{- |
   Module      : Data.GraphViz
   Description : GraphViz bindings for Haskell.
   Copyright   : (c) Matthew Sackman, Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
   License     : 3-Clause BSD-style
   Maintainer  : Ivan.Miljenovic@gmail.com

   This is the top-level module for the graphviz library.  It provides
   functions to convert 'Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph.Graph's into the
   /Dot/ language used by the /GraphViz/ suite of programs (as well as
   a limited ability to perform the reverse operation).

   Information about GraphViz and the Dot language can be found at:

   Commands for converting graphs to Dot format have two options: one
   in which the user specifies whether the graph is directed or
   undirected, and a primed version which attempts to automatically
   infer if the graph is directed or not.  Note that these conversion
   functions assume that undirected graphs have every edge being
   duplicated (or at least that if there exists an edge from /n1/ to
   /n2/, then /n1 <= n2/).
module Data.GraphViz
    ( -- * Conversion from graphs to /Dot/ format.
    , graphToDot'
      -- ** Conversion with support for clusters.
    , NodeCluster(..)
    , clusterGraphToDot
    , clusterGraphToDot'
      -- * Passing the graph through GraphViz.
      -- ** Type aliases for @Node@ and @Edge@ labels.
    , AttributeNode
    , AttributeEdge
      -- ** For normal graphs.
    , graphToGraph
    , graphToGraph'
    , dotizeGraph
    , dotizeGraph'
      -- ** For clustered graphs.
    , clusterGraphToGraph
    , clusterGraphToGraph'
    , dotizeClusterGraph
    , dotizeClusterGraph'
      -- * Re-exporting other modules.
    , module Data.GraphViz.Types
    , module Data.GraphViz.Attributes
    , module Data.GraphViz.Commands
    ) where

import Data.GraphViz.Types
import Data.GraphViz.Types.Clustering
import Data.GraphViz.Attributes
import Data.GraphViz.Commands

import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Control.Arrow((&&&))
import Data.Maybe(mapMaybe, fromJust)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import System.IO(hGetContents)
import System.IO.Unsafe(unsafePerformIO)

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Determine if the given graph is undirected.
isUndirected   :: (Ord b, Graph g) => g a b -> Bool
isUndirected g = all hasFlip es
      es = labEdges g
      eSet = Set.fromList es
      hasFlip e = Set.member (flippedEdge e) eSet
      flippedEdge (f,t,l) = (t,f,l)

-- | Determine if the given graph is directed.
isDirected :: (Ord b, Graph g) => g a b -> Bool
isDirected = not . isUndirected

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Convert a graph to GraphViz's /Dot/ format.  The 'Bool' value is
--   'True' for directed graphs, 'False' otherwise.
graphToDot :: (Graph gr) => Bool -> gr a b -> [GlobalAttributes]
              -> (LNode a -> Attributes) -> (LEdge b -> Attributes)
              -> DotGraph Node
graphToDot isDir graph gAttributes
    = clusterGraphToDot isDir graph gAttributes clustBy cID fmtClust
        clustBy :: LNode a -> NodeCluster () a
        clustBy = N
        cID = const Nothing
        fmtClust = const []

-- | Convert a graph to GraphViz's /Dot/ format with automatic
--   direction detection.
graphToDot'       :: (Ord b, Graph gr) => gr a b -> [GlobalAttributes]
                     -> (LNode a -> Attributes) -> (LEdge b -> Attributes)
                     -> DotGraph Node
graphToDot' graph = graphToDot (isDirected graph) graph

-- | Convert a graph to /Dot/ format, using the specified clustering function
--   to group nodes into clusters.
--   Clusters can be nested to arbitrary depth.
--   The 'Bool' argument is 'True' for directed graphs, 'False' otherwise.
clusterGraphToDot :: (Ord c, Graph gr) => Bool -> gr a b
                     -> [GlobalAttributes] -> (LNode a -> NodeCluster c a)
                     -> (c -> Maybe GraphID) -> (c -> [GlobalAttributes])
                     -> (LNode a -> Attributes) -> (LEdge b -> Attributes)
                     -> DotGraph Node
clusterGraphToDot dirGraph graph gAttrs clusterBy cID fmtCluster fmtNode fmtEdge
    = DotGraph { strictGraph     = False
               , directedGraph   = dirGraph
               , graphID         = Nothing
               , graphStatements = stmts
        stmts = DotStmts { attrStmts = gAttrs
                         , subGraphs = cs
                         , nodeStmts = ns
                         , edgeStmts = es
        (cs, ns) = clustersToNodes clusterBy cID fmtCluster fmtNode graph
        es = mapMaybe mkDotEdge . labEdges $ graph
        mkDotEdge e@(f,t,_) = if dirGraph || f <= t
                              then Just DotEdge { edgeFromNodeID = f
                                                , edgeToNodeID   = t
                                                , edgeAttributes = fmtEdge e
                                                , directedEdge   = dirGraph
                              else Nothing

-- | Convert a graph to /Dot/ format, using the specified clustering function
--   to group nodes into clusters.
--   Clusters can be nested to arbitrary depth.
--   Graph direction is automatically inferred.
clusterGraphToDot'    :: (Ord c, Ord b, Graph gr) => gr a b
                         -> [GlobalAttributes] -> (LNode a -> NodeCluster c a)
                         -> (c -> Maybe GraphID) -> (c -> [GlobalAttributes])
                         -> (LNode a -> Attributes) -> (LEdge b -> Attributes)
                         -> DotGraph Node
clusterGraphToDot' gr = clusterGraphToDot (isDirected gr) gr

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

type AttributeNode a = (Attributes, a)
type AttributeEdge b = (Attributes, b)

-- | Run the appropriate GraphViz command on the graph to get
--   positional information and then combine that information back
--   into the original graph.  Note that for the edge information to
--   be parsed properly when using multiple edges, each edge between
--   two nodes needs to have a unique label.
--   The 'Bool' argument is 'True' for directed graphs, 'False'
--   otherwise.  Directed graphs are passed through /dot/, and
--   undirected graphs through /neato/.
graphToGraph :: (Graph gr) => Bool -> gr a b -> [GlobalAttributes]
                -> (LNode a -> Attributes) -> (LEdge b -> Attributes)
                -> IO (gr (AttributeNode a) (AttributeEdge b))
graphToGraph isDir gr gAttributes fmtNode fmtEdge
    = dotAttributes isDir gr dot
      dot = graphToDot isDir gr gAttributes fmtNode fmtEdge

dotAttributes :: (Graph gr) => Bool -> gr a b -> DotGraph Node
                 -> IO (gr (AttributeNode a) (AttributeEdge b))
dotAttributes isDir gr dot
    = do output <- graphvizWithHandle command dot DotOutput hGetContents
         let res = fromJust output
         length res `seq` return ()
         return $ rebuildGraphWithAttributes res
      command = if isDir then dirCommand else undirCommand
      rebuildGraphWithAttributes dotResult = mkGraph lnodes ledges
            lnodes = map (\(n, l) -> (n, (fromJust $ Map.lookup n nodeMap, l)))
                     $ labNodes gr
            ledges = map createEdges $ labEdges gr
            createEdges (f, t, l) = if isDir || f <= t
                                    then (f, t, getLabel (f,t))
                                    else (f, t, getLabel (t,f))
                  getLabel c = (fromJust $ Map.lookup c edgeMap, l)
            g' = parseDotGraph dotResult
            ns = graphNodes g'
            es = graphEdges g'
            nodeMap = Map.fromList $ map (nodeID &&& nodeAttributes) ns
            edgeMap = Map.fromList $ map ( (edgeFromNodeID &&& edgeToNodeID)
                                           &&& edgeAttributes) es

-- | Run the appropriate GraphViz command on the graph to get
--   positional information and then combine that information back
--   into the original graph.
--   Graph direction is automatically inferred.
graphToGraph'    :: (Ord b, Graph gr) => gr a b -> [GlobalAttributes]
                    -> (LNode a -> Attributes) -> (LEdge b -> Attributes)
                    -> IO (gr (AttributeNode a) (AttributeEdge b))
graphToGraph' gr = graphToGraph (isDirected gr) gr

-- | Run the appropriate GraphViz command on the clustered graph to
--   get positional information and then combine that information back
--   into the original graph.  Note that for the edge information to
--   be parsed properly when using multiple edges, each edge between
--   two nodes needs to have a unique label.
--   The 'Bool' argument is 'True' for directed graphs, 'False'
--   otherwise.  Directed graphs are passed through /dot/, and
--   undirected graphs through /neato/.
clusterGraphToGraph :: (Ord c, Graph gr) => Bool -> gr a b
                       -> [GlobalAttributes] -> (LNode a -> NodeCluster c a)
                       -> (c -> Maybe GraphID) -> (c -> [GlobalAttributes])
                       -> (LNode a -> Attributes) -> (LEdge b -> Attributes)
                       -> IO (gr (AttributeNode a) (AttributeEdge b))
clusterGraphToGraph isDir gr gAtts clBy cID fmtClust fmtNode fmtEdge
    = dotAttributes isDir gr dot
      dot = clusterGraphToDot isDir gr gAtts clBy cID fmtClust fmtNode fmtEdge

-- | Run the appropriate GraphViz command on the clustered graph to
--   get positional information and then combine that information back
--   into the original graph.
--   Graph direction is automatically inferred.
clusterGraphToGraph'    :: (Ord b, Ord c, Graph gr) => gr a b
                           -> [GlobalAttributes] -> (LNode a -> NodeCluster c a)
                           -> (c -> Maybe GraphID) -> (c -> [GlobalAttributes])
                           -> (LNode a -> Attributes) -> (LEdge b -> Attributes)
                           -> IO (gr (AttributeNode a) (AttributeEdge b))
clusterGraphToGraph' gr = clusterGraphToGraph (isDirected gr) gr

-- | Pass the graph through 'graphToGraph' with no 'Attribute's.  This
--   is an @'IO'@ action, however since the state doesn't change it's
--   safe to use 'unsafePerformIO' to convert this to a normal
--   function.
--   The 'Bool' argument is 'True' for directed graphs, 'False'
--   otherwise.  Directed graphs are passed through /dot/, and
--   undirected graphs through /neato/.
dotizeGraph         :: (Graph gr) => Bool -> gr a b
                       -> gr (AttributeNode a) (AttributeEdge b)
dotizeGraph isDir g = unsafePerformIO
                      $ graphToGraph isDir g gAttrs noAttrs noAttrs
      gAttrs = []
      noAttrs = const []

-- | Pass the graph through 'graphToGraph' with no 'Attribute's.  This
--   is an @'IO'@ action, however since the state doesn't change it's
--   safe to use 'unsafePerformIO' to convert this to a normal
--   function.
--   The graph direction is automatically inferred.
dotizeGraph'   :: (Graph gr, Ord b) => gr a b
                  -> gr (AttributeNode a) (AttributeEdge b)
dotizeGraph' g = dotizeGraph (isDirected g) g

-- | Pass the clustered graph through 'clusterGraphToGraph' with no
--   'Attribute's.  This is an @'IO'@ action, however since the state
--   doesn't change it's safe to use 'unsafePerformIO' to convert this
--   to a normal function.
--   The 'Bool' argument is 'True' for directed graphs, 'False'
--   otherwise.  Directed graphs are passed through /dot/, and
--   undirected graphs through /neato/.
dotizeClusterGraph                 :: (Ord c, Graph gr) => Bool -> gr a b
                                      -> (LNode a -> NodeCluster c a)
                                      -> gr (AttributeNode a) (AttributeEdge b)
dotizeClusterGraph isDir g clustBy = unsafePerformIO
                                     $ clusterGraphToGraph isDir   g
                                                           gAttrs  clustBy
                                                           cID     cAttrs
                                                           noAttrs noAttrs
      gAttrs = []
      cID = const Nothing
      cAttrs = const gAttrs
      noAttrs = const []

-- | Pass the clustered graph through 'graphToGraph' with no
--   'Attribute's.  This is an @'IO'@ action, however since the state
--   doesn't change it's safe to use 'unsafePerformIO' to convert this
--   to a normal function.
--   The graph direction is automatically inferred.
dotizeClusterGraph'   :: (Ord b, Ord c, Graph gr) => gr a b
                         -> (LNode a -> NodeCluster c a)
                         -> gr (AttributeNode a) (AttributeEdge b)
dotizeClusterGraph' g = dotizeClusterGraph (isDirected g) g