{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-} -- | Description: Literal GraphQL values module GraphQL.Internal.Value ( Value , Value'(..) , ConstScalar , UnresolvedVariableValue , pattern ValueInt , pattern ValueFloat , pattern ValueBoolean , pattern ValueString , pattern ValueEnum , pattern ValueList , pattern ValueObject , pattern ValueNull , toObject , valueToAST , astToVariableValue , variableValueToAST , List , List'(..) , String(..) -- * Names , Name(..) , NameError(..) , makeName -- * Objects , Object , Object'(..) , ObjectField , ObjectField'(ObjectField) -- ** Constructing , makeObject , objectFromList , objectFromOrderedMap -- ** Combining , unionObjects -- ** Querying , objectFields ) where import Protolude import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import Data.Aeson (ToJSON(..), (.=), pairs) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary(..), Gen, oneof, listOf, sized) import GraphQL.Internal.Arbitrary (arbitraryText) import GraphQL.Internal.Name (Name(..), NameError(..), makeName) import GraphQL.Internal.Syntax.AST (Variable) import qualified GraphQL.Internal.Syntax.AST as AST import GraphQL.Internal.OrderedMap (OrderedMap) import qualified GraphQL.Internal.OrderedMap as OrderedMap -- * Values -- | A GraphQL value. @scalar@ represents the type of scalar that's contained -- within this value. -- -- Normally, it is one of either 'ConstScalar' (to indicate that there are no -- variables whatsoever) or 'VariableScalar' (to indicate that there might be -- some variables). data Value' scalar = ValueScalar' scalar | ValueList' (List' scalar) | ValueObject' (Object' scalar) deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Functor) instance Foldable Value' where foldMap f (ValueScalar' scalar) = f scalar foldMap f (ValueList' values) = foldMap f values foldMap f (ValueObject' obj) = foldMap f obj instance Traversable Value' where traverse f (ValueScalar' x) = ValueScalar' <$> f x traverse f (ValueList' xs) = ValueList' <$> traverse f xs traverse f (ValueObject' xs) = ValueObject' <$> traverse f xs instance ToJSON scalar => ToJSON (Value' scalar) where toJSON (ValueScalar' x) = toJSON x toJSON (ValueList' x) = toJSON x toJSON (ValueObject' x) = toJSON x instance Arbitrary scalar => Arbitrary (Value' scalar) where -- | Generate an arbitrary value. Uses the generator's \"size\" property to -- determine maximum object depth. arbitrary = sized genValue -- | Generate an arbitrary value, with objects at most @n@ levels deep. genValue :: Arbitrary scalar => Int -> Gen (Value' scalar) genValue n | n <= 0 = arbitrary | otherwise = oneof [ ValueScalar' <$> arbitrary , ValueObject' <$> genObject (n - 1) , ValueList' . List' <$> listOf (genValue (n - 1)) ] -- | A GraphQL value which contains no variables. type Value = Value' ConstScalar -- TODO: These next two definitions are quite internal. We should move this -- module to Internal and then re-export the bits that end-users will use. -- -- | A GraphQL value which might contain some variables. These variables are -- not yet associated with -- (see also 'GraphQL.Internal.Validation.VariableDefinition'), -- which are provided in a different context. type UnresolvedVariableValue = Value' UnresolvedVariableScalar pattern ValueInt :: Int32 -> Value pattern ValueInt x = ValueScalar' (ConstInt x) pattern ValueFloat :: Double -> Value pattern ValueFloat x = ValueScalar' (ConstFloat x) pattern ValueBoolean :: Bool -> Value pattern ValueBoolean x = ValueScalar' (ConstBoolean x) pattern ValueString :: String -> Value pattern ValueString x = ValueScalar' (ConstString x) pattern ValueEnum :: Name -> Value pattern ValueEnum x = ValueScalar' (ConstEnum x) pattern ValueList :: forall t. List' t -> Value' t pattern ValueList x = ValueList' x pattern ValueObject :: forall t. Object' t -> Value' t pattern ValueObject x = ValueObject' x pattern ValueNull :: Value pattern ValueNull = ValueScalar' ConstNull -- | If a value is an object, return just that. Otherwise @Nothing@. toObject :: Value' scalar -> Maybe (Object' scalar) toObject (ValueObject' o) = pure o toObject _ = empty -- * Scalars -- | A non-variable value which contains no other values. data ConstScalar = ConstInt Int32 | ConstFloat Double | ConstBoolean Bool | ConstString String | ConstEnum Name | ConstNull deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) instance ToJSON ConstScalar where toJSON (ConstInt x) = toJSON x toJSON (ConstFloat x) = toJSON x toJSON (ConstBoolean x) = toJSON x toJSON (ConstString x) = toJSON x toJSON (ConstEnum x) = toJSON x toJSON ConstNull = Aeson.Null -- | A value which contains no other values, and might be a variable that -- might lack a definition. type UnresolvedVariableScalar = Either Variable ConstScalar -- | Generate an arbitrary scalar value. instance Arbitrary ConstScalar where arbitrary = oneof [ ConstInt <$> arbitrary , ConstFloat <$> arbitrary , ConstBoolean <$> arbitrary , ConstString <$> arbitrary , ConstEnum <$> arbitrary , pure ConstNull ] -- | Convert a constant scalar to an AST.Value constScalarToAST :: ConstScalar -> AST.Value constScalarToAST scalar = case scalar of ConstInt x -> AST.ValueInt x ConstFloat x -> AST.ValueFloat x ConstBoolean x -> AST.ValueBoolean x ConstString (String x) -> AST.ValueString (AST.StringValue x) ConstEnum x -> AST.ValueEnum x ConstNull -> AST.ValueNull -- | Convert a variable scalar to an AST.Value variableToAST :: UnresolvedVariableScalar -> AST.Value variableToAST (Left variable) = AST.ValueVariable variable variableToAST (Right constant) = constScalarToAST constant -- | Convert a value from the AST into a variable scalar, presuming it /is/ a -- scalar. astToScalar :: AST.Value -> Maybe UnresolvedVariableScalar astToScalar (AST.ValueInt x) = pure $ Right $ ConstInt x astToScalar (AST.ValueFloat x) = pure $ Right $ ConstFloat x astToScalar (AST.ValueBoolean x) = pure $ Right $ ConstBoolean x astToScalar (AST.ValueString (AST.StringValue x)) = pure $ Right $ ConstString (String x) astToScalar (AST.ValueEnum x) = pure $ Right $ ConstEnum x astToScalar AST.ValueNull = pure $ Right ConstNull astToScalar (AST.ValueVariable x) = pure $ Left x astToScalar _ = empty -- * Strings newtype String = String Text deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) instance Arbitrary String where arbitrary = String <$> arbitraryText instance ToJSON String where toJSON (String x) = toJSON x -- * Lists newtype List' scalar = List' [Value' scalar] deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Functor) instance Foldable List' where foldMap f (List' values) = mconcat (map (foldMap f) values) instance Traversable List' where traverse f (List' xs) = List' <$> traverse (traverse f) xs -- | A list of values that are known to be constants. -- -- Note that this list might not be valid GraphQL, because GraphQL only allows -- homogeneous lists (i.e. all elements of the same type), and we do no type -- checking at this point. type List = List' ConstScalar instance Arbitrary scalar => Arbitrary (List' scalar) where -- TODO: GraphQL does not allow heterogeneous lists: -- https://facebook.github.io/graphql/#sec-Lists, so this will generate -- invalid lists. arbitrary = List' <$> listOf arbitrary instance ToJSON scalar => ToJSON (List' scalar) where toJSON (List' x) = toJSON x -- * Objects -- | A GraphQL object. -- -- Note that https://facebook.github.io/graphql/#sec-Response calls these -- \"Maps\", but everywhere else in the spec refers to them as objects. newtype Object' scalar = Object' (OrderedMap Name (Value' scalar)) deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Functor) instance Foldable Object' where foldMap f (Object' fieldMap) = foldMap (foldMap f) fieldMap instance Traversable Object' where traverse f (Object' xs) = Object' <$> traverse (traverse f) xs -- | A GraphQL object that contains only non-variable values. type Object = Object' ConstScalar objectFields :: Object' scalar -> [ObjectField' scalar] objectFields (Object' object) = map (uncurry ObjectField') (OrderedMap.toList object) instance Arbitrary scalar => Arbitrary (Object' scalar) where arbitrary = sized genObject -- | Generate an arbitrary object to the given maximum depth. genObject :: Arbitrary scalar => Int -> Gen (Object' scalar) genObject n = Object' <$> OrderedMap.genOrderedMap arbitrary (genValue n) data ObjectField' scalar = ObjectField' Name (Value' scalar) deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Functor) -- | A field of an object that has a non-variable value. type ObjectField = ObjectField' ConstScalar pattern ObjectField :: forall t. Name -> Value' t -> ObjectField' t pattern ObjectField name value = ObjectField' name value instance Arbitrary scalar => Arbitrary (ObjectField' scalar) where arbitrary = ObjectField' <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary -- | Make an object from a list of object fields. makeObject :: [ObjectField' scalar] -> Maybe (Object' scalar) makeObject fields = objectFromList [(name, value) | ObjectField' name value <- fields] -- | Make an object from an ordered map. objectFromOrderedMap :: OrderedMap Name (Value' scalar) -> Object' scalar objectFromOrderedMap = Object' -- | Create an object from a list of (name, value) pairs. objectFromList :: [(Name, Value' scalar)] -> Maybe (Object' scalar) objectFromList xs = Object' <$> OrderedMap.orderedMap xs unionObjects :: [Object' scalar] -> Maybe (Object' scalar) unionObjects objects = Object' <$> OrderedMap.unions [obj | Object' obj <- objects] instance ToJSON scalar => ToJSON (Object' scalar) where -- Direct encoding to preserve order of keys / values toJSON (Object' xs) = toJSON (Map.fromList [(unName k, v) | (k, v) <- OrderedMap.toList xs]) toEncoding (Object' xs) = pairs (foldMap (\(k, v) -> toS (unName k) .= v) (OrderedMap.toList xs)) -- * Conversion to and from AST. -- | Convert an AST value into a literal value. -- -- This is a stop-gap until we have proper conversion of user queries into -- canonical forms. astToValue' :: (AST.Value -> scalar) -> AST.Value -> Maybe (Value' scalar) astToValue' f x@(AST.ValueInt _) = pure (ValueScalar' (f x)) astToValue' f x@(AST.ValueFloat _) = pure (ValueScalar' (f x)) astToValue' f x@(AST.ValueBoolean _) = pure (ValueScalar' (f x)) astToValue' f x@(AST.ValueString (AST.StringValue _)) = pure (ValueScalar' (f x)) astToValue' f x@(AST.ValueEnum _) = pure (ValueScalar' (f x)) astToValue' f AST.ValueNull = pure (ValueScalar' (f AST.ValueNull)) astToValue' f x@(AST.ValueVariable _) = pure (ValueScalar' (f x)) astToValue' f (AST.ValueList (AST.ListValue xs)) = ValueList' . List' <$> traverse (astToValue' f) xs astToValue' f (AST.ValueObject (AST.ObjectValue fields)) = do fields' <- traverse toObjectField fields object <- makeObject fields' pure (ValueObject' object) where toObjectField (AST.ObjectField name value) = ObjectField' name <$> astToValue' f value -- | Convert an AST value to a variable value. -- -- Will fail if the AST value contains duplicate object fields, or is -- otherwise invalid. astToVariableValue :: HasCallStack => AST.Value -> Maybe UnresolvedVariableValue astToVariableValue ast = astToValue' convertScalar ast where convertScalar x = case astToScalar x of Just scalar -> scalar Nothing -> panic ("Non-scalar passed to convertScalar, bug in astToValue': " <> show x) -- | Convert a value to an AST value. valueToAST :: Value -> AST.Value valueToAST = valueToAST' constScalarToAST -- | Convert a variable value to an AST value. variableValueToAST :: UnresolvedVariableValue -> AST.Value variableValueToAST = valueToAST' variableToAST -- | Convert a literal value into an AST value. -- -- Nulls are converted into Nothing. -- -- This function probably isn't particularly useful, but it functions as a -- stop-gap until we have QuickCheck generators for the AST. valueToAST' :: (scalar -> AST.Value) -> Value' scalar -> AST.Value valueToAST' f (ValueScalar' x) = f x valueToAST' f (ValueList' (List' xs)) = AST.ValueList (AST.ListValue (map (valueToAST' f) xs)) valueToAST' f (ValueObject' (Object' fields)) = AST.ValueObject (AST.ObjectValue (map toObjectField (OrderedMap.toList fields))) where toObjectField (name, value) = AST.ObjectField name (valueToAST' f value)