% graphviz - TODO % Ivan Lazar Miljenovic Future Plans for graphviz ========================= This is a list of planned feature improvements to graphviz along with an indication of when it's likely to be implemented (note that these time scales are in relation to releases, not actual time). Short term ---------- * Make the parsers and printers state-based, which means they will be better able to cope with `ColorScheme` and layers better. * Improve the printer and parser performance (to be done whilst making them state-based). * Fix encoding problems: Graphviz uses UTF-8 by default, Latin1 when set; to resolve ambiguities force usage of UTF-8 and remove the option of Latin-1. To do so, will probably use the [text](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/text) library (which will hopefully also improve performance for the previous point). * Quickstart-style documentation to help users get going with graphviz quickly. Medium term ----------- * Improve the test suite such that the generated `DotGraph` and `GDotGraph` values are valid (and thus can be passed to Graphviz proper). This will require the state-based printer and parser from above to be implemented. * Add support for non-visualisation Graphviz tools (e.g. dijkstra and tred). Long term --------- * Allow usage of non-FGL graphs with graphviz. This will require implementing a separate library to represent graphs (see initial discussions about this [here](http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/haskell-cafe/2009-June/063402.html)).