{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
-- | Most of the functions for graph scrutinisation ('GraphRewriting.Graph.Read') and modification ('GraphRewriting.Graph.Write') are defined monadically. This module defines functions for extracting these monadic values and a few non-monadic graph scrutinisation/modification functions.
module GraphRewriting.Graph (module GraphRewriting.Graph, module GraphRewriting.Graph.Types, Graph (..)) where

import GraphRewriting.Graph.Types
import GraphRewriting.Graph.Internal
import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.IntMap as Map
import qualified Data.IntSet as Set
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)

emptyGraph  Graph n
emptyGraph = Graph {nodeMap = Map.empty, edgeMap = Map.empty, nextKey = 0}

nodes  Graph n  [n]
nodes = Map.elems . nodeMap

-- | Each edge corresponds to the set of nodes it connects
edges  Graph n  [(Edge, [n])]
edges g = map lookupNodes $ Map.assocs (edgeMap g) where
	lookupNodes (e,ns) = (Edge e, map (\n  fromJust $ Map.lookup n $ nodeMap g) $ Set.elems ns)

-- | unsafe, since no checks are performed to ensure that the invariants from
-- "GraphRewriting.Graph.Write" are preserved
unsafeMapNodes  (n  n')  Graph n  Graph n'
unsafeMapNodes f g = g {nodeMap = Map.map f $ nodeMap g}

-- | map that supplies an additional unique key to the mapping function; unsafe
-- in the same way as 'unsafeMapNodes'
unsafeMapNodesUnique  (Int  n  n')  Graph n  Graph n'
unsafeMapNodesUnique f g = g {nodeMap = Map.mapWithKey f $ nodeMap g}

-- | apply a monadic graph modification to a graph
runGraph  Rewrite n a  Graph n  (a, Graph n)
runGraph = runState

evalGraph  Rewrite n a  Graph n  a
evalGraph = evalState

execGraph  Rewrite n a  Graph n  Graph n
execGraph = execState