
## Description Recyle your clipboard selections with greenclip and don't waste your time anymore to reselect things other and other. **Purpose :** Keeps track of your history of selections to quickly switch between them **Demo :** **Installation :** 1. It's a static binary so drop it anywhere in your $PATH env ```wget https://github.com/erebe/greenclip/releases/download/1.3/greenclip``` Alternatively if you are using Archlinux you can install the package from AUR ``pacman -S greenclip`` PS: If you want, you can add a permanent list of selections to be added to your current history. Go see the config file **Usage :** Greenclip is intended to be used with [rofi](https://github.com/DaveDavenport/rofi) 1. Spawn the daemon ``` greenclip daemon ``` 2. When ever you need to get your selections history ``` rofi -modi "clipboard:greenclip print" -show clipboard ``` 3. The entry that you have selected will be in your clipboard now 4. Configuration file can be found in ```.config/greenclip.cfg``` **Compilation :** 1. Get [stack](https://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/README/) for Haskell 2. stack init && stack install