{-# LANGUAGE   MultiParamTypeClasses
             , FlexibleInstances

{- |
   Module      : Data.GraphViz.Types.Generalised.
   Description : Alternate definition of the Graphviz types.
   Copyright   : (c) Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
   License     : 3-Clause BSD-style
   Maintainer  : Ivan.Miljenovic@gmail.com

   This module provides an alternate definition of the types found in
   "Data.GraphViz.Types", in that the ordering constraint found in
   'DotStatements' is no longer present.  All other
   limitations\/constraints are still present however.

   The types here have the same names as those in
   "Data.GraphViz.Types" but with a prefix of @\"G\"@.

   This module is partially experimental, and may change in the
module Data.GraphViz.Types.Generalised
       ( -- * The overall representation of a graph in generalised /Dot/ format.
         -- * Sub-components of a @GDotGraph@.
       , GDotStatements
       , GDotStatement(..)
       , GDotSubGraph(..)
         -- ** Re-exported from @Data.GraphViz.Types@.
       , GraphID(..)
       , GlobalAttributes(..)
       , DotNode(..)
       , DotEdge(..)
         -- * Conversion from a @DotGraph@.
       , generaliseDotGraph
       ) where

import Data.GraphViz.Types hiding ( GraphID(..)
                                  , GlobalAttributes(..)
                                  , DotEdge(..))
import Data.GraphViz.Types.Common
import Data.GraphViz.Types.State
import Data.GraphViz.Parsing
import Data.GraphViz.Printing
import Data.GraphViz.Util(bool)

import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.Sequence(Seq, (><))
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Control.Arrow((&&&))
import Control.Monad(liftM)

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | The internal representation of a generalised graph in Dot form.
data GDotGraph a = GDotGraph { gStrictGraph     :: Bool  -- ^ If 'True', no multiple edges are drawn.
                             , gDirectedGraph   :: Bool
                             , gGraphID         :: Maybe GraphID
                             , gGraphStatements :: GDotStatements a
                 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)

instance (Ord n, PrintDot n, ParseDot n) => DotRepr GDotGraph n where
  getID = gGraphID

  graphIsDirected = gDirectedGraph

  graphIsStrict = gStrictGraph

  makeStrict g = g { gStrictGraph = True }

  setID i g = g { gGraphID = Just i }

  graphStructureInformation = getGraphInfo
                              . statementStructure . gGraphStatements

  nodeInformation wGlobal = getNodeLookup wGlobal
                            . statementNodes . gGraphStatements

  edgeInformation wGlobal = getDotEdges wGlobal
                            . statementEdges . gGraphStatements

instance (PrintDot a) => PrintDot (GDotGraph a) where
  unqtDot = printStmtBased printGraphID' gGraphStatements printGStmts
      printGraphID' = printGraphID gStrictGraph gDirectedGraph gGraphID

instance (ParseDot a) => ParseDot (GDotGraph a) where
    parseUnqt = parseStmtBased parseGStmts (parseGraphID GDotGraph)

    parse = parseUnqt -- Don't want the option of quoting
            (++ "\n\nNot a valid DotGraph")

instance Functor GDotGraph where
    fmap f g = g { gGraphStatements = (fmap . fmap) f $ gGraphStatements g }

-- | Convert a 'DotGraph' to a 'GDotGraph', keeping the same order of
--   statements.
generaliseDotGraph    :: DotGraph a -> GDotGraph a
generaliseDotGraph dg = GDotGraph { gStrictGraph = strictGraph dg
                                  , gDirectedGraph = directedGraph dg
                                  , gGraphID = graphID dg
                                  , gGraphStatements = generaliseStatements
                                                       $ graphStatements dg

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

type GDotStatements a = Seq (GDotStatement a)

printGStmts :: (PrintDot a) => GDotStatements a -> DotCode
printGStmts = toDot . F.toList

parseGStmts :: (ParseDot a) => Parse (GDotStatements a)
parseGStmts = liftM Seq.fromList parse

statementStructure :: GDotStatements a -> GraphState ()
statementStructure = F.mapM_ stmtStructure

statementNodes :: (Ord a) => GDotStatements a -> NodeState a ()
statementNodes = F.mapM_ stmtNodes

statementEdges :: GDotStatements a -> EdgeState a ()
statementEdges = F.mapM_ stmtEdges

generaliseStatements       :: DotStatements a -> GDotStatements a
generaliseStatements stmts = atts >< sgs >< ns >< es
    atts = Seq.fromList . map GA $ attrStmts stmts
    sgs = Seq.fromList . map (SG . generaliseSubGraph) $ subGraphs stmts
    ns = Seq.fromList . map DN $ nodeStmts stmts
    es = Seq.fromList . map DE $ edgeStmts stmts

data GDotStatement a = GA GlobalAttributes
                     | SG (GDotSubGraph a)
                     | DN (DotNode a)
                     | DE (DotEdge a)
                     deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)

instance (PrintDot a) => PrintDot (GDotStatement a) where
  unqtDot (GA ga) = unqtDot ga
  unqtDot (SG sg) = unqtDot sg
  unqtDot (DN dn) = unqtDot dn
  unqtDot (DE de) = unqtDot de

  unqtListToDot = vcat . map unqtDot

  listToDot = unqtListToDot

instance (ParseDot a) => ParseDot (GDotStatement a) where
  parseUnqt = oneOf [ liftM GA parseUnqt
                    , liftM SG parseUnqt
                    , liftM DN parseUnqt
                    , liftM DE parseUnqt

  parse = parseUnqt -- Don't want the option of quoting
          (++ "Not a valid statement")

  parseUnqtList = liftM concat . wrapWhitespace
                  $ parseStatements p
      -- Have to do something special here because of "a -> b -> c"
      -- syntax for edges.
      p = liftM (map DE) parseEdgeLine
          liftM return parse

  parseList = parseUnqtList

instance Functor GDotStatement where
  fmap _ (GA ga) = GA ga -- Have to re-make this to make the type checker happy.
  fmap f (SG sg) = SG $ fmap f sg
  fmap f (DN dn) = DN $ fmap f dn
  fmap f (DE de) = DE $ fmap f de

stmtStructure         :: GDotStatement n -> GraphState ()
stmtStructure (GA ga) = addGraphGlobals ga
stmtStructure (SG sg) = withSubGraphID addSubGraph statementStructure sg
stmtStructure _       = return ()

stmtNodes         :: (Ord a) => GDotStatement a -> NodeState a ()
stmtNodes (GA ga) = addNodeGlobals ga
stmtNodes (SG sg) = withSubGraphID recursiveCall statementNodes sg
stmtNodes (DN dn) = addNode dn
stmtNodes (DE de) = addEdgeNodes de

stmtEdges         :: GDotStatement a -> EdgeState a ()
stmtEdges (GA ga) = addEdgeGlobals ga
stmtEdges (SG sg) = withSubGraphID recursiveCall statementEdges sg
stmtEdges (DE de) = addEdge de
stmtEdges _       = return ()

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

data GDotSubGraph a = GDotSG { gIsCluster     :: Bool
                             , gSubGraphID    :: Maybe GraphID
                             , gSubGraphStmts :: GDotStatements a
                    deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)

instance (PrintDot a) => PrintDot (GDotSubGraph a) where
  unqtDot = printStmtBased printSubGraphID' gSubGraphStmts printGStmts

  unqtListToDot = printStmtBasedList printSubGraphID' gSubGraphStmts printGStmts

  listToDot = unqtListToDot

printSubGraphID' :: GDotSubGraph a -> DotCode
printSubGraphID' = printSubGraphID (gIsCluster &&& gSubGraphID)

instance (ParseDot a) => ParseDot (GDotSubGraph a) where
  parseUnqt = parseStmtBased parseGStmts (parseSubGraphID GDotSG)
              -- Take anonymous GDotSubGraphs into account
              liftM (GDotSG False Nothing) (parseBracesBased parseGStmts)

  parse = parseUnqt -- Don't want the option of quoting
          (++ "\n\nNot a valid Sub Graph")

  parseUnqtList = sepBy (whitespace' >> parseUnqt) newline'

  parseList = parseUnqtList

instance Functor GDotSubGraph where
    fmap f sg = sg { gSubGraphStmts = (fmap . fmap) f $ gSubGraphStmts sg }

generaliseSubGraph                       :: DotSubGraph a -> GDotSubGraph a
generaliseSubGraph (DotSG isC mID stmts) = GDotSG { gIsCluster     = isC
                                                  , gSubGraphID    = mID
                                                  , gSubGraphStmts = stmts'
    stmts' = generaliseStatements stmts

withSubGraphID        :: (Maybe (Maybe GraphID) -> b -> a)
                         -> (GDotStatements n -> b) -> GDotSubGraph n -> a
withSubGraphID f g sg = f mid . g $ gSubGraphStmts sg
    mid = bool Nothing (Just $ gSubGraphID sg) $ gIsCluster sg