{- |
   Module      : Data.GraphViz
   Description : GraphViz bindings for Haskell.
   Copyright   : (c) Matthew Sackman, Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
   License     : 3-Clause BSD-style
   Maintainer  : Ivan.Miljenovic@gmail.com

   This is the top-level module for the graphviz library.  It provides
   functions to convert 'Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph.Graph's into
   the /Dot/ language used by the /GraphViz/ program (as well as a
   limited ability to perform the reverse operation).

   Information about GraphViz and the Dot language can be found at:

module Data.GraphViz
    ( graphToDot
    , clusterGraphToDot
    , graphToGraph
    , dotizeGraph
    , NodeCluster(..)
    , AttributeNode
    , AttributeEdge
    , module Data.GraphViz.Types
    , module Data.GraphViz.Attributes
    , module Data.GraphViz.Commands
    ) where

import Data.GraphViz.Types
import Data.GraphViz.Types.Clustering
import Data.GraphViz.Attributes
import Data.GraphViz.Commands
import Data.GraphViz.ParserCombinators(runParser)

import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Control.Arrow((&&&))
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import System.IO(hGetContents)
import System.IO.Unsafe(unsafePerformIO)

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Determine if the given graph is undirected or directed.
isUndir   :: (Ord b, Graph g) => g a b -> Bool
isUndir g = all hasFlip es
      es = labEdges g
      eSet = Set.fromList es
      hasFlip e = Set.member (flippedEdge e) eSet
      flippedEdge (f,t,l) = (t,f,l)

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Convert a graph to GraphViz's /Dot/ format.
graphToDot :: (Ord b, Graph gr) => gr a b -> [Attribute]
           -> (LNode a -> [Attribute]) -> (LEdge b -> [Attribute]) -> DotGraph
graphToDot graph gAttributes fmtNode fmtEdge
    = clusterGraphToDot graph gAttributes clusterBy fmtCluster fmtNode fmtEdge
        clusterBy :: LNode a -> NodeCluster () a
        clusterBy = N
        fmtCluster _ = []

-- | Convert a graph to /Dot/ format, using the specified clustering function
--   to group nodes into clusters.
--   Clusters can be nested to arbitrary depth.
clusterGraphToDot :: (Ord c, Ord b, Graph gr) => gr a b
                  -> [Attribute] -> (LNode a -> NodeCluster c a)
                  -> (c -> [Attribute]) -> (LNode a -> [Attribute])
                  -> (LEdge b -> [Attribute]) -> DotGraph
clusterGraphToDot graph gAttrs clusterBy fmtCluster fmtNode fmtEdge
    = DotGraph { strictGraph     = False
               , directedGraph   = dirGraph
               , graphID         = Nothing
               , graphAttributes = gAttrs
               , graphNodes      = ns
               , graphEdges      = es
        dirGraph = not $ isUndir graph
        ns = clustersToNodes clusterBy fmtCluster fmtNode graph
        es = mapMaybe mkDotEdge . labEdges $ graph
        mkDotEdge e@(f,t,_) = if dirGraph || f <= t
                              then Just DotEdge {edgeHeadNodeID = f
                                                ,edgeTailNodeID = t
                                                ,edgeAttributes = fmtEdge e
                                                ,directedEdge = dirGraph}
                              else Nothing

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

type AttributeNode a = ([Attribute], a)
type AttributeEdge b = ([Attribute], b)

-- | Run the graph via dot to get positional information and then
--   combine that information back into the original graph.
--   Note that this doesn't support graphs with clusters.
graphToGraph :: (Ord b, Graph gr) => gr a b -> [Attribute]
                -> (LNode a -> [Attribute]) -> (LEdge b -> [Attribute])
                -> IO (gr (AttributeNode a) (AttributeEdge b))
graphToGraph gr gAttributes fmtNode fmtEdge
    = do output <- graphvizWithHandle command dot DotOutput hGetContents
         let res = fromJust output
         length res `seq` return ()
         return $ rebuildGraphWithAttributes res
      undirected = isUndir gr
      command = if undirected then undirCommand else dirCommand
      dot = graphToDot gr gAttributes fmtNode fmtEdge
      rebuildGraphWithAttributes dotResult = mkGraph lnodes ledges
            lnodes = map (\(n, l) -> (n, (fromJust $ Map.lookup n nodeMap, l)))
                     $ labNodes gr
            ledges = map createEdges $ labEdges gr
            createEdges (f, t, l) = if undirected && f > t
                                    then (f, t, getLabel (t,f))
                                    else (f, t, getLabel (f,t))
                  getLabel c = (fromJust $ Map.lookup c edgeMap, l)
            DotGraph { graphNodes = ns, graphEdges = es}
                = fst . runParser parseDotGraph $ dotResult
            nodeMap = Map.fromList $ map (nodeID &&& nodeAttributes) ns
            edgeMap = Map.fromList $ map (\e -> ( ( edgeTailNodeID e
                                                  , edgeHeadNodeID e)
                                                , edgeAttributes e)
                                         ) es

-- | Pass the plain graph through 'graphToGraph'.  This is an @IO@ action,
--   however since the state doesn't change it's safe to use 'unsafePerformIO'
--   to convert this to a normal function.
dotizeGraph   :: (DynGraph gr, Ord b) => gr a b
              -> gr (AttributeNode a) (AttributeEdge b)
dotizeGraph g = unsafePerformIO
                $ graphToGraph g gAttrs noAttrs noAttrs
      gAttrs = []
      noAttrs = const []