A casting in a relation without a role type
rp :: Var -> RolePlayer
rp = RolePlayer Nothing

nameRegex :: String
nameRegex = "^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$"

instance Show Property where
  show (Isa varOrName)  = "isa " ++ show varOrName
  show (NameProperty n) = "type-name " ++ show n
  show (Rel castings)   = "(" ++ commas castings ++ ")"
  show (Has rt value)   = "has " ++ show rt ++ " " ++ showEither value

instance Show RolePlayer where
  show (RolePlayer roletype player) = roletype `with` ": " ++ show player

instance Show Value where
  show (ValueString text) = show text
  show (ValueNumber num)  = show num
  show (ValueBool bool)   = show bool

instance Show Name where
  show (Name text)
    | str =~ nameRegex = str
    | otherwise = show text
      str = unpack text

instance Show Var where
  show (Var v) = '$' : unpack v

instance Show VarOrName where
  show (VarName v)  = show v
  show (TypeName t) = show t

instance Convert Var VarOrName where
  convert = VarName

instance Convert Name VarOrName where
  convert = TypeName

instance Convert Var RolePlayer where
  convert = rp

instance Convert Var (Either Value Var) where
  convert = Right

instance Convert Text (Either Value Var) where
  convert = Left . ValueString

instance Convert Scientific (Either Value Var) where
  convert = Left . ValueNumber

instance Convert Bool (Either Value Var) where
  convert = Left . ValueBool

instance FromJSON Value where
  parseJSON (Aeson.String s) = return $ ValueString s
  parseJSON (Aeson.Number n) = return $ ValueNumber n
  parseJSON (Aeson.Bool b)   = return $ ValueBool b
  parseJSON _                = empty

instance FromJSON Name where
  parseJSON (Aeson.String s) = return $ name s
  parseJSON _                = empty

instance FromJSON Var where
  parseJSON (Aeson.String s) = return $ var s
  parseJSON _                = empty

instance FromJSONKey Var where
  fromJSONKey = FromJSONKeyText var

showEither :: (Show a, Show b) => Either a b -> String
showEither = either show show