{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax, FlexibleContexts #-}
-- | Patterns allow monadic scrutinisation of the graph (modifications are not possible) while keeping track of matched nodes (history). A 'Pattern' is interpreted by 'runPattern' that returns a result for each position in the graph where the pattern matches. It is allowed to 'fail' inside the 'Pattern' monad, indicating that the pattern does not match, which corresponds to conditional rewriting.
module GraphRewriting.Pattern (module GraphRewriting.Pattern, PatternT, Pattern, Match, (<|>)) where

import Prelude.Unicode
import GraphRewriting.Pattern.Internal
import GraphRewriting.Graph.Read
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.List
import Control.Monad.Identity
import qualified Data.Set as Set (empty, insert, member)
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Functor
import Data.Monoid

-- | A pattern represents a graph scrutinisation that memorises all the scrutinised nodes during matching.
type Pattern n = PatternT n Identity

instance Monad m  Monad (PatternT n m) where
	return x = PatternT $ \h  return ([],x)
	p >>= f = PatternT $ \h  do
		(m1,x)  patternT p h
		(m2,y)  patternT (f x) (reverse m1  h)
		return (m1  m2, y)
	fail str = PatternT $ \h  lift (fail str)

instance MonadTrans (PatternT n) where
	lift m = PatternT $ \h  do
		x  lift $ lift m
		return ([],x)

-- TODO: Change constraint to Functor m if possible
instance Monad m  Functor (PatternT n m) where fmap = liftM

-- TODO: Change constraint from Monad m if possible
instance Monad m  Applicative (PatternT n m) where
	pure = return
	f <*> x = do
		f'  f
		f' <$> x

instance Monad m  Alternative (PatternT n m) where
	empty = mzero
	(<|>) = mplus

instance Monad m  Monoid (PatternT n m a) where
	mempty = mzero
	mappend = mplus

instance Monad m  MonadPlus (PatternT n m) where
	mzero = fail "empty result list"
	mplus p q = PatternT $ \h  do -- TODO: this implements choice. Is mplus the right function for that?
		g  ask
		lift $ runReaderT (patternT p h) g `mplus` runReaderT (patternT q h) g

runPatternT  PatternT n m a  Graph n  m [(Match,a)]
runPatternT = runPatternT' []

-- | Apply a pattern on a graph returning a result for each matching position in the graph together with the matched nodes.
runPattern  Pattern n a  Graph n  [(Match,a)]
runPattern p = runIdentity . runPatternT p

evalPattern  Pattern n a  Graph n  [a]
evalPattern p = map snd . runPattern p

execPattern  Pattern n a  Graph n  [Match]
execPattern p = map fst . runPattern p

-- combinators ---------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Something like an implicit monadic map
branch  Monad m  [a]  PatternT n m a -- TODO: express this using Alternative?
branch xs = PatternT $ \h  lift $ ListT $ return [([],x) | x  xs]

-- | 'branch' on each node, add it to the history, and return it
branchNodes  Monad m  [Node]  PatternT n m Node
branchNodes ns = do -- TODO: express this using Alternative?
	n  branch ns
	visit n
	return n

-- | Probe whether a pattern matches somewhere on the graph. You might want to combine this with 'amnesia'.
probe  Monad m  PatternT n m a  PatternT n m Bool
probe p = not . null <$> matches p

-- | probe a pattern returning the matches it has on the graph. You might want to combine this with 'amnesia'.
matches  Monad m  PatternT n m a  PatternT n m [Match]
matches p = map fst <$> match p

-- TODO: isn't this essentially same as runPatternT?
-- | probe a pattern returning the matches it has on the graph. You might want to combine this with 'amnesia'.
match  Monad m  PatternT n m a  PatternT n m [(Match, a)]
match p = PatternT $ \h  do
	matches  liftM (runReaderT $ patternT p h) ask -- list of all possible matches
	let roundup = liftM (\xs  [(concatMap fst xs, xs)]) (runListT matches) -- concatenation into one big match
	lift $ ListT roundup

-- | choice over a list of patterns
anyOf  Alternative f  [f a]  f a
anyOf = foldr (<|>) empty

-- | conditional rewriting: 'fail' when predicate is not met
require  Monad m  Bool  m ()
require p = unless p $ fail "requirement not met"

-- | 'fail' if given pattern succeeds, succeed if it fails.
requireFailure  Monad m  PatternT n m a  PatternT n m ()
requireFailure p = require . not =<< probe p

-- | 'fail' when monadic predicate is not met
requireM  Monad m  m Bool  m ()
requireM p = p >>= require

-- some base patterns --------------------------------------------------------

-- | Lift a scrutinisation from 'Reader' to 'Pattern' leaving the history unchanged.
liftReader  Monad m  Reader (Graph n) a  PatternT n m a
liftReader r = PatternT $ \h  do
	x  runReader r `liftM` ask
	return ([],x)

-- | any node anywhere in the graph
node  (Monad m, View v n)  PatternT n m v
node = liftReader . inspectNode =<< branchNodes =<< liftReader readNodeList

-- | A specific node
nodeAt  (Monad m, View v n)  Node  PatternT n m v
nodeAt ref = do
	n  liftReader $ inspectNode ref
	PatternT $ \h  lift $ return ([ref],n)

-- | any edge anywhere in the graph
edge  Monad m  PatternT n m Edge
edge = branch =<< liftReader readEdgeList

-- | node that is connected to given edge
nodeWith  (Monad m, View v n)  Edge  PatternT n m v
nodeWith e = liftReader . inspectNode =<< branchNodes =<< liftReader (attachedNodes e)

-- | edge that is attached to given node
edgeOf  (Monad m, View [Port] n)  Node  PatternT n m Edge
edgeOf n = branch =<< liftReader (attachedEdges n)

-- | node that is connected to the given node, but not that node itself
neighbour  Monad m => (View [Port] n, View v n)  Node  PatternT n m v
neighbour n = liftReader . inspectNode =<< branchNodes =<< liftReader (neighbours n)

-- | node that is connected to the given node, permitting the node itself
relative  (Monad m, View [Port] n, View v n)  Node  PatternT n m v
relative n = liftReader . inspectNode =<< branchNodes =<< liftReader (relatives n)

-- | nodes connected to given port of the specified node, not including the node itself.
-- Consider as an alternative 'linear' combined with 'nodeWith'.
adverse  (Monad m, View [Port] n, View v n)  Port  Node  PatternT n m v
adverse p n = liftReader . inspectNode =<< branchNodes =<< liftReader (adverseNodes n p)

-- controlling history and future --------------------------------------------

-- | A specific node
visit  Monad m  Node  PatternT n m ()
visit n = do
	exists  liftReader $ existNode n
	if exists
		then PatternT $ \h  lift $ return ([n],())
		else fail $ "visit: node with ID "  show n  " does not exist"

-- | Do not remember any of the nodes matched by the supplied pattern
amnesia  Monad m  PatternT n m a  PatternT n m a
amnesia p = PatternT $ \h  do
	(h',x)  patternT p h
	return ([],x)

-- | list of nodes matched until now with the most recent node in head position
history  Monad m  PatternT n m Match
history = PatternT $ \h  return ([],h)

-- | a reference to the lastly matched node
previous  Monad m  PatternT n m Node
previous = head <$> history

-- | only match nodes in the next pattern that have not been matched before
nextFresh  Monad m  PatternT n m a  PatternT n m a
nextFresh = restrictOverlap $ \past future  null future  not (head future  past)

-- | only accept the given node in the next match
nextIs  Monad m  Node  PatternT n m a  PatternT n m a
nextIs next = restrictOverlap $ \past future  not (null future)  head future  next

-- | Restrict a pattern based on the which of nodes have matched been previously and which nodes will be matched in the future. The first parameter of the supplied function is the history with the most recently matched node in head position. The second parameter is the future with the next matched node in head position.
restrictOverlap  Monad m  (Match  Match  Bool)  PatternT n m a  PatternT n m a
restrictOverlap c p = PatternT $ \h  do
	(h',x)  patternT p h
	require (c h h')
	return (h',x)
-- TODO: the check is only done after the whole pattern has matched (maybe do the check more often inbetween?)

-- | Nodes in the future may not be matched more than once.
linear  Monad m  PatternT n m a  PatternT n m a
linear = restrictOverlap $ \hist future  isLinear Set.empty future where
	isLinear left [] = True
	isLinear left (r:rs) = not (r `Set.member` left)  isLinear (r `Set.insert` left) rs