graphite- Graphs and networks library

Safe HaskellNone




Visualize graphs

plotUGraph :: (Hashable v, Ord v, PrintDot v, Show v, Show e) => UGraph v e -> IO ThreadId Source #

Plot an undirected UGraph

plotDGraph :: (Hashable v, Ord v, PrintDot v, Show v, Show e) => DGraph v e -> IO ThreadId Source #

Plot a directed DGraph

Render edge attributes

plotUGraphEdged :: (Hashable v, Ord v, PrintDot v, Show v, Show e) => UGraph v e -> IO ThreadId Source #

Same as plotUGraph but render edge attributes

plotDGraphEdged :: (Hashable v, Ord v, PrintDot v, Show v, Show e) => DGraph v e -> IO ThreadId Source #

Same as plotDGraph but render edge attributes

Render to PNG

plotUGraphPng :: (Hashable v, Ord v, PrintDot v, Show v, Show e) => UGraph v e -> FilePath -> IO FilePath Source #

Plot an undirected UGraph to a PNG image file

plotDGraphPng :: (Hashable v, Ord v, PrintDot v, Show v, Show e) => DGraph v e -> FilePath -> IO FilePath Source #

Plot a directed DGraph to a PNG image file